- This method is currently in the testing phase and is not suitable for production deployment.
- Now supports AMD64/ARM64 architecture.
- 中文文档
Omnibus CSGHub is a way for OpenCSG to quickly deploy CSGHub using Docker, mainly for rapid functional experience and testing. The Docker deployment method allows users to deploy CSGHub on local computers at a lower cost. This deployment method is very suitable for proof of concept and testing, allowing users to immediately access the core functions of CSGHub (including models, dataset management, space application creation, and model inference and fine-tuning (GPU required)).
- Quick configuration: Supports one-click deployment and quick start.
- Unified management: Supports integrated model, dataset, space application management, and built-in multi-source synchronization function.
- Simple operation: Supports model inference, fine-tune instance quick start.
- The host used for deployment has Docker Desktop or Docker Engine installed.
- The operating system is Linux, macOS, Windows, and the configuration is not less than 4c8g.
- Fine-tune instances requires GPU (currently only supports NVIDIA)
- HTTPS access configuration is not supported yet, you can adjust the Nginx configuration in the container yourself.
- If
are modified, it is recommended to delete the persistent data directory and recreate it.- Cloud server
SERVER_DOMAIN = <external public ip>
- Please make sure that your local IP address segment and the docker default address segment ( do not overlap. If they overlap, please try changing the local network connection (for example, changing the Ethernet network).
Please replace
<your ip address>
with your host IPv4 address. -
To view the IPv4 address, enter the following command in the terminal command line:
ip -4 -o addr show $(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $5}')
Quick start without data persistence volumes
export SERVER_DOMAIN=$(ip addr show $(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $5}') | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) export SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d \ --name omnibus-csghub \ --hostname omnibus-csghub \ -p ${SERVER_PORT}:80 \ -p 2222:2222 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=${SERVER_DOMAIN} \ -e SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} \
Normal startup with persistent data volumes
export SERVER_DOMAIN=$(ip addr show $(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $5}') | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) export SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d \ --name omnibus-csghub \ --hostname omnibus-csghub \ -p ${SERVER_PORT}:80 \ -p 2222:2222 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -v /srv/csghub/data:/var/opt \ -v /srv/csghub/log:/var/log \ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=${SERVER_DOMAIN} \ -e SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} \
To deploy with Docker Desktop, please enable Rosetta. The method to enable it is as follows:
>Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
Please replace
<your ip address>
with your host IPv4 address. -
To view the IPv4 address, enter the following command in the terminal command line:
ipconfig getifaddr $(route get default | grep interface | awk '{print $2}')
Note: Rosetta runs Slightly slower. Before version v1.2.0, container running in Rosetta mode will prompt
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
. Just ignore it.-
Manually pull the image
docker pull
Quick start without data persistence volumes
export SERVER_DOMAIN=$(ipconfig getifaddr $(route get default | grep interface | awk '{print $2}')) export SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d \ --name omnibus-csghub \ --hostname omnibus-csghub \ -p ${SERVER_PORT}:80 \ -p 2222:2222 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=${SERVER_DOMAIN} \ -e SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} \
Normal startup with persistent data volumes
export SERVER_DOMAIN=$(ipconfig getifaddr $(route get default | grep interface | awk '{print $2}')) export SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d \ --name omnibus-csghub \ --hostname omnibus-csghub \ -p ${SERVER_PORT}:80 \ -p 2222:2222 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -v ~/Documents/csghub/data:/var/opt \ -v ~/Documents/csghub/log:/var/log \ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=${SERVER_DOMAIN} \ -e SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} \
Please replace
<your ip address>
with your host IPv4 address. -
To view the IPv4 address:
Use the key combination
Win + R
, entercmd
, and after the window opens, enteripconfig
to obtain the IPv4 address.
$env:SERVER_DOMAIN = ((Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4)[0].IPAddress) $env:SERVER_PORT = "80" docker run -it -d ` --name omnibus-csghub ` --hostname omnibus-csghub ` -p ${env:SERVER_PORT}:80 ` -p 2222:2222 ` -p 8000:8000 ` -p 9000:9000 ` -e SERVER_DOMAIN=$env:SERVER_DOMAIN ` -e SERVER_PORT=$env:SERVER_PORT `
for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %i in ('ipconfig ^| findstr /C:"以太网适配器" /C:"IPv4 地址"') do ( set "tempIpv4=%i" set SERVER_DOMAIN=%tempIpv4:~1% ) set SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d ^ --name omnibus-csghub ^ --hostname omnibus-csghub ^ -p %SERVER_PORT%:80 ^ -p 2222:2222 ^ -p 8000:8000 ^ -p 9000:9000 ^ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=%SERVER_DOMAIN% ^ -e SERVER_PORT=%SERVER_PORT% ^
Please refer to the Linux deployment method.
