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James edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the janus-cloud wiki!

Janus-cloud is a cluster solution for Janus-server, by providing a API proxy. WebRTC client communicates with the Janus-cloud proxy through the same API with Janus-gateway, and the proxy forward the requests to the backend Janus-servers on behalf of WebRTC clients. Then the WebRTC client establish the PeerConnection with the backend Januser-servers directly to transfer the media. So, the Janus-cloud proxy can be considered as the signal server, and the backend Janus-gateway server can be consider as the media server in the WebRTC technology.

Janus-cloud has two key components, 1) Janus-proxy, which is the main executable application responsible for forward the API request (i.e. signal), 2) Janus-sentinel, which is executable utility responsible for supervisor the janus server process and report its state/load to Janus-proxy.

Just like Janus-gateway, the proxy of Janus-cloud is also designed for pluggable. The API protocol stack is implemented by the core of proxy, which includes websocket transport, session/handle management, message serialization/deserialization, backend server management. The functionality is implemented by the plugins, which contains videocall, videoroom, p2pcall and etc.

Plugins documents

VideoRoom-plugin-documentation videroom document - a plugin to set up the videoconferencing SFU cluster

videocall document - a plugin to set up the video call (VOIP) media-server cluster

p2pcall document - a plugin to implement video call in the p2p mode

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