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Source code

This documentation page describes coding guidelines and sums up the most important code interfaces.

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Coding guidelines

RAMPACK is written in C++17. At the moment, the source code does not follow any particular coding style (which may change). General rules read as follows:

  1. Please try to mimic how the existing codebase is formatted.
  2. Use 4 spaces instead of tabs.
  3. The line length limit is 120 characters.
  4. Naming conventions:
    • classes: PascalCase
    • class methods: camelCase
    • global functions: snake_case
    • function/method arguments: camelCase
    • class fields: camelCase
    • variables: camelCase
    • constants/enum values: SNAKE_CASE_ALL_CAPS
  5. Usually a single *.h/*.cpp files pair contains a single class with the same name. Sometimes helper types connected with this class (exception classes, enums) may reside in the same file.
  6. Block opening brackets { are usually in the same line as the loop/function/conditional etc. The exceptions are multiline function signatures - then { should always be in a separate line.
  7. Avoid too long functions - they should follow Single Responsibility Principle and can be broken into smaller parts if needed.
  8. Speaking of SRP, follow good coding practices - SOLID, DRY, etc.
  9. Avoid manual memory management (new, malloc, etc.) - use smart pointers. If possible, avoid heap memory altogether. Prefer, in this order:
    • automatic objects passed as (const) references
    • std::unique_ptr
    • std::shared_ptr
  10. Prefer references to pointers - references are less likely to point to some gibberish. You want an optional value? Use std::optional.
  11. Use GSL-like Expects, Ensures and Assert macros to express preconditions, postconditions and invariants. There are available in src/utils/Exceptions.h header.
  12. Generally, write a code that you-in-the-six-months will understand. Other developers might then have a slight chance of understanding it as well ;-)
  13. Write unit/validation tests for your shiny new features.
  14. Try to make your code in a general fashion. As an example - if you add a new shape resembling a star, make the number of rays a parameter.

Project structure

The project root contains the following files/directories:

  • .github/ - GitHub specific configurations (workflows, etc.)
  • artwork/ - logos
  • docs/ - documentation pages
  • sample_inputs/ - example input files
  • script/ - miscellaneous dev tools, tab completion scripts
  • src/ - the source code
  • test/ - unit and validation tests and testing infrastructure
  • CMakeLists.txt - root CMake build configuration file
  • Doxyfile - Doxygen configuration

The source code is divided into several directories/packages:

  • core/ - all classes doing the heavy-lifting
  • frontend/ - command line frontend code and definitions of PYON classes
  • geometry/ - math and geometry classes
  • pyon/ - PYON foundation framework
  • utils/ - various tools not fitting in other directories

The test code has the following directories:

  • matchers - Catch2 custom matchers
  • mocks - trompeloeil mocks' declarations
  • unit_test - unit tests with the directory structure mimicking the src/ directory (JUnit-like)
  • validation_test - validation tests

Code architecture

The central point is the core/Simulation class, which performs the runs. Monte Carlo moves, sampled by implementations of core/MoveSampler (for particle moves) and core/TriclinicBoxScaler (for box moves) are delegated to the core/Packing class, which stores the simulation box. The Packing class uses core/NeighbourGrid for a constant-time lookup of neighboring particles. core/DomainDecomposition class is responsible for handling domain division and ghost layers. Parallelization is done using OpenMP code extensions. Dynamic simulation parameters (temperature and pressure) implement src/DynamicParameter interface.

Shape and interactions are controlled by implementations of src/ShapeTraits. The interface exposes 3 sub-interfaces: core/ShapeGeometry for geometric properties (shape axes, named points, etc.), core/Interaction for overlap detection and/or interaction energy calculation, and core/ShapePrinter for printing out the shape in a given format.

The observables are collected by core/ObservablesCollector, trajectories are recorded using implementations of core/SimulationRecorder interface and snapshots are stored by implementations of core/SnapshotWriter. All observables implement core/Observable interface, while bulk observables - core/BulkObservable. Observables have a set of helper interfaces, such as core/observables/CorrelationFunction for two-particle correlation functions, core/observables/ShapeFunction mapping a single shape to one or more values, or core/observables/correlation/PairEnumerator for enumerating pairs of particles.

There is a whole subsystem devoted to preparing initial arrangements. The class lattice/Lattice stores the information about the unit cell. Is can be then modified by classes implementing the lattice/LatticeTransformer interface. Finally, the lattice is populated using implementations of the lattice/LatticePopulator interface.

PYON bindings

All runtime polymorphic classes are exposed to the user by their PYON bindings. The PYON subsystem is implemented in pyon subdirectory. It is based on the so-called matchers that map PYON structures to C++ objects. All PYON matchers reside in the frontend/matchers subdirectory.

Code documentation


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