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This repo lists all papers in IROS 2021. We list all papers according their themes alphabetically.

This year the conference received 2801 paper submissions, of which 45% were selected for publication. Each submission was reviewed by at least two reviewers, before receiving a summary report from an Associate Editor and a final report from the Editor. Based on these reviews and reports, the Senior Program Committee and the Program Chair made the final decisions.

  • Actuation and Joint Mechanisms
  • Aerial Systems: Applications
  • Aerial Systems: Mechanics and Control
  • Aerial Systems: Perception and Autonomy
  • Autonomous Agents
  • Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
  • Biologically-Inspired Robots
  • Brain-Machine Interfaces
  • Calibration and Identification
  • Cellular and Modular Robots
  • Collision Avoidance
  • Compliance and Impedance Control
  • Compliant Joints and Mechanisms
  • Computer Vision Applications
  • Computer Vision for Automation
  • Computer Vision for Medical Robotics
  • Computer Vision for Transportation
  • Contact Modeling, Planning and Control
  • Control
  • Data Sets in Robotics
  • Deep Learning Methods
  • Deep Learning for Visual Perception
  • Deep Learning in Grasping and Manipulation
  • Dexterous Manipulation
  • Distributed Robot Systems
  • Factory Automation
  • Field Robots
  • Force and Tactile Sensing
  • Formal Methods in Robotics and Automation
  • Grasping
  • Grippers and Other End-Effectors
  • Haptics and Haptic Interfaces
  • Human Factors and Human-In-The-Loop
  • Human and Humanoid Motion Analysis and Synthesis
  • Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Humanoid Robot Systems
  • Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion
  • Imitation Learning
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Intention Recognition
  • Learning from Demonstration
  • Learning from Experience
  • Legged Robots
  • Localization
  • Machine Learning for Robot Control
  • Manipulation Planning
  • Manufacturing Automation
  • Mapping
  • Marine Robotics
  • Mechanism Design
  • Medical Robots and Systems
  • Micro/Nano Robots
  • Mobile and Bimanual Manipulation
  • Model Learning for Control
  • Modeling, Control, and Learning for Soft Robots
  • Motion Control
  • Motion and Path Planning
  • Multi-Robot SLAM
  • Multi-Robot Systems
  • Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization
  • Optimization and Optimal Control
  • Parallel Robots
  • Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents
  • Perception for Grasping and Manipulation
  • Perception-Action Coupling
  • Physical Human-Robot Interaction
  • Planning, Scheduling and Coordination
  • Prosthetics and Exoskeletons
  • RGB-D Perception
  • Range Sensing
  • Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning
  • Recognition
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Representation Learning
  • Robot Safety
  • Robotic Systems and Benchmarking
  • Robotics and Automation in Agriculture and Forestry
  • Robotics and Automation in Agriculture, Forestry and Construction
  • SLAM
  • Semantic Scene Understanding
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Service, Art and Entertainment Robotics
  • Shared Autonomy for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
  • Simulation
  • Social Human-Robot Interaction
  • Soft Robot Applications
  • Soft Robot Materials and Design
  • Soft Sensors and Actuators
  • Software and Hardware
  • Space Robotics and Automation
  • Surgical Robotics
  • Swarm Robotics
  • Task and Motion Planning
  • Telerobotics and Teleoperation
  • Transfer Learning
  • Underactuated & Redundant Robots
  • Vision-Based Navigation
  • Visual Learning
  • Visual Servoing
  • Visual Tracking
  • Visual-Inertial SLAM
  • Wearable Robotics
  • Wheeled Robots

Actuation and Joint Mechanisms

  • Convex Optimization for Spring Design in Series Elastic Actuators: From Theory to Practice
  • A Safe and Rapidly Switchable Stiffness Hydrostatic Actuator through Valve-Controlled Air Springs
  • Gear Ratio Optimization of a Multifunctional Walker Robot Using Dual-Motor Actuation
  • Slip Modeling and Simulation of Spiral Zipper Friction-Driven Prismatic Actuator
  • Design and Control of a Novel Compact Nonlinear Rotary Magnetic SEA (MSEA) for Practical Robotic Gripper Implementation
  • Passive Orientation Control of Nozzle Unit with Multiple Water Jets to Expand the Net Force Direction Range for Aerial Hose-Type Robots
  • Design and Analysis of High Stiffness Hyper-Redundant Manipulator with Sigma-Shaped Wire Path and Rolling Joints
  • Multi-Axis Electric Stepper Motor

