This vignette introduces you to the ss3diags
R package,
-which accompanies the paper “A cookbook for using model diagnostics in
-integrated stock assessments” by Carvalho, Winker et al. (2021).
The ss3diags
comprises a set of functions for applying
-advanced model diagnostics to Stock Synthesis models. The package builds
-on the widely used R package r4ss
-et al. 2021), which is designed to support the use of the Stock
-Synthesis software modeling framework (Methot
-and Wetzel, 2013).
This vignette is divided into four sections.
-Section 1 consists of installing ss3diags
-and loading the example data from a simulated, cod-like stock that is
-included with the package. Section 2 describes the
-plotting of various model diagnostics as described in the Cookbook.
-Section 3 provides a detailed explanation on how to
-assess model uncertainty using ss3diags
. In Section 4 we provide a series of “cookbook recipes” on
-how to implement selected model diagnostics on Stock Synthesis
Both ss3diags
and r4ss
can be installed
-from gihtub using the remotes
- remotes
-::install_github("PIFSCstockassessments/ss3diags") remotes
Once the packages are installed they can be loaded by:
The package contains output from a simple, cod-like SS model that was
-simulated using ss3sim. The model includes 2 fleets, one fishery and one
-survey. Catch data is available from year 26 to year 100 (final year of
-model). An index of abundance is available from the survey fleet for
-years 62 - 100. No discard data was simulated. Simulated composition
-data includes length (fleets 1 and 2), age (fleets 1 and 2), and
-conditional age-at-length (fleet 1). Examples of the the output of a
-single run (as read by r4ss::SS_output()
) of the model as
-well as the output from a retrospective analysis with 5 year peels (as
-read by r4ss::SSgetout()
) are available with the
The example outputs can be loaded into R by:
#Single run output
-#retrospective analysis output
-#mcmc estimation
: list of stock synthesis objects created with
: list of retrospective runs created with
and read by
: dataframe of MCMC posterior distributions
-The plotting options are kept mainly to those provided by r4ss. Like with r4ss, if, for example,
is called with no further specifications
-several windows will open, the number of windows depends on the number
-abundance indices.
The runs test is a nonparametric hypothesis test for randomness in a
-data sequence that calculates the 2-sided p-value to estimate the number
-of runs (i.e., sequences of values of the same sign) above and below a
-reference value. The runs test can diagnose model misspecification using
-residuals from fits to abundance indices (Carvalho
-et al. 2017) by testing if there are non-random patterns in the
-residuals. It can also be applied to other data components in assessment
-models such as the mean-length residuals and mean-age residuals. In
-addition, the three-sigma limits can be considered to identify potential
-outliers as any data point would be unlikely given a random process
-error in the observed residual distribution if it is further than three
-standard deviations away from the expected residual process average of
The output for SSplotRunstest()
includes a plot of the
-residuals by fleet and a table with the results from the runs test and
-‘three-sigma limit’ values. In the plots below, the shaded area
-represents the ‘three-sigma limit’, or three residual standard
-deviations from zero. If any of the individual residual points fall
-outside of the three-sigma limit, they are colored red as in the fishery
-length-composition in the example below. Green shaded area indicates the
-residuals are randomly distributed (p-value >= 0.05) and red shaded
-area indicates the residuals are not randomly distributed and there is
-some misspecification with the indices or composition data (p-value <
To visualize the runs test for multiple indices, it is
-recommended to use the function r4ss::sspar()
to specify
-row and column layout and any other plotting parameters. The option
included in any of the ss3diags plotting functions
-prevents the functions from over-writing sspar()
::sspar(mfrow = c(2,2))
- r4ssSSplotRunstest(simple, subplots = "cpue", add = TRUE)
-/ plots forIndex
- Running Runs Test Diagnostics w
- Plotting Residual Runs TestsTest (/w plot) stats by Index:
- Residual Runs
- Index runs.p test sigma3.lo sigma3.hi type1 Survey 0.033 Failed -0.4320694 0.4320694 cpue
- SSplotRunstest(simple, subplots = "len", add = TRUE)
-/ plots forMean length
- Running Runs Test Diagnostics w
- Plotting Residual Runs TestsTest (/w plot) stats by Mean length:
- Residual Runs
- Index runs.p test sigma3.lo sigma3.hi type1 Fishery 0.724 Passed -0.1454301 0.1454301 len
- 2 Survey 0.338 Passed -0.1105796 0.1105796 len
- SSplotRunstest(simple, subplots = "con", add = TRUE)
-/ plots forConditional age-at-length
- Running Runs Test Diagnostics w Plotting Residual Runs Tests
-Runs test plots for CPUE index, length-composition, and -conditional-age-at-length data fits. Green shading indicates no evidence -(p ≥ 0.05) and red shading indicates evidence (p < 0.05) to reject -the hypothesis of a randomly distributed time-series of residuals. The -shaded (green/red) area spans three residual standard deviations to -either side from zero, and the red points outside of the shading violate -the ‘three-sigma limit’ for that series. -
- Residual Runs Test (/w plot) stats by Conditional age-at-length:
- Index runs.p test sigma3.lo sigma3.hi type
- 1 Fishery 0.5 Passed -0.1491212 0.1491212 con
It is also possible to select the indices that should be plotted. For
-example, if we only want to plot the fishery length composition
-residuals, we can specify this with the indexselect
- r4ssSSplotRunstest(simple, subplots = "len", indexselect = 1, add = TRUE)
-/ plots forMean length
- Running Runs Test Diagnostics w Plotting Residual Runs Tests
-Runs test plot for fits to fishery length composition data. -
- Residual Runs Test (/w plot) stats by Mean length:
- Index runs.p test sigma3.lo sigma3.hi type
- 1 Fishery 0.724 Passed -0.1454301 0.1454301 len
-In addition to the residual plots, SSplotRunstest()
-produces a summary table of the runs test output values, including:
To only produce the summary table and skip the plot, e.g. to
-faciliate automated processing, use SSrunstest()
<- SSrunstest(simple, quants = "cpue")
- rcpue for Index
- Running Runs Test Diagnosics
- Computing Residual Runs Tests:
- Residual Runs Test stats by Index<- SSrunstest(simple, quants = "len")
- rlen for Mean length
- Running Runs Test Diagnosics
- Computing Residual Runs Tests:
- Residual Runs Test stats by Mean lengthrbind(rcpue, rlen)
- Index runs.p test sigma3.lo sigma3.hi type1 Survey 0.033 Failed -0.4320694 0.4320694 cpue
- 2 Fishery 0.724 Passed -0.1454301 0.1454301 len
- 3 Survey 0.338 Passed -0.1105796 0.1105796 len
The second function for residual diagnostics is the function
. This function is from the R package JABBA and plots a time
-series of residuals for all fleets of the indicated data (CPUE or
-composition). In the example below, we plot the residuals for the mean
-age (age-composition) and mean length (length-composition) for both
- r4ssSSplotJABBAres(simple, subplots = "age", add = TRUE)
- RMSE stats by Index
- indices RMSE.perc nobs1 Fishery 9.3 69
- 2 Survey 5.1 20
- 3 Combined 8.5 89
- SSplotJABBAres(simple, subplots = "len", add = TRUE)
-Joint residual plots for fits to age and length compositions, where the -vertical lines with points show the residuals, and solid black lines -show loess smoother through all residuals. Boxplots indicate the median -and quantiles in cases where residuals from the multiple indices are -available for any given year. Root-mean squared errors (RMSE) are -included in the upper right-hand corner of each plot. -
- RMSE stats by Index:
- indices RMSE.perc nobs
- 1 Fishery 4.5 75
- 2 Survey 3.4 20
- 3 Combined 4.3 95
Retrospective analysis is commonly used to check the consistency of -model estimates, i.e., the invariance in spawning stock biomass (SSB) -and fishing mortality (F) as the model is updated with new data in -retrospect. The retrospective analysis involves sequentially removing -observations from the terminal year (i.e., peels), fitting the model to -the truncated series, and then comparing the relative difference between -model estimates from the full-time series with the truncated -time-series.
