Ogi https://github.com/OpenChaos/ogi
is an OpenSource project licensed under Apache License 2.0.
Contributions in terms of code or documentation is appreciated as a PR. You can also report an issue or raise a feature request using Github issues.
Here are our contribution guidelines with some more details:
- Check if similar issues haven't been already reported. If there is one, reach out on the existing issue thread.
- Describe your issue/request in simple and precise structure.
- For an issue, inlude clear
way to reproduce the bug
. For feature request, include a simple example if possible. - Make sure the title gives a clear hint of the content in it.
- Tag it appropriately with available labels like
or others.
- If there is no
Github Issue
created for it, please create one using above guidelines. - Please use Effective Go Community Guidelines.
- We ask that you squash all the commits together before pushing and that your commit message references the issue created for it.
- Raise a Pull Request as suggested below.
- Create a topic branch.
- Use concise but good commit messages.
- Open a pull request once done, making sure there are no conflicts with master branch.
- More insight can be gained reading how to github: fork, branch and pull.
Thanks! GO-JEK Tech