Aerial Systems: Applications

  • Design, Integration and Implementation of an Intelligent and Self-Recharging Drone System for Autonomous Power Line Inspection
  • GateNet: An Efficient Deep Neural Network Architecture for Gate Perception Using Fish-Eye Camera in Autonomous Drone Racing
  • CCRobot-IV-F: A Ducted-Fan-Driven Flying-Type Bridge Stay Cable Climbing Robot
  • REAL: Rapid Exploration with Active Loop-Closing Toward Large-Scale 3D Mapping Using UAVs
  • Stability and Robustness Analysis of Plug-Pulling Using an Aerial Manipulator
  • A Motion De-Coupled Aerial Robotic Manipulator for Better Inspection
  • Dynamic Grasping with a “Soft” Drone: From Theory to Practice
  • Hermes - Wind Energy Harvesting Wireless System for Sensing Angle of Attack and Wind Speed
  • Toward Battery-Free Flight: Duty Cycled Recharging of Small Drones
  • Aggressive Visual Perching with Quadrotors on Inclined Surfaces
  • Visibility-Aware Trajectory Optimization with Application to Aerial Tracking
  • Gamma-Ray Imaging with Spatially Continuous Intensity Statistics
  • 3D Human Reconstruction in the Wild with Collaborative Aerial Cameras
  • Non-Prehensile Manipulation of Cuboid Objects Using a Catenary Robot

Aerial Systems: Mechanics and Control

  • Autonomous Cooperative Transportation System Involving Multi-Aerial Robots with Variable Attachment Mechanism
  • Decentralized Control and Teleoperation of a Multi-UAV Parallel Robot Based on Intrinsic Measurements
  • The New Dexterity Omnirotor Platform: Design, Modeling, and Control of a Modular, Versatile, All-Terrain Vehicle
  • Design, Optimal Guidance and Control of a Low-Cost Re-Usable Electric Model Rocket
  • Efficient Manoeuvring of Quadrotor under Constrained Space and Predefined Accuracy
  • Design and Comparison of Tails for Bird-Scale Flapping-Wing Robots
  • An Over-Actuated Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicle with Unconstrained Attitude Angles and High Thrust Efficiencies
  • Nullspace-Based Control Allocation of Overactuated UAV Platforms
  • Vision-Encoder-Based Payload State Estimation for Autonomous MAV with a Suspended Payload
  • Aerodynamic Modeling of Fully-Actuated Multirotor UAVs with Nonparallel Actuators
  • Nonlinear Model Predictive Velocity Control of a VTOL Tiltwing UAV
  • Dynamic End Effector Tracking with an Omnidirectional Parallel Aerial Manipulator
  • Aerial Manipulator Suspended from a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot: Preliminary Experimental Results
  • Low-Level Pose Control of Tilting Multirotor for Wall Perching Tasks Using Reinforcement Learning
  • The Pursuit and Evasion of Drones Attacking an Automated Turret
  • A Morphing Quadrotor That Can Optimize Morphology for Transportation

Aerial Systems: Perception and Autonomy

  • Why Fly Blind? Event-Based Visual Guidance for Ornithopter Robot Flight
  • Autonomous Flights in Dynamic Environments with Onboard Vision
  • Avoiding Dynamic Small Obstacles with Onboard Sensing and Computation on Aerial Robots
  • Target-Visible Polynomial Trajectory Generation within an MAV Team
  • Multi-Resolution Elevation Mapping and Safe Landing Site Detection with Applications to Planetary Rotorcraft
  • On the Visual-Based Safe Landing of UAVs in Populated Areas: A Crucial Aspect for Urban Deployment
  • Autonomous Quadrotor Landing on Inclined Surfaces Using Perception-Guided Active Asymmetric Skids
  • FAST-Dynamic-Vision: Detection and Tracking Dynamic Objects with Event and Depth Sensing
  • DarkLighter: Light up the Darkness for UAV Tracking
  • SiamAPN++: Siamese Attentional Aggregation Network for Real-Time UAV Tracking
  • An Optical Spatial Localization System for Tracking Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using a Single Dynamic Vision Sensor
  • Semantic-Aware Active Perception for UAVs Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Real-Time Ellipse Detection for Robotics Applications
  • Topology-Guided Path Planning for Reliable Visual Navigation of MAVs
  • Semantically Informed Next Best View Planning for Autonomous Aerial 3D Reconstruction