-In Stock Synthesis, retrospective analysis can be routinely
-implemented using r4ss:SS_doRetro()
(see Section 3.1). ss3diags
provides the function
to visualize the retrospective patterns of
-SBB and F and compute the associated Mohn’s rho value
-(i.e. retrospective bias). This first requires loading the retrospective
-runs (Section 1.2), which are already built into
in this case. The next step is to summarize the
-list of retrospective runs using r4ss::SSsummarize()
<- r4ss::SSsummarize(retroSimple,verbose=F) retroI.simple
We use the notation “retroI” because r4ss::SSsummarize()
-summarizes the modeled quantities and abundance indices, but not length
-or age composition data. Using retroI.simple
it is possible
-to produce some basic retrospective plots.
- r4ss<- SSplotRetro(retroI.simple, add=TRUE, subplots = "SSB", forecast = F, legend = F, verbose=F)
- rssb <- SSplotRetro(retroI.simple, add=TRUE, subplots="F", ylim=c(0.05,0.2),
- rf forecast=F, legendloc="topright", legendcex = 0.8, verbose=F)
-Retrospective analysis of spawning stock biomass (SSB) and fishing -mortality estimates for cod-like stock conducted by re-fitting the -reference model (Ref) after five years of data were removed, one year at -a time sequentially. Mohn’s rho statistic are denoted on top of the -panels. Grey shaded areas are the 95 % confidence intervals from the -reference model in cases where the analysis was run with Hessian. -
-An intuitive extension of the retrospective analysis is to assess
-potential forecast bias by adding the additional step of forward
-projecting quantities, such as SSB, over the truncated years. In Stock
-Synthesis the forecasts are automatically done when using
.The forecasts are based on the settings
-specified in ‘’, which are also evoked when conducting future
-projections with the same model. The observed catches are used for the
-retrospective forecasts. Retrospective forecasts with Stock Synthesis
-are therefore only a matter of visualization, which can be done by
-setting the SSplotRetro()
- r4ss<- SSplotRetro(retroI.simple, add = T, subplots = "SSB", forecast = T,
- rssb legend = F, verbose = F, xmin = 2000, ylim = c(0.5E9, 2.5e9))
- <- SSplotRetro(retroI.simple, add = T, subplots = "F", ylim = c(0.05,0.25),
- rf forecast = T, legendloc = "topleft", legendcex = 0.8, verbose = F, xmin = 2000)
-Retrospective results shown for the most recent years only. Mohn’s rho -statistic and the corresponding ‘hindcast rho’ values (in brackets) are -now printed at the top of the panels. One-year-ahead projections denoted -by color-coded dashed lines with terminal points are shown for each -model. -
-The statistics from the retrospective analysis with forecasting,
-Mohn’s rho and forecast bias, can be called without plotting using the
-function SShcbias()
- type peel Rho ForcastRho1 SSB 99 0.007769174 -0.006152424
- 2 SSB 98 0.075590953 0.069386314
- 3 SSB 97 0.207121898 0.229780185
- 4 SSB 96 0.202493492 0.211816848
- 5 SSB 95 0.245173711 0.254376716
- 6 SSB Combined 0.147629846 0.151841528
- type peel Rho ForcastRho1 F 99 -0.00509569 0.006707778
- 2 F 98 -0.06829083 -0.057673536
- 3 F 97 -0.17225678 -0.184649147
- 4 F 96 -0.16735016 -0.175990996
- 5 F 95 -0.19535279 -0.199995306
- 6 F Combined -0.12166925 -0.122320241
Implementing the Hindcast Cross-Validation (HCxval) diagnostic in
-Stock Synthesis requires the same model outputs generated by
as described in Section 3.1. Therefore, no additional step is needed for HCxval
-if conducted in conjunction with retrospective analysis.
As a
-robust measure of prediction skill, we implemented the mean absolute
-scaled error (MASE). In brief, the MASE score scales the mean absolute
-error (MAE) of forecasts (i.e., prediction residuals) to MAE of a naïve
-in-sample prediction, which is realized in the form of a simple
-‘persistence algorithm’, i.e. tomorrow’s weather will be the same as
-today’s (see Eq. 3, p.5 in Carvalho
-and Winker et al. 2021). A MASE score > 1 indicates that the
-average model forecasts are worse than a random walk. Conversely, a MASE
-score of 0.5 indicates that the model forecasts twice as accurately as a
-naïve baseline prediction; thus, the model has prediction skill.
HCxval is implemented using function
, which produces the novel HCxval diagnostic
-plot and computes the MASE scores for CPUE indices, mean lengths or mean
-ages that have observations falling within the hindcast evaluation
Plotting HCxval for abundance indices requires the same step of -summarizing the list of retrospective runs as for the retrospective -analysis, which therefore only needs be done once.
