Include the Magento Patch SUPEE-11346
#750 Mage_SalesRule - DOC block update
#753 Mage_Rule - DOC block update
#747 Mage_Sitemap - DOC block update
#754 Mage_Review - DOC block update
#745 Mage_Tax - DOC block update
#744 Mage_Weee - DOC block update
#743 Mage_Widget - DOC block update
#742 Mage_Wishlist - DOC block update
#942 Cache all attribute options for display in layered navigation (#943 #934)
#1001 Removed php5 settings from .htaccess (#149)
#798 Mage_Core fix DOC block
#1031 Ensure coupon code times_used decrements on cancel
#1046 Rename Magento Admin to OpenMage Admin
#1060 Apply SUPEE-11346 patch
#1018 Add runtime cache in one more place in Zend_Data (#918)
#1034 Fixed store get attribute raw value
#1003 fix 404 dashboard on first admin login on multi store views
#1032 Allow access to current order via Registry
#1039 CatalogSearch - Fix array_intersect expected parameter 1 to be an array null given
#770 Mage_GiftMessage - DOC block update
#768 Mage_Index - DOC block update
#765 Mage_Newsletter - DOC block update
#1029 Correct name for Request class in Payment Module
#601 Prevent redundant simultaneous requests to remote storage in get.php
#1000 Update Github issue templates
#966 Check for null byte at the time of writing a file
#1021 E-Mail templates only: replace plaintext password with hint of choosen password (#307 #1019)
#1020 Add @throws vardoc to Varien_Io_File cd function
#771 Mage_Eav - DOC block update
#772 Mage_Downloadable - DOC block update
#929 fix apply discount amount to FPT percent discount
#1023 Use || operators instead of „or”
#1033 Fix wrong count of arguments in Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract
#703 Varien_ - DOC block update (1)
#702 Mage_Core - DOC block update
#775 Mage_Checkout - DOC block update
#894 fix for Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? (#1025)
#1002 Removed Mage_GoogleBase
#972 Changed sizeof() to count()
#1011 Fix for installing on MySQL 8 (Fixes #935)
#984 Fixed .thumbnail load
#1013 Fix PHP Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break"
#890 Remove this->_debug in Mage_Paypal_Model_Api_Standard->getStandardCheckoutRequest
#936 Fix SQL query quoting/casting when type is passed to where function
#589 Fix HTTP/2 errors with cURL post
#776 Mage_CatalogSearch - DOC block update
#777 Mage_CatalogRule - DOC block update
#897 When category default_sort_by not available, use the system config
#1015 Fix typo in variable name in Media.php / Fixed atttribute typo
#780 Mage_CatalogInventory - DOC block update
#852 Stop calling getLastPageNumber() when not necessary
#980 Prevent errors when customer does not have a created at timestamp (#923)
#1017 add Badges to Readme
#1016 Fix typo in Area.php DOC block
#783 Mage_Catalog - DOC block update
#701 Mage_Customer - DOC block update
#999 Replaced Magento Logo with OpenMage Logos
#997 Fixed Notice in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Url: Trying to access array offset
#751 Mage_Sales - DOC block update
#978 Do not call vsprintf when there are no arguments
#773 Mage_Directory - DOC block update
#749 Mage_Sendfriend - DOC block update
#769 Mage_ImportExport - DOC block update
#994 update adminnotification url to www.openmage.org
#989 Apply some Brand Changes, to have Magento appearing less
#730 Prevent fatal error in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Category_Collection::setVisibility() / Set correct collection types in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Visibility
#919 Improve performance of the products sold report
#766 Mage_Media - mini DOC block update
#979 Store unserialized data in local cache of Zend_Data
#974 Update SECURITY.md
Followup to #918: Fix error saving local cache (#918)
#970 change all ands in conditional statements to && for better consistency (#958)
#965 Fixed calls to static methods
#963 Dropped useless semicolons
#964 Added missing public modifier
#699 Mage_Contacts - DOC block update
#698 Mage_Captcha - DOC block update
#697 Mage_Cron - DOC block update
#708 Mage_CurrencySymbol - DOC block update
#778 Mage_Admin - DOC block update
#779 Mage_Api2 - DOC block update
#781 Mage_CatalogIndex - DOC block update
#694 Mage_Cms - DOC block update
#695 Mage_AdminNotification - DOC block update
#968 Update README and removed php5.6 from static code analyses
#878 Create SECURITY.md
#961 Marked Mysql4-classes as deprecated (#957)
#956 Remove unsupported PHP 7.x settings from .htaccess
#951 Fix 'Invalid attribute name: main_table.store_id (#939)