print("Hello ... Iam Osama Abd EL Mohsen From Egypt a final year undergraduate from Mansoura University ")
💡 I like to explore new technologies and develop software solutions and quick hacks.
🎓 I'm currently studying Mechatronics Engineering .
🧑💻 I love using Software as a solution for every Problems.
🤓 Always learning new things.
🎮 I like to play video games.
💎 I love to customize everything.
- 👨💻 My Skills
- 📄 My Certificates
- 🥸 Taken Courses
- ⚒️ Work Experience
- ❔ What i want to learn
↗️ Github Stats- 🤝 Connect with me
- NTI Online Diploma AVR
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Eng OsamaElzero Python (Youtube)
- Eng OsamaElzero Git&github (Youtube)
- MYSQL From Giraffe Academy (Youtube)
- The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python
- Git and GitHub (
- I have a little knowledge of the following :
- OpenCV Python (Computer Vision)
- NextCord (Building discord bots) Iam an active developer in discord :)
- Solidworks
- B1 And B2 English with (New Horizons)
- A portable self-charging system using solar energy (Software Head)
- IR_Remote_Control_Project (Project Manger)
- small smart Home (Project Manger)
- Self balancing robot (Software Member)
- Discord Quraan Bot
- Discord Reminder Bot Based on Database (Sqlite)
- I was a technical member in many student activities and also was the head of Marketing in Luminous team