-<- SSplotHCxval(retroI.simple, add=T, verbose=F, legendcex = 0.7) hci
-Hindcasting cross-validation (HCxval) results from CPUE fit, showing -observed (large points connected with dashed line), fitted (solid lines) -and one-year ahead forecast values (small terminal points). HCxval was -performed using one reference model (Ref) and five hindcast model runs -(solid lines) relative to the expected CPUE. The observations used for -cross validation are highlighted as color-coded solid circles with -associated 95 % confidence intervals. The model reference year refers to -the endpoints of each one-year-ahead forecast and the corresponding -observation (i.e., year of peel + 1). The mean absolute scaled error -(MASE) score for the survey index is shown at the top of the plot. -
The forecast length- and age-composition are located in the
-Stock Synthesis report.sso as “ghost files”. To extract and summarize
-the composition data in the form of observed and expected mean lengths
-and age ss3diags
provides the function
<- SSretroComps(retroSimple) retroC.simple
- r4ss<- SSplotHCxval(retroC.simple, subplots="len", add=T, verbose=F, legendcex = 0.7, ylim = c(50, 100)) hcl
-Hindcasting cross-validation (HCxval) results for mean lengths. Note -that MASE values in brackets are adjusted MASE values for cases where -naive predictions have a Mean-Absolute-Error below 0.1 -
The figure above provides some additional, so called adjusted
-MASE values, in parentheses. This gets invoked in cases where the
-inter-annual variation in the observed values is very small (default MAE
-< 0.1 for naive predictions log(y[t+1])-log(y[t])). The reasoning is
-that prediction residuals must be already very accurate to fall below
-this threshold. The adjusted MASE essential keep the naive prediction
-MAE denominator of the MASE to a maximum. Below we show the effect of
-changing adjustment threshold from the default
-MAE.base.adj = 0.1
= SSmase(retroC.simple, quant="len", MAE.base.adj = 0.1)
- mase1
- mase1
- Index Season MASE MAE.PR MAE.base MASE.adj n.eval1 Fishery 1 0.9635032 0.06664560 0.06917009 0.6664560 5
- 2 Survey 1 0.2433708 0.02412211 0.09911671 0.2412211 2
- 3 joint 0.7011276 0.05449603 0.07772627 0.5449603 7
to a larger value MAE.base.adj = 0.15
SSmase(retroC.simple, quant="len", MAE.base.adj = 0.15)
- Index Season MASE MAE.PR MAE.base MASE.adj n.eval1 Fishery 1 0.9635032 0.06664560 0.06917009 0.4443040 5
- 2 Survey 1 0.2433708 0.02412211 0.09911671 0.1608141 2
- 3 joint 0.7011276 0.05449603 0.07772627 0.3633069 7
where MASE
is the ratio of the mean absolute error of
-the prediction residuals MAE.PR
to the residuals of the
-naive predictions MAE.base
- mase11] 0.9635032 0.2433708 0.7011276
- [$MASE
- mase11] 0.9635032 0.2433708 0.7011276 [
and MASE.adj
- mase11] 0.6664560 0.2412211 0.5449603
- [$MASE.adj
- mase11] 0.6664560 0.2412211 0.5449603 [
Note that applying HCxval for composition data requires correctly
-specifying the composition data type fitted in the model. For example,
-age composition data need to be specified as “age” in
and SSmase
, as shown below.
-<- SSplotHCxval(retroC.simple, subplots="age", add=TRUE,
- hcl verbose=F, legendcex = 0.7)
-Hindcasting cross-validation (HCxval) results for mean ages. Note that -MASE values in brackets are adjusted MASE values for cases where naive -predictions have a Mean-Absolute-Error below 0.1 -
- Index Season MASE MAE.PR MAE.base MASE.adj n.eval1 Fishery 1 NA NA NA NA 0
- 2 Survey 1 0.3171172 0.04623051 0.1457836 0.3171172 2
- 3 joint 0.3171172 0.04623051 0.1457836 0.3171172 2
The management advice frameworks increasingly require translating the -estimated uncertainty about the stock status into probabilistic -statements (Kell et al. 2016). A classic example is the Kobe framework -used in tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (tRFMOs) around -the world. The key quantities of interest are typically the ratios \(SSB/SSB_{MSY}\) and \(F/F_{MSY}\). While it is reasonably -straight forward in Stock Synthesis to approximate uncertainty of -individual quantities (e.g. \(SSB\)) -from the asymptotic standard errors (SE) derived from the Hessian matrix -using the delta method, the joint distribution of \(SSB/SSB_{MSY}\) and \(F/F_{MSY}\) requires adequately accounting -for the covariance structure between these two derived quantities. Joint -distributions are typically constructed using bootstrap or Markov Chain -Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods. However, these methods can be -computationally intense and time-consuming in integrated -assessments.
-As an alternative, ss3diags
implements a rapid
-delta-Multivariate lognormal approximation with
to generate joint error distributions for
-\(SSB/SSB_{ref}\) and \(F/F_{ref}\), where the \(ref\) may refer to \(MSY\), but also other reference points
-(e.g., \(SSB_{40}\) and \(F_{40}\)). In Stock Synthesis, these ratios
-are determined by the derived quantities Bratio
, where either can take the form of ratios (e.g. \(F/F_{ref}\)) or absolute value
-(e.g. absF
) depending on settings in the
Let Bratio
be \(u =
-SSB/SSB_{ref}\), F
be \(v
-= F\), and \(w = F_{ref}\) be
-the F reference point of interest (e.g. \(F_{MSY}\)), with \(x = \log(u)\), \(y = \log(v)\) and \(z = \log(w)\), then the variance-covariance
-matrix \(VCM\) has the form:
\[ -VCM_{x,y,z} = -\begin{pmatrix} - \sigma^2_{x} & cov_{x,y} & cov_{x,y} \\ - cov_{x,y} & \sigma^2_{y} & cov_{y,z} \\ - cov_{x,z} & cov_{y,z} & \sigma^2_{z} -\end{pmatrix} -\]
-where, e.g., \(\sigma^2_{x}\) is the -variance of \(x\) and \(cov_{x,y}\) is the covariance of \(x\) and \(y\). Deriving those requires conducting a -few normal to lognormal transformations. First, the variances are -approximated as:
-\[ -\sigma^2_{x} = \log\left(1+\left(\frac{SE_u}{u}\right)^2\right) -\]
-where \(SE_{u}\), \(SE_{v}\) and \(SE_{z}\) are the asymptotic standard error -estimates for \(u = SSB/SSB_{ref}\), -\(v = F\) and \(z = F_{ref}\).
