Value Set
- Unlikely to cause death
-List of conditions unlikely to cause death. 3.14.10 List of conditions unlikely to cause death -Use this table in Step SP8 Conditions in this table are unlikely to cause death.
Included Entities
-- 1A94.0 Herpes simplex infection of genitalia or urogenital tract
- 1B21.2 Cutaneous non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection
- 1B72 Impetigo
- 1C10.Y Other specified forms of actinomycosis
- 1C20 Chlamydial conjunctivitis
- 1C23 Trachoma
- 1D84 Viral conjunctivitis
- 1E76 Molluscum contagiosum
- 1E80 Common warts
- 1F00.0 Herpes simplex infection of skin or mucous membrane
- 1F00.1 Herpes simplex infection of the eye
- 1F00.Y Other specified herpes simplex infections
- 1F0Y Other specified viral infections characterised by skin or mucous membrane lesions
- 1F28 Dermatophytosis
- 1F2D Non-dermatophyte superficial dermatomycoses
- 1G00 Pediculosis
- 1G03 Pthiriasis
- 6A00 Disorders of intellectual development
- 6A01 Developmental speech or language disorders
- 6A02 Autism spectrum disorder
- 6A03 Developmental learning disorder
- 6A04 Developmental motor coordination disorder
- 6A06 Stereotyped movement disorder
- 6A0Y Other specified neurodevelopmental disorders
- 6A0Z Neurodevelopmental disorders, unspecified
- 6B84 Pica
- 6B8Y Other specified feeding or eating disorders
- 6B8Z Feeding or eating disorders, unspecified
- 6C00 Enuresis
- 6C01 Encopresis
- 6C20 Bodily distress disorder
- Disorders due to addictive behaviours
- Impulse control disorders
- Personality disorders and related traits
- Paraphilic disorders
- Factitious disorders
- Insomnia disorders
- 7A25 Hypersomnia associated with a mental disorder
- 7A26 Insufficient sleep syndrome
- 7A82 Sleep-related leg cramps
- 7A83 Sleep-related bruxism
- 7A85 Benign sleep myoclonus of infancy
- 7A86 Propriospinal myoclonus at sleep onset
- 7A88 Sleep-related movement disorder due to a medication or substance
- 7A8Y Other specified sleep-related movement disorders
- 7A8Z Sleep-related movement disorders, unspecified
- 7B00.1 Sleepwalking disorder
- 7B00.2 Sleep terrors
- 7B01.2 Nightmare disorder
- 7B01.Y Other specified parasomnias related to REM sleep
- 7B01.Z Parasomnias related to REM sleep, unspecified
- 7B2Y Other specified sleep-wake disorders
- 7B2Z Sleep-wake disorders, unspecified
- 8A05 Tic disorders
- 8A80 Migraine
- 8A81 Tension-type headache
- 8A82 Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias
- 8B10 Transient ischaemic attack
- 8B82 Disorders of trigeminal nerve
- 8B88 Disorders of facial nerve
- Nerve root or plexus disorders
- 8C10 Mononeuropathies of upper limb
- 8C11 Mononeuropathies of lower limb
- 8C12.1 Mononeuritis multiplex
- 8E43.00 Phantom limb syndrome
- Disorders of eyelid or peri-ocular area
- Disorders of lacrimal apparatus
- Disorders of the eyeball - anterior segment
- Disorders of the eyeball - posterior segment
- Disorders of the visual pathways or centres
- Glaucoma or glaucoma suspect
- Strabismus or ocular motility disorders
- Disorders of refraction or accommodation
- Subjective visual experiences
- 9D7Y Other specified impairment of visual functions
- 9D7Z Impairment of visual functions, unspecified
- Vision impairment
- 9E1Y Other specified diseases of the visual system
- 9E1Z Diseases of the visual system, unspecified
- Otitis externa
- Noninflammatory disorders of the external ear
- AA6Z Diseases of external ear, unspecified
- AB33 Otosclerosis
- AB37 Noise effects on inner ear
- AB3Y Other specified diseases of inner ear
- AB3Z Diseases of inner ear, unspecified
- Disorders with hearing impairment
- Disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified
- AC0Y Other specified diseases of the ear or mastoid process
- AC0Z Diseases of the ear or mastoid process, unspecified
- BD90.0 Acute lymphadenitis
- CA00 Acute nasopharyngitis
- CA04 Acute laryngopharyngitis
