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Notes for OpenCilk developers

This document is meant for anyone modifying the OpenCilk codebase, that is, the code in the opencilk-project, cheetah, or productivity-tools repos. If you are trying to debug a problem with the OpenCilk system, or if you are conducting research that involves modifying these codebases, you may find these notes helpful.

Working with LLVM and the OpenCilk compiler

Because the OpenCilk compiler is based on LLVM, the techniques for working with LLVM can be used to on the OpenCilk compiler as well. These notes describe some of the techniques that have proven useful for working with LLVM IR in debugging the OpenCilk compiler.

These notes assume that the reader has some basic familiarity with LLVM and reading LLVM IR. For more information on LLVM, consult the LLVM documentation.

Note: Tapir

The OpenCilk compiler uses the Tapir extension to LLVM IR to compile Cilk code. Tapir adds three instructions to LLVM IR to express task parallelism. These instructions allow the OpenCilk compiler to understand and optimize task-parallel code more effectively than traditional compilers. Tapir is described in a paper at PPoPP 2017 and an ACM TOPC article.

In the following notes, unless otherwise specified, any instructions and notes concerning LLVM IR apply to Tapir as well.

How to emit LLVM IR: -S -emit-llvm

To make clang emit LLVM IR for a given C or C++ program, pass the additional flags -S -emit-llvm when compiling the program. For example, if foo.c is a C program:

clang -c foo.c -O1 -S -emit-llvm -o foo.ll

Similarly, if foo.cpp is a C++ program:

clang++ -c foo.cpp -O1 -S -emit-llvm -o foo.ll

These examples will emit the LLVM IR output into foo.ll.

As these examples show, you can pass other compilation flags to clang in addition to -S -emit-llvm, including -fopencilk and any optimization flags. In that case, the resulting LLVM IR will reflect the specified optimizations.


The -S flag instructs clang to emit human-readable LLVM IR. If you pass -emit-llvm without -S to clang, then it will output LLVM bitcode. Many LLVM tools can operate on LLVM bitcode directly, but it is not human-readable.

How to emit Tapir: -ftapir=none

If you compile a Cilk program with -fopencilk, the OpenCilk compiler will compile and optimize the code and then lower the Tapir instructions to calls to the OpenCilk runtime system. If you emit the LLVM IR for that program using -S -emit-llvm, the resulting LLVM IR file will not contain any Tapir instructions, but instead contain the LLVM IR after the Tapir instructions have been lowered to calls to the OpenCilk runtime system.

To emit the LLVM IR before Tapir lowering --- that is, to get the LLVM IR with the Tapir instructions --- pass the additional flag -ftapir=none to clang at compile time.

For example, if foo.c is a Cilk program, then the command

clang -c foo.c -fopencilk -O1 -S -emit-llvm -o foo.ll

will emit the LLVM IR after all Tapir instructions lowered to calls to the OpenCilk runtime system. In contrast, the command

clang -c foo.c -fopencilk -O1 -S -emit-llvm -o foo.ll -ftapir=none

will emit the LLVM IR with all Tapir instructions, that is, before the Tapir instructions have been lowered.

Editor modes for reading LLVM IR

Many editors support LLVM IR modes that make reading LLVM IR easier. LLVM IR modes for some editors are also available in the opencilk-project repo, under llvm/utils.

How to run specific LLVM passes: opt

The opt tool allows you to run LLVM analysis and optimization passes directly on a given LLVM IR file. For example, the following command runs the Scalar Replacement of Aggregates (SROA) optimization pass on the LLVM IR file foo.ll and emit the output into foo_sroa.ll:

opt foo.ll -passes='sroa' -S -o foo_sroa.ll

In the above command, the -passes='sroa' flag specifies the SROA optimization pass; the -S flag directs opt to emit human-readable LLVM IR, and -o foo_sroa.ll directs opt to emit the output to the file foo_sroa.ll.

You can specify multiple passes for opt to run in order by describing a custom pass pipeline. For example, the following command runs on foo.ll a pass pipeline consisting of the sroa and indvars function passes followed by the licm loop pass with MemorySSA enabled:

opt foo.ll -passes='sroa,indvars,loop-mssa(licm)' -S -o foo_opt.ll

To run only an analysis pass, pass the -print<analysis_pass_name> flag to opt. For example, the following command runs Scalar Evolution Analysis on foo.ll:

opt foo.ll -passes='print<scalar-evolution>'

You can also run the default pipelines associated with standard optimization levels --- -O1, -O2, or -O3 --- using opt by passing -passes='default<O1>', -passes='default<O2>', or -passes='default<O3>', respectively, to opt. Run opt -help or opt -help-hidden for more information on the flags that opt recognizes.