-The corresponding covariance for \(x\) and \(y\), can then be approximated on the -log-scale by:
-\[ -COV_{x,y} = \log \left( {1+\rho_{u,v} \sqrt{\sigma^2_{x}\sigma^2_{y}}} -\right) -\]
-where \(rho_{u,v}\) denotes the -correlation of \(u\) and \(v\).
-To generate a joint distribution of \(\tilde{u}\) = \(SSB/SSB_{ref}\), \(\tilde{v}\) = \(F\) and \(\tilde{z}\) = \(F_{ref}\), a multivariate random generator -is used, which is available in the R package ‘mvtnorm’, to obtain a -large number (e.g. nsim = 10,000) iterations, such that
-\[ -JD(\tilde{u},\tilde{v},\tilde{w}) = \exp(MVN(\mu_{x,y,z},VCM_{x,y,z})) -\] so that
-\[ -\tilde{SSB}/\tilde{SSB}_{{MSY}} = \tilde{u} -\] and
-\tilde{F}/\tilde{F}_{{MSY}} = \tilde{v}/\tilde{w}
The reference points depend on the settings in the
file that determine the derived quantities
and Fvalue
We provide the function SSsettingsBratioF(simple)
-view the
- 1] "SSB/SSB0"
- [
- $F
- 1] "_abs_F"
- [
- $Bref
- 1] 0.4 [
This function is also inbuilt in SSdeltaMVLN()
-prevent misleading results. The SSdeltaMVLN()
-includes the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) and the MVLN
-Monte-Carlo distributions $kb
of \(SSB/SSB_{MSY}\), \(F/F_{MSY}\) and \(F\). Note the additional quantities \(SSB\) and \(Rec\) are generated independently from
-lognormal distributions for practical reasons. These can be plotted by
The SSdeltaMVLN()
provides the option to set alternative
values, but this is only possible for the recommended
option 0 for F_report_basis
. For
-option 2, SSdeltaMVLN()
prompts an error if
is changed.
The simple
model is run with settings that are common in
-NOAA assessments, with Bratio
set to \(SSB/SSB_{0}\) and F
-typically kept at absolute quantity.
1 # Depletion basis: 1=rel X*SB0; 2=rel SPBmsy; 3=rel X*SPB_styr; 4=rel X*SPB_endyr
0 # F_report_basis: 0=raw_F_report; 1=F/Fspr; 2=F/Fmsy ; 3=F/Fbtgt
The management quantities in this case are \(SSB/SSB_{40}\) and \(F/F_{spr40}\), where the target of 40% is
-specified in the
0.4 # SPR target (e.g. 0.40)
0.4 # Biomass target (e.g. 0.40)
-<- SSdeltaMVLN(simple, run="Simple", Fref="SPR", plot=TRUE)
- mvln
- : SSB/SSB0 and F: _abs_F
- starter.sso with Bratio
-Kobe phase plots showing MVLN Kobe probability distributions of \(SSB/SSB_{40}\) and \(F/F_{SPR40}\) for the simple SS3 model. -
-::sspar(mfrow=c(3,2),plot.cex = 0.7)
- r4ssSSplotEnsemble(mvln$kb, ylabs=mvln$labels, add=T, verbose=F)
-Distributions for \(SSB/SSB_{40}\), -\(F/F_{SPR40}\), \(SSB\), \(F\), Recruitment and Catch trajectories for -the simple SS3 model -
-In some instances, mismatches between theSSdeltaMVLN
-MCMC may be caused by the latter’s poor performance due to poor
-regularization (Monnahan
-et al., 2019) or in cases where key parameters such as steepness
-\(h\) or natural \(M\) are estimated using informative priors,
-which can result in left skewed (non-lognormal) distributions of the
-benchmarks \(F_{ref}\) and \(B_{ref}\) (Stewart
-et al. (2013) and Taylor
-et al. (2021)).
To facilitate a comparison between the SSdeltaMLVN()
-MCMC outputs, we provide the function SSdiagsMCMC()
, which
-is illustrated on the example of the Simple cod-like Stock Synthesis
requires loading both the
and MCMC output in the
file, where the MCMC was in this case run in
-the subfolder of the assessment file /mcmc
. For an example,
-we have provided MCMC output for the simple model which can be loaded in
-by data("mcmcSimple")
#report file
-<- SS_output("./reference_run")
- report <- SSgetMCMC("./reference_run/mcmc")
- mcmc
-# MCMC example included in ss3diags
The options and output of SSdiagsMCMC()
are largely
-identical to SSdeltaMVLN
<- SSdeltaMVLN(simple, plot=F, run="mvln")
- mvln
- : SSB/SSB0 and F: _abs_F
- starter.sso with Bratio
- <- SSdiagsMCMC(mcmcSimple, simple, plot=F, run="mcmc")
- mcmc
- : SSB/SSB0 and F: _abs_F
- starter.sso with Bratio
- $kb <- dplyr::filter(mcmc$kb, year > 27) mcmc
Comparing delta-MVLN with MCMC simply requires combining the
outputs by, e.g.,
::sspar(mfrow=c(1,1),plot.cex = 0.8)
- r4ssSSplotKobe(rbind(mvln$kb, mcmc$kb), joint=F,
-xlab=mvln$labels[1], ylab=mvln$labels[2], fill=F)
-Kobe phase plot comparing MVLN and MCMC posterior distributions of \(SSB/SSB_{40}\) and \(F/F_{40}\) for the simple SS3 model -
- Quadrant Percent
- 1 Red 48.528835
- 2 Orange 9.003531
- 3 Yellow 17.320518
- 4 Green 25.147117
-::sspar(mfrow=c(2,2),plot.cex = 0.7)
- r4ssSSplotEnsemble(rbind(mvln$kb,mcmc$kb),ylabs=mvln$labels,add=T,subplots = c("stock", "harvest", "SSB", "F"),verbose=F)
-Comparison of MVLN and MCMC posterior distributions for \(SSB/SSB_{40}\), \(F/F_{SB40}\), \(SSB\) and \(F\) for the simple SS3 model -
This function works equally for joining a model ensemble.
