-| <a name="input_cidrs"></a> [cidrs](#input\_cidrs) | Map describing configuration of subnets and route tables to create and/or use in the set.<br>Keys are CIDR blocks, values can consist of following items:<br>- `create_subnet` - (Optional\|bool) When `true` (default), subnet is created, otherwise existing one is used.<br>- `create_route_table` - (Optional\|bool) When `true` a dedicated route table is created, unless existing subnet is used.<br>- `associate_route_table` - (Optional\|bool) Unless set to `false`, route table is associated with the subnet.<br>- `existing_route_table_id` - (Optional\|string) Id of an existing route table to associate with the subnet.<br>- `name` - (Optional\|string) Name (tag) of a subnet and, optionally a route table, to create or use. Defaults to set name appended with zone letter id.<br>- `route_table_name` - (Optional\|string) Name (tag) of a subnet and, optionally a route table, to create or use. Defaults to `name` value.<br>- `ipv6_cidr_block` - (Optional\|string) IPv6 CIDR block. The subnet size must use a /64 prefix length.<br>- `local_tags` - (Optional\|map) Map of tags to assign to created resources. | `map(any)` | n/a | yes |
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