How to emit unoptimized LLVM IR that is ready for optimization: -Xclang -disable-llvm-passes

Suppose you want to run LLVM's optimizations by hand on a C/C++ or Cilk program. Recall that the LLVM compiler (and the OpenCilk compiler) are organized such that the Clang front-end translates C or C++ code into LLVM IR (or Tapir), and then the LLVM middle-end optimizer performs analyses and optimizations on that LLVM IR. In this case, you might want clang to emit unoptimized LLVM IR, so you can manually control the sequence of optimizations run on that IR using opt.

It's important to note that clang will emit different IR to the LLVM optimizer depending on the optimization level specified! In particular, clang will emit different metadata, LLVM intrinsics, function attributes to guide LLVM optimizations only if optimization level -O1 or higher is specified. Therefore, if you don't specify an optimization level to clang, or if you pass -O0 to clang, then resulting LLVM IR will not by annotated and marked for optimization passes to work correctly.

To direct clang to emit unoptimized LLVM IR that is correctly marked and annotated for optimizations, pass the additional flags -Xclang -disable-llvm-passes. For example:

clang++ foo.cpp -fopencilk -O3 -S -emit-llvm -o foo.ll -Xclang -disable-llvm-passes

How to generate a picture of the LLVM IR: opt -dot-cfg

LLVM IR models each function in a program as a control-flow graph (CFG), and it can be useful to view that CFG graphically, rather in text form. Given an LLVM IR file, such as foo.ll, you can direct opt to generate a (Graphviz) dot file of the CFG for each function using the -dot-cfg flag, e.g., as follows:

opt foo.ll -dot-cfg

Note that the dot files generated by this command might be hidden files in the current directory. For example, if foo.ll contains a function named bar, then -dot-cfg may produce a file named in the current directory.

You can then convert a dot file to another format using the dot program. For example, the following command will generate a PDF from

dot -Tpdf -o bar.pdf


There are other graphs related to LLVM IR other than the CFG that can be useful to look at as well, such as the call graph. See the options named --dot-<something> in opt -help to see what other graphs opt can produce.

Debugging the OpenCilk compiler

These notes describe tools and techniques that we have found to be useful for debugging the OpenCilk compiler.

For more information on debugging LLVM, see LLVM's documentation on submitting bug reports.

Reduce the pass pipeline for a compiler bug using

LLVM 14 comes with a Python script,, for reducing the compiler pass pipeline for triggering a compiler bug. The script is available in the source tree at llvm/utils/

Here's an example of how to use Suppose that the compiler crashes on some input foo.ll when using -O3 optimizations. The following command uses to reduce the passes from those run at -O3 to a smaller set that also triggers a crash:

/path/to/llvm/utils/ --opt-binary /path/to/build/bin/opt --passes "default<O3>" --input foo.ll --output foo_passes.ll

The arguments to this command are as follows:

  • The --opt-binary argument specifies the path to a custom version of opt on which the crash occurs. Although this argument is technically optional, it is generally needed when working with a custom build of LLVM or OpenCilk.
  • The --passes argument is a string that specifies the initial set of passes to run, using the pass-pipeline syntax used by LLVM's new pass manager. This string matches the passed to opt -passes="<string>". In this example, "default<O3>" is interpreted to be the set of passes run by default with -O3 optimization enabled.
  • The --input argument specifies the name of the LLVM IR input that triggers the crash.
  • The --output argument specifies the name of the file where will save the LLVM IR to pass to the reduced set of passes to trigger a compiler crash. This argument, although optional, is often useful, especially when the initial set of passes is large, e.g., default<O3>. When the initial set of passes is large, the LLVM IR needed to trigger the crash on the reduced pass pipeline often won't match that needed to trigger the crash on the original pipeline.

The set of passes and the output LLVM IR generated by this script are generally good candidates for further reducing the compiler bug using llvm-reduce, described next.

Reducing the input to a compiler bug using llvm-reduce

The llvm-reduce tool can also be used to reduce LLVM IR input that leads to a crash. The llvm-reduce tool takes an interestingness test script that it uses to check if a given LLVM IR input contains a problem. This test script provides significant flexibility in how it identifies interesting inputs. A common case is that the script will run a specific set of LLVM passes on the input via opt to trigger a miscompilation. But the script can alternatively run other tools or executables to check whether the input is interesting.

The llvm-reduce tool only modifies the LLVM IR input, in an effort to find a minimal LLVM IR input that exhibits interesting behavior. The tool does not modify the test script. For example, in the common case where llvm-reduce is used to check whether a set of passes triggers a miscompilation, llvm-reduce will not minimize the set of passes run that trigger that miscompilation. To reduce the set of passes, use the script.

