CallPower relies on open government data to match callers with campaign targets.
We store a cached copy of this data with each deployment, to ensure lookups are fast and reliable.
Data is provided under the original license of the data provider.
US Congress contact data from UnitedStates/congress, public domain
US Governors contact data scraped from National Governors Association, all rights reserved
US States legislature contact data from OpenStates API
Canadan Member of Parliament contact data from Represent, licenses available from OpenNorth
US Congress contact information and boundaries change regularly after elections. To update:
cd call_server/political_data/data
make clean
cd ../../..
flask loadpoliticaldata
To lookup address or zipcode to lat/lon, we use the GeoPy library. The provider backend is configurable, but defaults to the OSM Nominatim. Usage of this free resource must abide by their policies.
For faster responses and more reliable fuzzy-location matching, we suggest using SmartyStreets or Google Maps Geocoding API. To use these provides you will need to put the API key in the application environment as GEOCODE_API_KEY.