This plugin is part of the OpenTimelineIO project, whose contributors are listed at this URL:
This is a list of people who have contributed code to the otio-aaf-adapter project, sorted alphabetically by first name.
If you know of anyone missing from this list, please contact us:
- Andrew Moore (andrewmoore-nz)
- Eric Reinecke (reinecke)
- Freeson Wang (freesonluxo)
- Josh Burnell (JoshBurnell)
- Joshua Minor (jminor)
- Julian Yu-Chung Chen (jchen9)
- Mark Reid (markreidvfx)
- Shahbaz Khan (shahbazk8194)
- Stefan Schulze (stefanschulze)
- Stephan Steinbach (ssteinbach)
- Tim Lehr (timlehr)