General installation (Space, model inference & fine-tuning features can be used (requires NVIDIA GPU))
- A Kubernetes cluster with Knative Serving deployed is required.
- For other precautions, see the Quick Installation section.
Quickly configure the k8s cluster
curl -sfL | bash -s # If enable NVIDIA GPU curl -sfL | ENABLE_NVIDIA_GPU=true bash -s
Configure Docker
# Add insecure registry cat <<EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json { "insecure-registries": ["<your ip address>:5000"] } EOF # Restart docker systemctl restart docker
Install CSGHub
export SERVER_DOMAIN=$(ip addr show $(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $5}') | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) export SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d \ --name omnibus-csghub \ --hostname omnibus-csghub \ -p ${SERVER_PORT}:80 \ -p 2222:2222 \ -p 5000:5000 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -v /srv/csghub/data:/var/opt \ -v /srv/csghub/log:/var/log \ -v ~/.kube:/etc/.kube \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=${SERVER_DOMAIN} \ -e SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} \
Please configure Kubernetes cluster yourself and make sure the file
exists. Then use a command similar to the following to install it:export SERVER_DOMAIN=$(ipconfig getifaddr $(route get default | grep interface | awk '{print $2}')) export SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d \ --name omnibus-csghub \ --hostname omnibus-csghub \ -p ${SERVER_PORT}:80 \ -p 2222:2222 \ -p 5000:5000 \ -p 8000:8000 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -v ~/Documents/csghub/data:/var/opt \ -v ~/Documents/csghub/log:/var/log \ -v ~/.kube:/etc/.kube \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=${SERVER_DOMAIN} \ -e SERVER_PORT=${SERVER_PORT} \
The following commands are for reference only. Please configure according to your actual situation.
$env:SERVER_DOMAIN = ((Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4)[0].IPAddress) $env:SERVER_PORT = "80" docker run -it -d ` --name omnibus-csghub ` --hostname omnibus-csghub ` -p ${env:SERVER_PORT}:80 ` -p 2222:2222 ` -p 5000:5000 ` -p 8000:8000 ` -p 9000:9000 ` -v $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\csghub\data:/var/opt ` -v $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\csghub\log:/var/log ` -v $env:USERPROFILE\.kube:/etc/.kube ` -v DOCKER_HOST=<YOUR DOCKER SERVER> ` -e SERVER_DOMAIN=$env:SERVER_DOMAIN ` -e SERVER_PORT=$env:SERVER_PORT `
for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %i in ('ipconfig ^| findstr /C:"以太网适配器" /C:"IPv4 地址"') do ( set "tempIpv4=%i" set SERVER_DOMAIN=%tempIpv4:~1% ) set SERVER_PORT=80 docker run -it -d ^ --name omnibus-csghub ^ --hostname omnibus-csghub ^ -p %SERVER_PORT%:80 ^ -p 2222:2222 ^ -p 5000:5000 ^ -p 8000:8000 ^ -p 9000:9000 ^ -v %USERPROFILE%\Documents\csghub\data:/var/opt ^ -v %USERPROFILE%\Documents\csghub\log:/var/log ^ -v %USERPROFILE%\.kube:/etc/.kube ^ -e DOCKER_HOST=<YOUR DOCKER SERVER> ^ -e SERVER_DOMAIN=%SERVER_DOMAIN% ^ -e SERVER_PORT=%SERVER_PORT% ^
Please refer to Linux deployment method.
After the above deployment is successful, use the following method to access:
Access address: http://<SERVER_DOMAIN>:<SERVER_PORT>
, for example
Default administrator: root
Default password: Root@1234
Currently, a simple command line tool is provided for restarting services and viewing logs separately.
Service Managemnet
# View all services status csghub-ctl status # View all jobs status # EXITED is expected status csghub-ctl jobs # Restart a service csghub-ctl restart nginx
# View all service logs in real time csghub-ctl tail # View a service log in real time csghub-ctl tail nginx
All other command options are inherited from supervisorctl.
CSGHub provides several key functions:
Model hosting:
Currently supports model hosting, easy upload and management of models.
Supports creating inference and fine-tuning instances (NVIDIA GPU required).
Multi-source synchronization is enabled by default, and multi-source synchronization will automatically start after startup (synchronization takes a while to complete).
Dataset hosting:
- Simplified tools for processing datasets, ideal for rapid testing and verification.
Application hosting:
- Quickly create large model applications through custom programs and model combinations.
If you are not using or need to rebuild the container, you can do the following:
docker rm -f omnibus-csghub
If you also need to uninstall the k8s environment, you can do the following: