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To build this project you will need:

  • Linux based OS
    • For CPU tested and validated on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.04 and CentOS 7.9
    • For GPU tested and validated on Intel® Data Center GPU Flex 170 with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS(5.15 LTS kernel)
  • Docker
  • Intel Xeon hardware which supports Intel AVX512 (Skylake generation or later)
  • Compiler (clang++, g++, icc), and enabling AVX512-FP16 on Sapphire Rapiads needs:
    • clang++ version 14.0.0 or later
    • g++ version 12.1.0 with binutils 2.38 or later
    • icc version 2021.2 or later
  • Cmake version 3.14 or later
  • Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) (Stand-Alone Version is the minimum requirement)
  • zlib1g-dev, pkg-config (The pkg-config is used to find x264.pc/x265.pc in specific pkgconfig path.)

We provide 3 ways to build the Intel VSR with FFmpeg environment:

  • build docker images with dockerfiles(both CPU and GPU).
  • build via scripts(only for CPU).
  • build manually(both CPU and GPU).

Build Docker Images.

We provide 3 Dockerfile for Intel Xeon platforms: Ubuntu18.04, Ubuntu22.04 and CentOS7.9, and 1 Dockerfile with Ubuntu22.04 for Intel Flex GPU. You can refer to below steps to build docker images.

Setup docker proxy as follows if you are behind a firewall:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
printf "[Service]\nEnvironment=\"HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy\" \"NO_PROXY=$no_proxy\"\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

build docker image via

The usage of the script is as follows


./ xeon ubuntu 22.04 #for building Xeon platform with Ubuntu22.04
./ xeon ubuntu 18.04 #for building Xeon platform with Ubuntu18.04
./ xeon centos 7.9 #for building Xeon platform with CentOS7.9
./ flex ubuntu 22.04 #for building Flex platform with Ubuntu22.04

If the image is built successfully, you can find a docker image named raisr-xeon:ubuntu22.04 or raisr-xeon:ubuntu18.04 or raisr-xeon:centos7.9 or raisr-flex:ubuntu22.04 with command docker images Please note it needs to add --privileged --device /dev/dri option to access GPU hardware in docker container during run raisr-flex docker container.

Build via scripts

If the user would prefer not to use Docker, you can follow the steps below to setup enviroment:
cd Video-Super-Resolution-Library/scripts
./ /xxx/raisr.tar.gz
./ /xxx/raisr/Video-Super-Resolution-Library

  • Download the resources used for build Intel Library for VSR and FFmpeg(cmake 3.14, nasm, x264, x265, ipp, Intel Library for VSR and FFmpeg) and package these resource to raisr.tar.gz.
  • Extract the tarball raisr.tar.gz of resources and build and install the libraries required by building Intel Library for VSR and FFmpeg.
  • Build Intel Library for VSR and FFmpeg.

Build manually following the steps below

Install Intel IPP

Standalone version of IPP (minimum requirement):
Alternatively, install IPP as part of oneAPI Base Toolkit:
Add below line to ~/.bash_profile which sets IPP env.
source /opt/intel/oneapi/ipp/latest/env/
Then source ~/.bash_profile

Install dependent libraries x264 and x265

The x264/x265 libraries can be installed via apt on Ubuntu OS or built and installed from source code.

Install x264/x265 via apt on Ubuntu OS(Option-1)

apt-get update && apt-get install -y libx264-dev libx265-dev nasm

Build and install x264/x265 from source code(Option-2)

Build and install x264

git clone -b stable --depth 1
cd x264
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --libdir=/usr/local/lib --enable-shared
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Build and install x265

wget -O - | tar xz
cd x265-3.4/build/linux
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH enviroment variable

The .pc files of x264 and x265 libraries are in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig, add the path to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Install Opencl

Follow this guide to setup gpu driver installation
Install OpenCL:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install intel-opencl-icd opencl-headers ocl-icd-opencl-dev \

Install Intel latest OpenCL driver


Use FFmpeg RAISR plugin

Build and install the Intel Library for VSR Manually

If the user would prefer not to use Docker, these instructions may be utilized to setup the Intel Library for VSR.

To build the library without building the docker image, run

To build the library with OpenCL support, run

Clone FFmpeg

git clone ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg

Checkout FFmpeg version 6.0 tag

git checkout -b n6.0 n6.0

Copy vf_raisr.c to ffmpeg libavfilter folder

cp ../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/ffmpeg/vf_raisr.c libavfilter/
To use raisr_opencl you need to copy vf_raisr_opencl.c as well
cp ../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/ffmpeg/vf_raisr_opencl.c libavfilter/

Apply patch

git am ../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/ffmpeg/0001-ffmpeg-raisr-filter.patch
To use raisr_opencl you need to apply patch 0002 as well
git am ../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/ffmpeg/0002-libavfilter-raisr_opencl-Add-raisr_opencl-filter.patch

Configure FFmpeg

When DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX isn't used, the ffmpeg configure command is as:
./configure --enable-libipp --extra-cflags="-fopenmp" --extra-ldflags=-fopenmp --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --extra-libs='-lraisr -lstdc++ -lippcore -lippvm -lipps -lippi' --enable-cross-compile

When DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is used, please add the below line to the ffmpeg configure command:
--extra-cflags=="-fopenmp -I../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/install/include/" --extra-ldflags="-fopenmp -L../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/install/lib/"
The ffmmpeg confiure command is as:
./configure --enable-libipp --extra-cflags="-fopenmp -I../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/install/include/" --extra-ldflags="-fopenmp -L../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/install/lib/" --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --extra-libs='-lraisr -lstdc++ -lippcore -lippvm -lipps -lippi' --enable-cross-compile

Add option --enable-opencl and -lm to --extra-libs option to enable raisr_opencl filter.

Build FFmpeg

make clean
make -j $(nproc)

Copy RAISR filter folder to FFmpeg folder

The folder contains filterbin_2_8/10, Qfactor_cohbin_2_8/10, and Qfactor_strbin_2_8/10
cp -r ../Video-Super-Resolution-Library/filters* .