This data set contains the relations between 57 diseases and their symptoms, signs and test report findings in Chinese. The 57 diseases are from two medical departments (36 from Gynaecology and 21 from Respiration). The relations in this data set consist of the links in the Bayesian Network from the experiments of the below-mentioned research paper published in ACL2020, which tackles with the problem of automatic diagnosis.
File Format: Each line is in the format of disease_name \t finding_name \t finding_type.
When using this data set in academic studies, you need to cite:
AUTHOR = {Jun Chen and Xiaoya Dai and Quan Yuan and Chao Lu and Haifeng Huang},
TITLE = {Towards Interpretable Clinical Diagnosis with Bayesian Network Ensembles Stacked on Entity-Aware CNNs},
YEAR = "2020", }
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