The log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on [July 17, Monday, 2017].
Solved a CodeChef problem
solved a CodeChef problem
solved a CodeChef problem
solved a codechef problem
solved a codechef problem
solved a codechef problem
started algorithms with dynamic programming basics
solver 2 random problems
solver LIS problem using dynamic programming
solver LCS problem using dynamic programming
solver LCIS problem using dynamic programming
solver Edit Distance problem using dynamic programming
solver Edit Distance combined with LCS problem using dynamic programming
developed first android application
solved hacker rank problem
solved hacker rank problem
solved hacker rank problem
solved hacker rank problem
solved hacker rank problem
worked on python dictionary application
worked on python dictionary application
worked on python dictionary application
learned basic codes in kotlin programming language
learned data types in kotlin
learned conditional statements in kotlin
learned functions in kotlin
learned oop concepts in kotlin
learned file handling in kotlin
solved dynamic programming problem
solved a hacker rank problem
implemented the idea of blocking website in python
worked on python website blocker
implemented truncation in python to avoid memory usage by host file
solved the probelm of different ways to cover a distance using DP
solved the LIP in a matrix using DP
solved longest path in a matrix using dynamic programming
solved 0-1 knapsack problem using DP
implemented bubble sort
implemented linear search
binary search recursive and Linear
job allocation app UI design
database for job allocation app
adapter for job allocation app
connection between activities in the job allocation app
splash activity in job allocation app
implemented quick sort algorithm
implemented merge sort algorithm
solved subset sum problem using dynamic programming
implemented insertion sort
implemented heap sort
implemented selection sort
implemented counting sort
designed UI for cuisine app
designed adapter for recyler view in cuisine app
designed listview for cuisine app
connected all activities of cuisine app
designed splash activity for cuisine app
implemented bucket sort
implemented KMP algorithm
implemented Rabin Karp algorithm
solved fractional knapsack using greedy approach
solved job sequencing problem using greedy approach
solved activity selection problem using greedy approach
solved train arrival delay problem using greedy approach
solved minimum coins problem using greedy approach
solved codechef practice problem
solved fitting shelves problem using greedy approach
solved police catches thieves problem using greedy approach
solved codechef long contest problem
solved a codechef problem
solved a codechef problem
solved Egg dropping problem using DP
solved rod cutting problem using DP
solved minimum sum of products problem using greedy approach
solved egyptian fraction using greedy approach
solved codechef august challenge problem
solved matrix chain multiplication using DP
solved codechef practice problem