Autonomous Agents

  • Fast Autonomous Robotic Exploration Using the Underlying Graph Structure
  • A High-Accuracy Framework for Vehicle Dynamic Modeling in Autonomous Driving
  • Monitoring Object Detection Abnormalities Via Data-Label and Post-Algorithm Abstractions
  • Agent-Aware State Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles
  • Designing and Deploying a Mobile UVC Disinfection Robot
  • The Reasonable Crowd: Towards Evidence-Based and Interpretable Models of Driving Behavior
  • Mobile Manipulation-Based Deployment of Micro Aerial Robot Scouts through Constricted Aperture-Like Ingress Points

Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

  • Gaussian Process-Based Interpretable Runtime Adaptation for Safe Autonomous Systems Operations in Unstructured Environments
  • Latent Attention Augmentation for Robust Autonomous Driving Policies
  • The Role of the Hercules Autonomous Vehicle During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Autonomous Logistic Vehicle for Contactless Goods Transportation (I)
  • From Agile Ground to Aerial Navigation: Learning from Learned Hallucination
  • Robust Policy Search for an Agile Ground Vehicle under Perception Uncertainty
  • Road Graphical Neural Networks for Autonomous Roundabout Driving
  • Monitoring and Diagnosability of Perception Systems
  • On Fault Classification in Connected Autonomous Vehicles Using Output-Only Measurements
  • Autonomous Drone Racing with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Connecting Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Obstacle Avoidance with Conventional Global Planners Using Waypoint Generators
  • A Kinematic Model for Trajectory Prediction in General Highway Scenarios
  • Unsupervised Traffic Scene Generation with Synthetic 3D Scene Graphs
  • Minimizing Safety Interference for Safe and Comfortable Automated Driving with Distributional Reinforcement Learning
  • Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Semi-Structured Environments Based on Sparse Waypoints and LiDAR Road-Tracking
  • Deep Semantic Segmentation at the Edge for Autonomous Navigation in Vineyard Rows
  • Exploration-RRT: A Multi-Objective Path Planning and Exploration Framework for Unknown and Unstructured Environments
  • Learning Inverse Kinodynamics for Accurate High-Speed Off-Road Navigation on Unstructured Terrain
  • Pallet Detection and Docking Strategy for Autonomous Pallet Truck AGV Operation
  • Vulnerability of Connected Autonomous Vehicles Networks to Periodic Time-Varying Communication Delays of Certain Frequency
  • LiDAR Degradation Quantification for Autonomous Driving in Rain
  • Map-Aided Train Navigation with IMU Measurements
  • Evaluation of Long-Term LiDAR Place Recognition
  • KB-Tree: Learnable and Continuous Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Autonomous Driving Planning
  • Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation Independent of Road Boundary Using Driving Recommendation Map
  • Learning-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction for Autonomous Navigation in Occluded Environments
  • Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles That Sympathize with Human Drivers
  • Shape Estimation of Negative Obstacles for Autonomous Navigation
  • Reinforcement Learning Based Negotiation-Aware Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles
  • Interaction-Based Trajectory Prediction Over a Hybrid Traffic Graph
  • Robust LiDAR Localization on an HD Vector Map without a Separate Localization Layer
  • Radar Odometry on SE(3) with Constant Velocity Motion Prior
  • AVP-Loc: Surround View Localization and Relocalization Based on HD Vector Map for Automated Valet Parking
  • Map Compressibility Assessment for LiDAR Registration
  • Online High-Level Model Estimation for Efficient Hierarchical Robot Navigation
  • Disentangling and Vectorization: A 3D Visual Perception Approach for Autonomous Driving Based on Surround-View Fisheye Cameras
  • Context and Orientation Aware Path Tracking