Retrospective analysis can be run for Stock Synthesis using the
-function r4ss::SS_doRetro()
available in r4ss. This setup of the
-retrospective analysis has the advantage that forecasts are conducted
-automatically given the catch. This makes it possible to apply
-retrospective forecasting and hindcast cross-validations of observations
-based on the same output.
Below is a step-by-step cookbook recipe for retrospective analysis in -Stock Synthesis which can also be found in the model -recipes.
-Specify the range pf peels that will then determine the
of runs in r4ss::SS_doRetro()
<- 0 # end year of reference year
- start.retro <- 5 # number of years for retrospective e.g., end.retro
Specify the path directory that holds the folder with the base case -run. In this case the ‘Simple’ folder with a model folder -`Reference_Run”
-= "./Simple"
- dirname.base = "Reference_Run"
- run <- file.path(dirname.base, run)
filesSpecify the names of the data and control files. Note these files are
-named differently from the
. In this case
= "simple.dat"
- DAT = "simple.ctl" CTL
The names of the DAT and CONTROL are declared on the top of the
-’, e.g.
#C Simple starter
There are several ways to organize the retrospective output
-structure. First create a new subfolder for the retrospective runs
<- paste0(dirname.base,'/Retro_',run)
- dir.retro dir.create(path=dir.retro, showWarnings = F)
Also create a subdirectory for the retrospective model folders
-dir.create(path=file.path(dir.retro,"retros"), showWarnings = F)
then copy model run files to the new retrospective folder
-file.copy(file.path(,"starter.ss_new"), file.path(dir.retro,""))
-file.path(dir.retro, CTL))
-file.path(dir.retro, DAT))
-file.path(dir.retro, ""))
-file.path(dir.retro, "SS.exe"))
-# Automatically ignored for models without
-file.path(dir.retro, ""))
Modifying the Starter File helps to speed up model runs
<- r4ss::SS_readstarter(file = file.path(dir.retro,""))
- starter
-$run_display_detail <- 1
- starter# write modified
-::SS_writestarter(starter, file.path(dir.retro, "")) r4ss
Run the retrospective analyses using r4SS function
.Ideally, the runs should be done with
-Hessian to evaluate the retrospective trajectories with respect to the
-confidence interval coverage of the reference model.
::SS_doRetro(masterdir=dir.retro, oldsubdir="",
- r4ssnewsubdir="", years=start.retro:-end.retro)
However, for larger models it might be desirable to shorten run
-times, by not inverting the hessian, using the option
-extras = "-nohess"
. This runs the model much faster.
- r4ssnewsubdir="", years=start.retro:-end.retro,extras = "-nohess")
output<- r4ss::SSgetoutput(dirvec=file.path(dir.retro,
- retroSimple paste0("retro",start.retro:-end.retro)))
It is often useful to save the retro model runs as
file for further processing with
, considering that reading the models with
can be quite time-consuming for more
-complex models.
save(retroSimple, file = file.path(dir.retro,"retroSimple.rdata"))
-= r4ss::SSsummarize(retroSimple)
- check.retro 6 models:
- Summarizing =1/6
- imodel= 112
- N active pars =2/6
- imodel= 112
- N active pars =3/6
- imodel= 112
- N active pars =4/6
- imodel= 112
- N active pars =5/6
- imodel= 112
- N active pars =6/6
- imodel= 112
- N active pars 'verbose = FALSE'.
- Summary finished. To avoid printing details above, use ::sspar(mfrow = c(1,1))
- r4ssSSplotRetro(check.retro, forecast = T, add=T, legendcex = 0.7, legendloc = "topleft")
- Plotting Retrospective pattern
Mohn's Rho stats, including one step ahead forecasts:
- type peel Rho ForecastRho
- 1 SSB 99 0.007769174 -0.006152424
- 2 SSB 98 0.075590953 0.069386314
- 3 SSB 97 0.207121898 0.229780185
- 4 SSB 96 0.202493492 0.211816848
- 5 SSB 95 0.245173711 0.254376716
- 6 SSB Combined 0.147629846 0.151841528
-Likelihood profiling is a key model diagnostic that helps identify -the influence of information sources on model estimates. R_0 is a -commonly profiled parameter because it represents a global scaling -parameter. To conduct a profile, values of the parameter over a given -range are fixed and the model re-run and then changes in total -likelihood and data-component likelihoods are examined.
-Below is a step-by-step cookbook recipe for R_0 profiling in Stock -Synthesis which can also be found in the model -recipes.
-Identify the directory where completed base model was run.
-<- "./reference_run_orig"
<- paste0(,'/Likelihood profiles/R0')
- dirname.R0.profile dir.create(path=dirname.R0.profile, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
=paste0(dirname.R0.profile, "/Figures & Tables")
- plotdirdir.create(path=plotdir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
<- list.files(
- list_of_files file.copy(file.path(, list_of_files), dirname.R0.profile)
<- SS_readctl(file = file.path(dirname.R0.profile, "control.ss_new"),
- control.file datlist = file.path(dirname.R0.profile, "data.ss_new"))
- $recdev_phase <- 1
- control.fileSS_writectl(control.file,
-outfile = file.path(dirname.R0.profile, "control.ss_new"))
Edit the starter file in the “R0_profile” working directory to read -from init values from
-<- SS_readstarter(file.path(dirname.R0.profile, "/", sep=""))
- starter.file #make sure names for control and data file are correct
-$ctlfile <- ""
- starter.file$datfile <- "data.ss_new"
- starter.file#for non-estimated quantities
-$init_values_src <- 0
- starter.file# Make sure the prior likelihood is calculated for non-estimated quantities
-$prior_like <- 1
- starter.fileSS_writestarter(starter.file, dir = dirname.R0.profile, overwrite = TRUE)
Create a vector of values to profile over. Make sure the values span
-both sides of the estimated parameter value (found in the control.ss_new
-file). Then use the r4ss::SS_profile()
function to run the
# vector of values to profile over
-<- seq(16.0,20.0,0.1)
- R0.vec <- length(R0.vec)
- Nprof.R0
-<- SS_profile(dir=dirname.R0.profile,
- profile model="ss",
- masterctlfile="control.ss_new",
- newctlfile="",
- string="SR_LN(R0)",
- profilevec=R0.vec)
# read the output files (with names like Report1.sso, Report2.sso, etc.)
-<- SSgetoutput(dirvec=dirname.R0.profile,
- prof.R0.models keyvec=1:Nprof.R0, getcovar = FALSE) #
-# summarize output
-<- SSsummarize(prof.R0.models)
- prof.R0.summary
-#add base model into summary
-<- SS_output(
- MLEmodel $MLE <- MLEmodel
- prof.R0.models<- SSsummarize(prof.R0.models)
- prof.R0.summary
-# Likelihood components
-<- c('TOTAL',"Survey", "Discard",
- mainlike_components 'Length_comp',"Age_comp",'Recruitment')
-<- c('Total likelihood','Index likelihood',
- mainlike_components_labels "Discard",'Length likelihood',
- "Age likelihood",'Recruitment likelihood')
-# plot profile using summary created above
-profile.string = "R0",
- profile.label=expression(log(italic(R)[0])),
- print = TRUE,
- plotdir=plotdir
- )<- prof.R0.models$MLE$parameters %>%
- Baseval filter(str_detect(Label, "SR_LN")) %>%
- pull(Value)
- abline(v = Baseval, lty=2)
The application of the Age-Structured Production Model (ASPM) -approach as a diagnostic can help identify misspecification of the -production function. If, in the absence of composition data (likelihood -weighting set to 0), the ASPM fits well to the indices of abundance that -have good contrast, then the production function is likely to drive the -stock dynamics and indices will provide information about the absolute -abundance (Carvalho -et al. 2017). If there is not a good fit to the indices, then the -catch data and production function alone cannot explain the trajectories -of the indices of relative abundance. Below is a step-by-step cookbook -recipe for the ASPM analysis in Stock Synthesis which can also be found -in the model -recipes.
-Create a new directory for the ASPM run and a subdirectory for -figures and tables
-<- "./ASPM"
- dirname.aspm dir.create(path = dirname.aspm, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
-<- file.path(dirname.aspm, "Figures_Tables")
- plotdir dir.create(path = plotdir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
<- "./reference_run_orig"
-<- list.files(
- list_of_files file.copy(file.path(, list_of_files), dirname.aspm)
<- SS_readpar_3.30(file.path(dirname.aspm, "ss3.par"),
- pars datsource = file.path(dirname.aspm, "data.ss_new"),
- ctlsource = file.path(dirname.aspm, "control.ss_new"))
-$recdev_early[,2] <- 0
- pars$recdev1[,2] <- 0
- pars$recdev_forecast[,2] <- 0
- parsSS_writepar_3.30(pars, outfile = file.path(dirname.aspm, "ss3.par"))
Change the settings in the
file to read from
-par file and update the dat and ctl file names to .ss_new versions.
-Also, change the phase that steepness and sigmaR are estimated in.
<- SS_readstarter(file = file.path(dirname.aspm, ""))
- starter $init_values_src <- 1
- starter$datfile <- "data.ss_new"
- starter$ctlfile <- "control.ss_new"
- starterSS_writestarter(starter, dir = dirname.aspm, overwrite = TRUE)
-SS_changepars(dir = dirname.aspm,
-strings = c("steep", "sigmaR"),
- newphs = c(-4, -5))
Adjust the control file to fix rec devs at the value read from par -file. Also be sure to change the phase to negative (recdev phase =-3, -recdev_early_phase = -4). If there are any length or age composition -data data, change the likelihood lambda to 0 (to turn off) and penalty -for rec dev estimation in likelihood (lambda = 0 for recruitment). Also, -manually fix the selectivity parameters to the values estimated (change -phase to negative value in control.ss_new file).
-<- SS_readctl(file = file.path(dirname.aspm, "control.ss_new"),
- control datlist = file.path(dirname.aspm, "data.ss_new"))
-$recdev_early_phase <- -4
- control$recdev_phase <- -3
- control
-# Manually turn off all length comp data (likelihood lambda to 0) and penalty for rec dev estimation in likelihood (lambda = 0 for recruitment)
-# 4 1 1 0 1
-# 4 2 1 0 1
-# 10 1 1 0 1
-# If there are already lambda adjustments you can do this through R by:
-$lambdas$value[which(control$lambdas$like_comp == 4)] <- 0
- control$lambdas$value[which(control$lambdas$like_comp == 10)] <- 0
- control
-SS_writectl_3.30(control, outfile = file.path(dirname.aspm, "control.ss_new"), overwrite = TRUE)
<- SSgetoutput(dirvec = c(, dirname.aspm))
- aspm.mods <- SSsummarize(aspm.mods)
- aspm.summary
-legendlabels = c("Reference", "ASPM"),
- print = TRUE,
- plotdir = plotdir)
-SSplotModelcomp(aspm.summary, subplots = "Index", add = TRUE, legendlabels = c("Full Model","ASPM"))
-SSplotModelcomp(aspm.summary, subplots = "SSB", add = TRUE)
-SSplotModelcomp(aspm.summary, subplots = "RecDevs", add = TRUE)
Jitter tests are commonly implemented in Stock Synthesis to ensure
-global convergence is reached. Jitter can be run using
Below is a step-by-step cookbook recipe for the jitter analysis in -Stock Synthesis which can also be found in the model -recipes.
-<- './reference_run' dirname.base
Also create a subdirectory for the output plots.
