You can add custom pages to your app. Pages may display dynamically generated data from the database and call functions. For example, you can make a page to print a document.
To add a custom page, create a document of the class OPage. The document parameters are the following:
Path: the path to access the page that will be added to the root path of your web app. As parts of the path, you may add a document's record ID as /${rid}.
Content: the HTML code of the page (including CSS and JavaScript).
With a wicket:property wicket, you can call properties of objects that are linked (one or many links) to the object that you have specified in the path by the /${rid} record. The wicket has the following syntax:
wicket:property wicket:id="<attribute>" object="<link>"
where link is the path to the target object and attribute is its target attribute.
For example:
wicket:property wicket:id="name" object="first_link.second_link.third_link"
The object /${rid} has a link property "first_link"---> the 1st target object has a link property "second_link" ---> the 2nd target object has a link property "third_link" ---> the 3rd target object has a property "name". The wicket will return this "name" property.
The returned property is displayed according to its visualisation type. For example, if the setting is
Visualization: table
, it will be displayed as a table. -
Script: a JavaScript run by the server.
- yes: displays the page as a widget.
- no: displays the page as a separate web page.
Document: the link to the default document used by the wicket when /${rid} is lacking.