- CA07 Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites
- CA08 Vasomotor or allergic rhinitis
- CA0D Deviated nasal septum
- CA0F Chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids
- CA0J Nasal polyp
- DA03 Diseases of tongue
- DA04 Diseases of salivary glands
- DA05 Cysts of oral or facial-neck region
- DA06 Certain specified diseases of jaws
- DA07 Disorders of tooth development or eruption
- DA08 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
- DA09 Diseases of pulp or periapical tissues
- DA0A Certain specified disorders of teeth or supporting structures
- DA0B Gingival diseases
- DA0C Periodontal disease
- DA0D Certain specified disorders of gingiva or edentulous alveolar ridge
- DA0E Dentofacial anomalies
- DA0F Sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex
- DA0F.0 Burning mouth syndrome
- DA0Y Other specified diseases or disorders of orofacial complex
- DA0Z Diseases or disorders of orofacial complex, unspecified
- EA10 Pityriasis rosea
- EA12 Infantile papular acrodermatitis
- Dermatitis and eczema
- EA91 Lichen planus
- EA92 Lichenoid dermatoses
- EA93 Pityriasis lichenoides
- EA94 Pityriasis rubra pilaris
- EA95 Small plaque parapsoriasis
- Neutrophilic dermatoses
- EB30 Eosinophilic cellulitis
- Scarring or sclerosing inflammatory dermatoses
- EB90.1 Cutaneous mucinosis
- Genetic and developmental disorders affecting the skin
- Disturbances of cutaneous sensation
- Mental conditions affecting the skin
- Disorders of the epidermis and epidermal appendages
- Disorders of cutaneous connective tissue
- Fibromatoses and keloids
- Histiocytic-granulomatous disorders of the skin
- EF40.0 Capillaritis
- Inflammatory disorders of the external ear
- Skin disorders involving the genital and perianal regions
- EG9Y Skin disorders involving other specific body regions
- EG9Z Skin disorders involving certain specific body regions, unspecified
- EH40.0 Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
- EH40.1 Infantile napkin dermatoses
- EH75 Photosensitivity due to drug
- EH92 Dermatoses provoked by friction or mechanical stress
- EH93 Dermatoses due to foreign bodies
- EJ0Y Other specified dermatoses provoked or exacerbated by exposure to cold
- Dermatoses provoked by heat or electricity
- Chronic effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin
- EJ30 Autoimmune or other photodermatoses
- Acute effects of ultraviolet radiation on normal skin
- EJ6Y Other specified dermatoses provoked by light or UV radiation
- Dermatoses due to ionizing radiation
- EK00 Allergic contact dermatitis
- EK01 Photo-allergic contact dermatitis
- EK02 Irritant contact dermatitis
- EK11 Protein contact dermatitis
- EK12 Allergic contact sensitisation
- Phototoxic reactions to skin contact with photoactive agents
- EK5Y Other specified skin disorders provoked by external factors
- EK70 Cutaneous cysts
- EK90.0 Actinic keratosis
- EK91.0 Large plaque parapsoriasis
- EM0Y Other specified diseases of the skin
- EM0Z Skin disease of unspecified nature
- FA22 Polymyalgia rheumatica
- FA30 Acquired deformities of fingers or toes
- FA31 Other acquired deformities of limbs
- FA32 Disorders of patella
- FA33 Internal derangement of knee
- FA34 Certain specified joint derangements
- FA35 Wear of articular bearing surface of joint prosthesis
- FA36 Effusion of joint
- FA37 Certain joint disorders, not elsewhere classified
- FA5Y Other specified arthropathies
- FA5Z Arthropathies, unspecified
- FA70.0 Kyphosis
- FA70.2 Lordosis
- FA71 Torticollis
- FA82 Spinal stenosis
- FB10 Spinal instabilities
- FB1Y Other specified conditions associated with the spine
- FB1Z Conditions associated with the spine, unspecified
- FB30 Infectious myositis
- FB40 Tenosynovitis
- FB41 Spontaneous rupture of synovium or tendon
- FB42 Certain specified disorders of synovium or tendon
- FB50 Bursitis
- FB52 Soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