-<- './jitter'
- dirname.jitter dir.create(path = dirname.jitter, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
-<- paste0(dirname.jitter,"/plots")
- dirname.plots dir.create(dirname.plots)
file.copy(paste(dirname.base, "", sep="/"),
-paste(dirname.jitter, "", sep="/"))
- file.copy(paste(dirname.base, "em.CTL", sep="/"),
-paste(dirname.jitter, "em.CTL", sep="/"))
- file.copy(paste(dirname.base, "ss3.DAT", sep="/"),
-paste(dirname.jitter, "ss3.DAT", sep="/"))
- file.copy(paste(dirname.base, "", sep="/"),
-paste(dirname.jitter, "", sep="/"))
- file.copy(paste(dirname.base, "ss.exe", sep="/"),
-paste(dirname.jitter, "ss.exe", sep="/"))
- file.copy(paste(dirname.base, "ss.par", sep="/"),
-paste(dirname.jitter, "ss.par", sep="/"))
#set number of iterations
- Njitter
-<- r4ss::SS_RunJitter(mydir=dirname.base,
- jit.likes Njitter=Njitter,
- jitter_fraction = 0.1,
- init_values_src = 1)
Save total likelihoods necessary to assess global convergence
-<- as.numeric(jit.likes)
- x <- table(x,exclude = NULL)
- global.convergence.check write.table(jit.likes, paste0(dirname.plots, "/jit_like.csv"))
-write.table(global.convergence.check, paste0(dirname.plots, "/global_convergence_check.csv"))
Summarize output from all runs using
<- SSgetoutput(keyvec = 0:Njitter,
- jit_mods getcomp = FALSE,
- dirvec = dirname.base,
- getcovar = FALSE)
-<- SSsummarize(jit_mods) jit_summary
Key outputs from summarized object
-#Likelihood across runs
-<- jit_summary$likelihoods
- likes
-#Derived quants across runs
-<- jit_summary$quants
- quants
-#Estimated parameters across runs
-<- jit_summary$pars
- pars
-#Write output tables to jitter directory
-write.table(quants, paste0(dirname.plots, "/Quants.csv"))
-write.table(pars, paste0(dirname.plots,"/Pars.csv"))
-write.table(likes, paste0(dirname.plots,"/Likelihoods.csv"))
Re-tabulate total likelihoods necessary to assess global
-convergence and compare to jit.likes from above
-<- likes %>%
- x filter(str_detect(Label, "TOTAL")) %>%
- select(-Label) %>%
- mutate_all(~as.numeric(.)) %>%
- unlist(use.names = FALSE)
-<- table(x,exclude = NULL)
- global.convergence write.table(global.convergence, paste0(dirname.plots, "/global_convergence.csv"))
Check convergence by seeing if the estimated spawning biomass is
-really big (+2x base spawning biomass) or really small (<0.5x base
-spawning biomass). Note: this code is based on
from SSMSE.
<- jit_summary$SpawnBio %>%
- converged_ssb mutate(across(c(1:201),
- .fns = ~./replist0)) %>%
- select(-Label) %>%
- pivot_longer(col = c(1:201), names_to = "jitter", values_to = "SSB") %>%
- pivot_wider(names_from = Yr, values_from = SSB) %>%
- mutate(rownumber = seq(1, nrow(.))) %>%
- column_to_rownames("jitter") %>%
- filter_at(vars(1:78), all_vars((.) < 2 & (.) > 0.5)) %>%
- select(rownumber) %>%
- pull(rownumber)
Check to make sure max gradient is small
-<- which(jit_summary$maxgrad < 0.001)
- converged_grad <- jit_mods[converged_grad]
- converged_jitters <- SSsummarize(converged_jitters) converged_sum
Plot of likelihood for all jitter runs, regardless of convergence
-$likelihoods %>%
- jit_summaryfilter(str_detect(Label, "TOTAL")) %>%
- select(-Label) %>%
- pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = "jitter", values_to = "likelihood") %>%
- separate(jitter, into = c("replist", "jitter"), sep = "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[0-9])") %>%
- mutate(jitter = as.numeric(jitter)) %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = jitter, y = likelihood)) +
- geom_point(size = 2) +
- geom_hline(aes(yintercept = likelihood[1]), color = "red") +
- theme_classic() +
- labs(y = "Total Likelihood",
- x = "Jitter runs")
- ggsave(paste0(dirname.plots, "/all_likelihoods.png"))
-subplots = 2,
- pch = "",
- legend=FALSE,
- lwd = 1,
- new = F,
- print = TRUE,
- plotdir = dirname.plots,
- filenameprefix = "all_jitters_",
- ylimAdj=1)
Repeat for all converged runs
-$likelihoods %>%
- converged_sumfilter(str_detect(Label, "TOTAL")) %>%
- select(-Label) %>%
- pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = "jitter", values_to = "likelihood") %>%
- separate(jitter, into = c("replist", "jitter"), sep = "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[0-9])") %>%
- mutate(jitter = as.numeric(jitter)) %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = jitter, y = likelihood)) +
- geom_point(size = 3) +
- geom_hline(aes(yintercept = likelihood[1]), color = "red") +
- theme_classic() +
- labs(y = "Total Likelihood",
- x = "Jitter runs at a converged solution")
- ggsave(paste0(dirname.plots, "/converged_likelihoods.png"))
-subplots = 2,
- pch = "",
- legend=FALSE,
- lwd = 1,
- new = F,
- print = TRUE,
- plotdir = dirname.plots,
- filenameprefix = "converged_",
- ylimAdj=1)
Repeat for converged runs at the minimum solution
-<- which(jit_summary$likelihoods[jit_summary$likelihoods$Label=="TOTAL",1:Njitter]==min(na.omit(jit.likes)))
- y
-<- jit_mods[y]
- jit_min <- SSsummarize(jit_min)
- min_sum
-subplots = 2,
- pch = "",
- legend=FALSE,
- lwd = 1,
- new = F,
- print = TRUE,
- plotdir = dirname.plots,
- filenameprefix = "converged_min_",
- ylimAdj=1)
Unit testing verifies that a function is precise and correct when -returning the expected value of y for a specific value of -x in the function. It is an automated, formal testing of code -that is beneficial because there are fewer bugs in your code, better -code structure (less redundancy, and smaller separate functions vs fewer -complicated ones), and more robust code (less likely to break with big -changes).
