Today's Progress: solved two practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: first time experience with codechef
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2 Decrement OR Increment - solution
99 Today's Progress: solved two practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: solved practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: solved practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: solved practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: solved practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: solved practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: solved practice problems on codechef
Thoughts: improvisation in coding format makes the code look better
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Today's Progress: learned LIS algorithm (dynamic programming)
Thoughts: optimization is better than naive solutions
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Today's Progress: learned LCS algorithm (dynamic programming)
Thoughts: optimization is better than naive solutions
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Today's Progress: solved longest common increasing subsequence problem (dynamic programming)
Thoughts: realtivity between two algorithms sometimes make things tricky
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Today's Progress: solved Edit Distance problem (dynamic programming)
Thoughts: string manipulation......!!
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Today's Progress: solved Edit Distance problem using LCS (dynamic programming)
Thoughts: string manipulation......!!
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Today's Progress: created first android application
Thoughts: development tools are interesting somehow
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Today's Progress: solved hacker rank problem
Thoughts: buildup logics to excel in coding
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Today's Progress: solved hacker rank problem
Thoughts: implementation of logics is interesting somehow
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Today's Progress: solved hacker rank problem
Thoughts: implementation of logics is interesting somehow
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Today's Progress: solved hacker rank problem
Thoughts: implementation of logics is interesting somehow
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Today's Progress: solved hacker rank problem
Thoughts: implementation of logics is interesting somehow
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Today's Progress: made a basic code for a dictionary in python
Thoughts: learn to implement solutions for real life problems
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Today's Progress: applied file handling to the application
Thoughts: learn to implement solutions for real life problems
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Today's Progress: gave a finish to the same application script
Thoughts: learn to implement solutions for real life problems
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Today's Progress: learned basic kotlin programs
Thoughts: try something new everyday
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Today's Progress: learned basic kotlin programs
Thoughts: try something new everyday
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Today's Progress: learned basic kotlin programs
Thoughts: try something new everyday
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Today's Progress: learned functions implementations in kotlin
Thoughts: try something new everyday
Link to work: functions in kotlin
Today's Progress: learned oop in kotlin
Thoughts: try something new everyday
Link to work: oop concepts in kotlin
Today's Progress: learned file handling in kotlin
Thoughts: try something new everyday
Link to work: file handling in kotlin
Today's Progress: solved partition subset problem using dynamic programming
Thoughts: try something new everyday
Link to work: partition subset problem
Today's Progress: solved a hacker rank problem
Thoughts: try something new everyday
Link to work: super reduced string
Today's Progress: implementation of website blocking conecpt
Thoughts: build and keep buidling.....
Link to work: website blocker in python
Today's Progress: worked on website blocker application developed in python
Thoughts: build and keep buidling.....
Link to work: website blocker
Today's Progress: implemented truncation in python to avoid extra memory usage by host file writing
Thoughts: build and keep buidling.....
Link to work: website blocker
Today's Progress: solved the problem of number of ways to cover a distance using DP
Thoughts: keep coding
Link to work: ways to cover a distance
Today's Progress: solved longest increasing path in a matrix problem
Thoughts: keep coding
Link to work: LIS in a matrix
Today's Progress: solved the problem of lonest path in a matrix
Thoughts: keep coding
Link to work: longest path in a matrix
Today's Progress: solved the 0-1 knapsack problem using DP
Thoughts: keep coding
Link to work: 0-1 knapsack problem
Today's Progress: implemented bubble sort
Thoughts: keep coding
Link to work: Bubble sort
Today's Progress: implemented Linear search
Thoughts: keep coding
Link to work: Linear search
Today's Progress: Implemented Binary search
Thoughts: keep coding
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Today's Progress: worked on UI of job allocation app
Thoughts: development invokes innovation
Link to work: UI design of Job allocation app
Today's Progress: worked on database of job allocation app
Thoughts: development invokes innovation
Link to work: database handler
Today's Progress: worked on adapter of job allocation app
Thoughts: development invokes innovation
Link to work: job adapter
Today's Progress: worked on connecting database to activities of job allocation app
Thoughts: development invokes innovation
Link to work: connecting activities
Today's Progress: worked on splash activity of job allocation app
Thoughts: development invokes innovation
Link to work: splash activity
Today's Progress: implemented quick sort
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: quick sort algorithm
Today's Progress: implemented merge sort
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: merge sort algorithm
Today's Progress: solved subset sum problem using dynamic programming
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: subset sum problem
Today's Progress: implemented insertion sort
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: insertion sort
Today's Progress: implemented heap sort
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: heap short
Today's Progress: implemented selection sort
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: selection sort
Today's Progress: implemented counting sort
Thoughts: complexity should be minimal no matter what you do
Link to work: counting sort
Today's Progress: designed UI for my cuisine app
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: cuisine app UI
Today's Progress: worked on recycler adapter of cuisine app
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: recycler adapter for cuisine app
Today's Progress: worked on listview of cuisine app
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: list view of cuisine app
Today's Progress: worked on connecting all the activities in cuisine app
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: connecting activities of cuisine app
Today's Progress: designed splash activity for cuisine app
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: splash activity
Today's Progress: implemented bucket sort
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: bucket sort
Today's Progress: KMP algorithm for pattern searching
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: KMP algorithm
Today's Progress: Rabin karp algorithm for pattern searching
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: Rabin Karp algorithm
Today's Progress: fractional knapsack problem
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: fractional knapsack
Today's Progress: job sequencing with deadline
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: job sequencing
Today's Progress: activity selection problem using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: activity selection
Today's Progress: train arrival delay problem using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: train arrival
Today's Progress: minimum coins problem using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: minimum coins problem
Today's Progress: solved practice problem EASY MATH on codechef
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: easy math
Today's Progress: solved fitting shelves problem using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: fitting shelves greedy
Today's Progress: solved police catches thieves problem using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: police catches thieves
Today's Progress: solved codechef problem using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: football - my solution
Today's Progress: solved codechef problem
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: devu and friendship test
Today's Progress: solved codechef problem
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: distribute apples
Today's Progress: Egg dropping problem using DP
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: egg dropping problem
Today's Progress: rod cutting problem
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: rod cutting problem
Today's Progress: minimum sum of products of array using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: minimum sum of products
Today's Progress: egyptian fraction using greedy approach
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: egyptian fraction
Today's Progress: Dilemma problem from codechef august challenge
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: Dilemma - my solution
Today's Progress: matrix chain multiplication using DP
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: matrix chain multiplication
Today's Progress: codechef problem
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: coins and triangle - my solution
Today's Progress: codechef problem
Thoughts: thinking is good for brain
Link to work: chef and serves - my solution