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Consistent Hashing

To achieve horizontal scaling, it is important to distribute requests/data efficiently and evenly across servers. Consistent hashing is a commonly used technique to achieve this goal.

Quoted from Wikipedia:

  • Consistent hashing is a special kind of hashing
  • such that when a hash table is re-sized and consistent hashing is used,
  • only k/n keys need to be remapped on average, where k is the number of keys, and n is the number of slots.
  • In contrast, in most traditional hash tables, a change in the number of array slots causes nearly all keys to be remapped.

Hash space and hash ring:

  • Assume SHA-1 is used as the hash function f,
  • and the output range of the hash function is: x0, x1, x2, x3, …, xn.
  • In cryptography, SHA-1’s Hash space goes from 0 to 2^160 - 1.
  • That means x0 corresponds to 0, xn corresponds to 2^160 – 1,
  • and all the other hash values in the middle fall between 0 and 2^160 - 1. HLD
  • By connecting both ends, we get a Hash ring

Hash servers:

  • Using the same hash function f, we map servers based on server IP or name onto the ring. HLD

  • Mapping of Servers & Keys on the HashRing based on their hash value generated from function f. Mapping

Server Lookup:

  • To determine which server a key is stored on,
  • We go clockwise from the key position on the ring until a server is found.
  • Going clockwise,
  • key0 is stored on server 0
  • key1 is stored on server 1
  • key2 is stored on server 2
  • key3 is stored on server 3 ServerLookUp

Add a server

  • Using the logic described above, adding a new server will only require redistribution of a fraction of keys.
  • After a new server 4 is added, only key0 needs to be redistributed.
  • k1, k2, and k3 remain on the same servers.
  • Before server 4 is added, key0 is stored on server 0.
  • Now, key0 will be stored on server 4 because server 4 is the first server it encounters by going clockwise from key0’s position on the ring.
  • The other keys are not redistributed based on consistent hashing algorithm. NewServer

Remove a server

  • When a server is removed,
  • Only a small fraction of keys require redistribution with consistent hashing.
  • When server 1 is removed, only key1 must be remapped to server 2.
  • The rest of the keys are unaffected.

Issue with the above basic approach

The basic steps of the basic approach are:

  • Map servers and keys on to the ring using a uniformly distributed hash function.
  • To find out which server a key is mapped to, go clockwise from the key position until the first server on the ring is found.

Two problems are identified with this approach.

  1. It is impossible to keep the same size of partitions on the ring for all servers considering a server can be added or removed.
  • A partition is the hash space between adjacent servers.
  • It is possible that the size of the partitions on the ring assigned to each server is very small or fairly large.
  • For example, if s1 is removed, s2’s partition is twice as large as s0 and s3’s partition. Issue1
  1. It is possible to have a non-uniform key distribution on the ring.
  • For instance, if servers are mapped to positions listed in below figure, most of the keys are stored on server 2.
  • However, server 1 and server 3 have no data. BasicApproachIssue2

A technique called virtual nodes or replicas is used to solve these problems.

Virtual Nodes

  • A virtual node refers to the real node, and
  • Each server is represented by multiple virtual nodes on the ring.
  • In below figure, both server 0 and server 1 have 3 virtual nodes.
  • The 3 is arbitrarily chosen; and in real-world systems, the number of virtual nodes is much larger.
  • Instead of using s0, we have s0_0, s0_1, and s0_2 to represent server 0 on the ring.
  • Similarly, s1_0, s1_1, and s1_2 represent server 1 on the ring.
  • With virtual nodes, each server is responsible for multiple partitions.
  • Partitions (edges) with label s0 are managed by server 0.
  • On the other hand, partitions with label s1 are managed by server 1. virtuaNodes

Find key on Virtual Node

  • To find which server a key is stored on, we go clockwise from the key’s location and find the first virtual node encountered on the ring.
  • As the number of virtual nodes increases,
    • the distribution of keys becomes more balanced.
    • This is because the standard deviation gets smaller with more virtual nodes, leading to balanced data distribution.
  • However, more spaces are needed to store data about virtual nodes.
  • This is a tradeoff, and we can tune the number of virtual nodes to fit our system requirements.

Find affected keys

  • When a server is added or removed, a fraction of data needs to be redistributed.
  • In below figure, server 4 is added onto the ring.
  • The affected range starts from s4 (newly added node) and moves anticlockwise around the ring until a server is found (s3).
  • Thus, keys located between s3 and s4 need to be redistributed to s4. AffectedKeys
  • When a server is removed, the affected range starts from removed server and moves anticlockwise around the ring until a server is found.
  • Thus, keys located between removed server and immediate server found in counterclockwise direction must be redistributed to the next immediate server in the clockwise direction.

Real-world systems usage of Consistent Hashing