- FB53 Shoulder lesions
- FB54 Enthesopathies of lower limb
- FB55 Certain specified enthesopathies
- FB56 Specified soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified
- FB6Z Soft tissue disorders, unspecified
- FC00 Certain specified acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system or connective tissue, not elsewhere classified
- GA12 Dyspareunia
- GA13 Acquired abnormalities of vulva or perineum
- GA14 Acquired abnormalities of vagina
- GA15 Acquired abnormalities of cervix uteri
- GA16 Acquired abnormalities of uterus, except cervix
- GA1Y Other specified noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract
- GA1Z Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract, unspecified
- Abnormal uterine or vaginal bleeding
- GA30.02 Excessive bleeding in the premenopausal period
- GA31 Female infertility
- GA33 Recurrent pregnancy loss
- GA34 Female pelvic pain associated with genital organs or menstrual cycle
- GB04 Male infertility
- GB05 Redundant prepuce, phimosis or paraphimosis
- GB20 Benign breast disease
- GB23.0 Mammary duct ectasia
- 17 Conditions related to sexual health
- JA65.3 Low weight gain in pregnancy
- JA65.4 Pregnancy care of habitual aborter
- JA66 Clinical findings on antenatal screening of mother
- JA8D Maternal care related to false labour
- JB00.0 Preterm labour without delivery
- JB46.0 Retracted nipple associated with childbirth
- JB46.2 Other or unspecified disorders of breast associated with childbirth
- JB46.3 Agalactia
- JB46.4 Hypogalactia
- JB46.5 Suppressed lactation
- JB46.6 Galactorrhoea
- JB46.7 Other or unspecified disorders of lactation
- Structural developmental anomalies of the eye, eyelid or lacrimal apparatus
- Structural developmental anomalies of the ear
- Structural developmental anomalies of the face, mouth or teeth
- Structural developmental anomalies of the neck
- Structural developmental anomalies of the breast
- LB70.00 Plagiocephaly
- LB74 Structural developmental anomalies of pelvic girdle
- LB75 Brachydactyly
- LB76 Triphalangeal thumb
- LB77 Hyperphalangy
- LB78 Polydactyly
- LB79 Syndactyly
- LB80 Congenital deformities of fingers
- LB90 Joint formation defects
- LB91 Congenital shoulder dislocation
- LB92 Congenital elbow dislocation
- LB93 Congenital knee dislocation
- LB94 Congenital patella dislocation
- LB95 Patella aplasia or hypoplasia
- LB96 Congenital bowing of long bones
- LB98 Congenital deformities of feet
- LB99 Reduction defects of upper limb
- LB9A Reduction defects of lower limb
- LB9B Reduction defects of upper and lower limbs
- LB9Y Other specified structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton
- LB9Z Structural developmental anomalies of the skeleton, unspecified
- Structural developmental anomalies of the skin
- NA00 Superficial injury of head
- NA06.4 Injury of conjunctiva or corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body
- NA06.9 Contusion of eyeball or orbital tissues
- NA06.Y Other specified injury of eye or orbit
- NA20 Superficial injury of neck
- NA80 Superficial injury of thorax
- NB50 Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back or pelvis
- NC10 Superficial injury of shoulder or upper arm
- NC30 Superficial injury of forearm
- NC51 Superficial injury of wrist or hand
- NC70 Superficial injury of hip or thigh
- NC90 Superficial injury of knee or lower leg
- ND11 Superficial injury of ankle or foot
- ND56.0 Superficial injury of unspecified body region
- ND90.0 Burn of head or neck except face, epidermal burn
- ND92.0 Burn of trunk except perineum or genitalia, epidermal burn
- ND94.0 Burn of shoulder or arm, except wrist or hand, epidermal burn
- ND95.0 Burn of wrist or hand, epidermal burn
- ND96.0 Burn of hip or leg, except ankle or foot, epidermal burn
- ND97.0 Burn of ankle or foot, epidermal burn
Excluded Entities
-- EC31 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa