Mentor matching application
The system is bundled with a Vagrant set up, so you can get up and running quickly and in a common environment.
To get the Vagrant system running, go to vagrant-mentor-app-php5.4 and run the following:
$ vagrant up
This will start the vagrant instance for you. To access the web server on either you will need to open your browser and go to:
http://localhost:8080/ OR
To access you will need to add the following to your hosts file:
If you need to access your Vagrant machine at any time you can go in to the relevant directory and run:
$ vagrant ssh
When you are finished for the day, go to the relevant directory and run:
$ vagrant halt
When you are finished forever, you can completely destroy the machine by running:
$ vagrant destroy
In order to keep control of the database we use a system called Phinx. Full documentation can be found at:
To create a change from the /var/www directory run the following command:
$ bin/phinx create
To check the status (what's not been run yet, etc) run the following command:
$ bin/phinx status -e development
To apply outstanding migrations run the following:
$ bin/phinx migrate -e development
If you don't specify the "-e development" then it will default to development with a warning.
SASS 3.2.10 is required. Presently, SASS and the compiled CSS output are to reside on the same directory.