To use llvm-reduce, first create the interestingness test script to check a given LLVM IR input. For example, let's assume that script is named reduce-script in the current working directory. (More on that shortly.) Then, you can reduce an input LLVM IR file foo.ll as follows:

llvm-reduce --test=./reduce-script foo.ll

By default, llvm-reduce will generate a reduced LLVM IR input file named reduced.ll.

In this example, reduce-script can be an arbitrary script that takes an input file as $1 and exits with 0, if the input is interesting, or 1, otherwise. Here is an example reduce-script that has been used to reduce an input that triggered a crash in the OpenCilk compiler:


opt $1 -simplifycfg -keep-loops=false -tasks -S -o -

if [ $? -eq 134 ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 1

The third line of the script runs opt on the input $1 and the passes -simplifycfg, with the option -keep-loops=false, and -tasks, a Tapir-specific analysis pass in the OpenCilk compiler. The following lines check if opt produced an error and returns the appropriate interestingness result accordingly.

Here are some tips for writing your own interestingness test scripts for llvm-reduce:

  • Test the command you wish to run on the command line, and examine the return code using echo $?.
  • Verify that the script runs as intended by invoking it directly from the command line, e.g., by running ./reduce-script <input>.

Example interestingness test scripts for llvm-reduce

Here are some more example scripts that have been used to debug miscompilations by the OpenCilk compiler on different systems. We provide these here to illustrate some of the flexibility in writing such scripts and to provide convenient examples that can be copied and modified.

This script uses LLVM's new pass manager (which is enabled by default as of LLVM 13) to invoke the simplifycfg pass with a particular set of flags:


opt $1 -passes="function<eager-inv>(simplifycfg<bonus-inst-threshold=1;no-forward-switch-cond;no-switch-range-to-icmp;no-switch-to-lookup;keep-loops;no-hoist-common-insts;no-sink-common-insts>)" -S -o -

if [ $? -eq 134 ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 1

This script uses the new pass manager to invoke the simple-loop-unswitch loop pass with MemorySSA enabled:


opt $1 -passes="cgscc(devirt<4>(function<eager-inv>(loop-mssa(simple-loop-unswitch<nontrivial;trivial>))))" -S -o -

if [ $? -eq 134 ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 1

This script runs the function-inlining pass and checks for a slightly different return code.


opt $1 -inline -S -o - > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ $? -eq 139 ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 1

This script runs llc and FileCheck to check for a problematic code pattern in the generated assembly.



${LLC} $1 -o - | ${FILECHECK} tmp.ll

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    exit 0
    exit 1

How to see what passes are run: -print-pipeline-passes and -debug-pass-manager

Suppose you want to see, when a given optimization level is specified, what passes will run and in what order. There are a couple of flags you can choose from.

You can use the flag -print-pipeline-passes to get a string describing the pass pipeline. For example, the command

opt fib.ll -S -o fib_opt.ll -passes='default<O1>' -print-pipeline-passes

produces a string describing the pass pipeline that runs when compiling code with optimization level -O1. This string is compatible with the -passes= argument for opt. In other words, you can pass this string to opt -passes=<string> to run the same set of passes.


The -print-pipeline-passes flag is best-effort only.

Alternatively, you can use the flag -debug-pass-manager to print debugging information from LLVM's pass manager. This debugging information includes the code-transformation and analysis passes that are run in the order they are run. Although this flag provides insight into what passes are running, the output of this flag is not a string compatible with the -passes= flag.

[Deprecated] How to see what passes are run: -debug-pass=


This flag is deprecated in the current version of LLVM.

Suppose you want to see, when a given optimization level is specified, what passes will run and in what order. You can use the flag -debug-pass=Arguments to get this information.

When passing this flag to clang, preface it with the -mllvm flag, e.g., as follows:

clang -c fib.c -fopencilk -O3 -mllvm -debug-pass=Arguments

When using opt, however, the -mllvm flag is not necessary. For example:

opt fib.ll -S -o fib_opt.ll -O3 -debug-pass=Arguments

Roughly speaking, the output of -debug-pass=Arguments is a list of arguments you could pass to opt to replicate the sequence of analyses and code transformations that run. Note that the output of -debug-pass=Arguments includes flags for all analyses and code transformations that run, including analyses that run implicitly before a given code transformation. In other words, this list of arguments might be more verbose than one necessarily needs to pass to opt.

More generally, the -debug-pass= flag gives visibility into the pipeline of LLVM passes that runs. Here are several key uses of -debug-pass=:

  • -debug-pass=Arguments prints a list of pass arguments to pass to opt.
  • -debug-pass=Structure prints the hierarchical structure of passes that will be run.
  • -debug-pass=Executions prints each pass's name before it is executed.
  • -debug-pass=Details prints details of each pass when it is executed, including information of analysis passes that are invalidated and rerun.