-When first creating test files, use the usethis
-and run the function usethis::use_testthat()
to the Suggests
field in the
of the packagetests/testthat.R
that automatically runs
-all tests when you run R CMD check
.After the first time, the workflow should look something like:
to create a
-test template file in the correct directory. It will be named
-to run the single file to see if the test passed or faileddevtools::test()
to test
-the entire package and ensure everything passesTests should be organized hierarchically: expectations –> -tests –> test.R files
-## library any other packages you may need
-## include any general code you may need, ie setting environment path
-## Generalized structure of test functions
-test_that("description of test", {
- # an expect statement with the function being tested and the expected outcome
- expect_equal((2+2), 4)
- expect_equal((3+2), 4)
- })
To test the functions in ss3daigs I am creating individual scripts -for each function and testing the outputs of those functions for Pacific -Hake, Shortfin Mako, and GOB Herring. Test scripts include:
-test_that("runs test works with shortfin mako", {
- ## Load in data
- load(file.path(test_example_path, "natl.sma.rdata"))
- ## pull out cpue obs and est values for the first fleet
- <- ss3sma$cpue[which(ss3sma$cpue$Fleet_name == "CPUE_1"), c("Fleet_name", "Yr", "Obs", "Exp")]
- test.resids ## calculate residuals
- $residuals = log(test.resids$Obs) - log(test.resids$Exp)
- test.resids
- ## calculate lower and upper confidence levels (code copied from SSrunstest script)
- <- 0
- mu <- abs(diff(test.resids$residuals - mu))
- mr <- mean(mr, na.rm = TRUE)
- amr <- 3.267 * amr
- ulmr <- mr[mr < ulmr]
- mr <- mean(mr, na.rm = TRUE)
- amr <- amr / 1.128
- stdev <- mu - 3 * stdev
- lcl <- mu + 3 * stdev
- ucl ## use randtests:: runs.test to calculate p-value
- <- randtests::runs.test(test.resids$residuals,
- runstest threshold = 0,
- alternative = "left.sided")
- <- round(runstest$p.value, 3)
- test.p
- ## for cpue
- <- length(unique(ss3sma$cpue$Fleet))
- n.cpue <- SSrunstest(ss3sma, quants = "cpue")
- run_cpue
- ## testing structure of dataframe
- expect_match(run_cpue$Index[1], "CPUE_1")
- expect_equal(nrow(run_cpue), n.cpue)
- ## testing values in the first row
- expect_equal(run_cpue$runs.p[1], test.p)
- expect_equal(run_cpue$sigma3.lo[1], lcl)
- expect_equal(run_cpue$sigma3.hi[1], ucl)
- ## checking structure of dataframe if cpue index specified
- <- SSrunstest(ss3sma, quants = "cpue", indexselect = 4)
- run_cpue expect_match(run_cpue$Index, "CPUE_4")
- <- SSrunstest(ss3sma, quants = "cpue", indexselect = 3:5)
- run_cpue expect_equal(run_cpue$Index, c("CPUE_3", "CPUE_4", "CPUE_5"))
- })
## for length comp
-## get length comp data for first fishery
-<- ss3sma$lendbase[which(ss3sma$lendbase$Fleet == 1),]
- len.test.resids ## create index column
-$indx = paste(len.test.resids$Fleet, len.test.resids$Yr, len.test.resids$Seas)
- len.test.resids
- <- unique(len.test.resids$indx)
- uind <- matrix(0,length(uind),13,
- pldat dimnames=list(uind,
- c('Obsmn',
- 'Obslo',
- 'Obshi',
- 'semn',
- 'Expmn',
- 'Like',
- 'Std.res',
- 'ObsloAdj',
- 'ObshiAdj',
- 'Fleet',
- 'Yr',
- 'Time',
- 'Seas')))
- ## create subdataframes and then calculate variables (copied from SSrunstest script)
- for(i in 1:length(uind)){
- <- len.test.resids[which(len.test.resids$indx == uind[i]),]
- subdbase
- if(is.null(subdbase$Nsamp_adj)) subdbase$Nsamp_adj = subdbase$N
- <- subdbase$Bin
- xvar 'Obsmn'] <- sum(subdbase$Obs*xvar)/sum(subdbase$Obs)
- pldat[i,'Expmn'] <- sum(subdbase$Exp*xvar)/sum(subdbase$Exp)
- pldat[i,'semn'] <- sqrt((sum(subdbase$Exp*xvar^2)/sum(subdbase$Exp)-
- pldat[i,'Expmn']^2)/mean(subdbase$Nsamp_adj))
- pldat[i,'Obslo'] <- pldat[i,'Obsmn']-2*pldat[i,'semn']
- pldat[i,'Obshi'] <- pldat[i,'Obsmn']+2*pldat[i,'semn']
- pldat[i,'Std.res'] <- (pldat[i,'Obsmn']-pldat[i,'Expmn'])/pldat[i,'semn']
- pldat[i,'Fleet'] <- mean(subdbase$Fleet)
- pldat[i,'Yr'] <- mean(subdbase$Yr)
- pldat[i,'Time'] <- mean(subdbase$Time)
- pldat[i,'Seas'] <- mean(subdbase$Seas)
- pldat[i,'Like'] <- mean(subdbase$Like)
- pldat[i,
- }
- <- 1/var(pldat[,'Std.res'],na.rm=TRUE)
- Nmult
- for(i in 1:length(uind)){
- 'ObsloAdj'] <- pldat[i,'Obsmn']-2*pldat[i,'semn']/sqrt(Nmult)
- pldat[i,'ObshiAdj'] <- pldat[i,'Obsmn']+2*pldat[i,'semn']/sqrt(Nmult)
- pldat[i,
- }
- <- data.frame(pldat)
- pldat <- pldat$Yr
- yrs
- ## create dataframe used for running the runs test
- <- data.frame(Fleet=pldat$Fleet,
- runs_dat Fleet_name=ss3sma$FleetNames[pldat$Fleet],
- Yr=yrs,
- Time=pldat$Time,
- Seas=pldat$Seas,
- Obs=pldat$Obsmn,
- Exp=pldat$Expmn,
- SE=((pldat$Obsmn-pldat$ObsloAdj)/1.96)/pldat$ObsloAdj,
- Like=pldat$Like)
-## add column for residuals
- ## run similar tests as for CPUE, checking structure and values for correctness
## SMA
-test_that("snapshot of sma_cpue", {
- ## save plot as a png in a temporary directory (path)
- SSplotRunstest(ss3sma,
- png = TRUE,
- print = T,
- subplots = "cpue",
- indexselect = 3,
- plotdir = path,
- filenameprefix = "sma_")
- ## check that there is a file with the expected name in the temporary directory
- expect_true(file.exists(file.path(path, "sma_residruns_CPUE_3.png")))
- })
Workflows can be setup to automate certain processes when a specifed -event occurs. Events could include things such as an issue being opened, -a push to the repo, or a pull request. When one of these events happens, -it triggers one or more actions automatically. An example workflow would -be: commit new code –> run test automatically –> build new package -–> deploy new version of package.
-Currently, I set up the workflow for the first two steps; every time
-a new commit is made to the repo, it runs the R CMD check function and
-checks all of the test.R scripts. The workflow file is stored in
Problem | -Solution | -
Opening .Rdata files from package folder | -Created a new sub-folder inst and extdata
-and copied .Rdata files into there then used
-system.file("extdata", package = "ss3diags") as the testing
-path. |
For checking plots, need to be able to save the plot as an object -but right now it can’t, only the runs test table is returned as an -object by the function. | -Currently just saving the plot as a .png and checking to see if the -file exists. Maybe consider adding the plot in the return() portion of -the function so that the object can be saved as well as the table in the -environment. | -