[Deprecated] Reducing a compiler crash using bugpoint

Suppose you are debugging a compiler crash when its running optimizations on a particular input. For example, suppose that the compiler is crashing during some optimization pass when it compiles a large input file foo.cpp with optimization level -O3. The size of the input file and the number of passes can make pinpointing this crash particularly difficult.

In such cases, the bugpoint tool can help identify a minimal input and sequence of passes that triggers the crash. Here are some common steps for using bugpoint to bisect the crash:

  1. Generate unoptimized LLVM IR for the input file:
    clang++ -c foo.cpp -fopencilk -S -emit-llvm -o foo.ll -O3 -Xclang -disable-llvm-passes
  2. Confirm that the suspected optimization flags in opt produce the crash. In this example, we might verify that the following command result crashes:
    opt foo.ll -S -o foo_opt.ll -O3
  3. Run bugpoint on the LLVM IR input file with the same opt flags (except -S and -o):
    bugpoint foo.ll -O3

The bugpoint tool should produce LLVM bitcode files containing minimized versions of the input, along with opt flags to run to reproduce a crash on those bitcode files. These minimized versions can often be adapted into LLVM regression tests for the bug.

To convert the LLVM bitcode into human-readable LLVM IR, simply use opt with the -S flag, e.g., as follows:

opt bugpoint-reduced-simplified.bc -S -o bugpoint-reduced-simplified.ll


Depending on the optimizations and the size of the input, bugpoint might take quite a while to run. In addition, the crash that occurs on the minimized input and optimization flags might not exactly match the original crash, although the underlying problem might be the same.

For more information on bugpoint, see its LLVM documentation.

Tricks for diving into an unfamiliar LLVM pass

Suppose you're trying to understand how a particular LLVM pass works. For instance, the pass might be misbehaving on some input, and you might not be familiar with that particular LLVM pass. Here are some tips and tricks for exploring how a particular LLVM pass works.

Enabling internal debugging statements using -debug-only= Many LLVM source files contain code to emit information about the pass for internal debugging purposes. This code typically appears within LLVM_DEBUG() macros within the pass. LLVM source files will also define the DEBUG_TYPE macro to be the string to enable the debug statements in that source file. Typically, the value of DEBUG_TYPE for an LLVM pass matches the opt flag for that pass. To turn on some source file's debug statements, use the -debug-only=<string> flag with opt (or -mllvm -debug-only=<string> with clang). For example, the following command will enable debugging statements in the InstructionCombining pass, LLVM's peephole optimizer:

opt foo.ll -O1 -S -o foo_opt.ll -debug-only=instcombine

You can also enable debugging statements for multiple LLVM source files by specifying the DEBUG_TYPE strings for all source files in a comma-separated list. For example, the following command enables debugging statements in InstructionCombining and in Local, a source file of LLVM utility routines that InstructionCombining uses:

opt foo.ll -O1 -S -o foo_opt.ll -debug-only=instcombine,local

Adding your own code to print out state: If you are working with your own build of the compiler, most LLVM objects have useful implementations of the output-stream operator, <<. LLVM also provides an output stream, llvm::dbgs(), for printing debug information. Hence, if there is an LLVM Value V --- which could be an Instruction, BasicBlock, Function, Module, etc. --- whose state you would like to examine at some point in the middle of an LLVM pass, you can print it by adding llvm::dbgs() << V to the pass, then recompiling the compiler and rerunning.

How to see the LLVM IR before or after each pass: -print-before-all and -print-after-all

Suppose you want to examine the state of the LLVM IR before or after each transformation pass that runs when compiling a program. For example, you might be trying to identify a transformation pass that produces suspicious LLVM IR.

You can direct clang to emit the LLVM IR before each pass using the flag -mllvm -print-before-all. For example:

clang -c fib.c -fopencilk -O3 -mllvm -print-before-all

Similarly, you can direct clang to emit the LLVM IR after each pass using the flag -mllvm -print-after-all, e.g., as follows:

clang -c fib.c -fopencilk -O3 -mllvm -print-after-all

When using these flags, the LLVM IR before or after each pass will be annotated with the text *** IR Dump Before <short pass description> *** or *** IR Dump After <short pass description> ***.

You can similarly direct opt to emit the LLVM IR before or after each pass it runs using -print-before-all or -print-after-all:

opt fib.ll -O3 -S -o fib_opt.ll -print-before-all
opt fib.ll -O3 -S -o fib_opt.ll -print-after-all

When using opt, the -mllvm flag before -print-before-all or -print-after-all is not necessary.


The -print-before-all and -print-after-all flags can produce a large amount of output, especially for a large input file or a large number of optimization passes. It is often helpful to pipe that output to a separate file and then search the output after the fact.

Debugging the OpenCilk runtime

TODO: Fill this in

Debugging Cilksan and Cilkscale

TODO: Fill this in