Biologically-Inspired Robots

  • Water Surface Stability Prediction of Amphibious Bio-Inspired Undulatory Fin Robot
  • Quasi-Static Motion of a New Serial Snake-Like Robot on a Water Surface: A Geometrical Approach
  • Simulating Ocean Wave Movement in a Soft Pneumatic Surface
  • Microspine-Rubber Composite for High Friction on Smooth, Rough, and Wet Surfaces
  • Wing Fold and Twist Greatly Improves Flight Efficiency for Bat-Scale Flapping Wing Robots
  • Development of a Bio-Inspired Soft Robotic Gripper Based on Tensegrity Structures
  • A Real-Time Motion Detection and Object Tracking Framework for Future Robot-Rat Interaction
  • Marine Autonomous Navigation for Biomimetic Underwater Robots Based on Deep Stereo Attention Network
  • Bat Bot 2.0: Bio-Inspired Anisotropic Skin, Passive Wrist Joints, and Redesigned Flapping Mechanism
  • Evolving Infotaxis for Meandering Environments
  • A Method to Use Nonlinear Dynamics in a Whisker Sensor for Terrain Identification by Mobile Robots
  • Robust Top-Down and Bottom-Up Visual Saliency for Mobile Robots Using Bio-Inspired Design Principles
  • Design of Galloping Robots with Elastic Spine: Tracking Relations between Dynamic Model Parameters Based on Motion Analysis of a Real Cheetah
  • Autonomous Decision Making in a Bioinspired Adaptive Robotic Anchoring Module
  • Design and Experimental Learning of Swimming Gaits for a Magnetic, Modular, Undulatory Robot
  • SENSORIMOTOR GRAPH: Action-Conditioned Graph Neural Network for Learning Robotic Soft Hand Dynamics
  • Insect-Inspired Odor Intake Method for Chemical Plume Tracing in an Outdoor Environment
  • Lateral Undulation of the Bendable Body of a Gecko-Inspired Robot for Energy-Efficient Inclined Surface Climbing
  • Crawl and Fly: A Bio-Inspired Robot Utilizing Unified Actuation for Hybrid Aerial-Terrestrial Locomotion
  • A Decentralized Bayesian Approach for Snake Robot Control
  • Hoop-Passing Motion for a Snake Robot to Realize Motion Transition across Different Environments (I)
  • Enabling Dynamic Behaviors with Aerodynamic Drag in Lightweight Tails (I)

Brain-Machine Interfaces

  • Design of an SSVEP-Based BCI Stimuli System for Attention-Based Robot Navigation in Robotic Telepresence
  • An Assistive Shared Control Architecture for a Robotic Arm Using EEG-Based BCI with Motor Imagery
  • A Wearable, Open-Source, Lightweight Forcemyography Armband: On Intuitive, Robust Muscle-Machine Interfaces
  • Manifold Trial Selection to Reduce Negative Transfer in Motor Imagery-Based Brain–Computer Interface
  • Neurointerface Implemented with Oscillator Motifs
  • Hybrid Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Skeleton-Based and EEG-Based Lower Limb Action Recognition
  • Affect-Driven Robot Behavior Learning System Using EEG Signals for Less Negative Feelings and More Positive Outcomes

Calibration and Identification

  • SemAlign: Annotation-Free Camera-LiDAR Calibration with Semantic Alignment Loss
  • Kalibrot: A Simple-To-Use Matlab Package for Robot Kinematic Calibration
  • Odometry Model Calibration for Self-Driving Vehicles with Noise Correction
  • Pixel-Level Extrinsic Self Calibration of High Resolution LiDAR and Camera in Targetless Environments
  • A Two-Step Optimization for Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple Camera System (MCS) Using Depth-Weighted Normalized Points
  • Learning to Calibrate - Estimating the Hand-Eye Transformation without Calibration Objects
  • Single-Shot Is Enough: Panoramic Infrastructure Based Calibration of Multiple Cameras and 3D LiDARs
  • Kinodynamic Model Identification: A Unified Geometric Approach (I)

Cellular and Modular Robots

  • Reconfiguring Metamorphic Robots Via SMT: Is It a Viable Way?
  • Balloon Animal Robots: Reconfigurable Isoperimetric Inflated Soft Robots
  • Self-Reconfiguration of Modular Robots Using Virtual Forces
  • CPG-Based Hierarchical Locomotion Control for Modular Quadrupedal Robots Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Reconfiguring Non-Convex Holes in Pivoting Modular Cube Robots
  • Finding Structure Configurations for Flying Modular Robots
  • Enumeration of Polyominoes & Polycubes Composed of Magnetic Cubes

Collision Avoidance

  • V-RVO: Decentralized Multi-Agent Collision Avoidance Using Voronoi Diagrams and Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
  • Human-Inspired Multi-Agent Navigation Using Knowledge Distillation
  • Trajectory Splitting: A Distributed Formulation for Collision Avoiding Trajectory Optimization
  • Potential Gap: A Gap-Informed Reactive Policy for Safe Hierarchical Navigation
  • Comparative Analysis of Control Barrier Functions and Artificial Potential Fields for Obstacle Avoidance
  • DRQN-Based 3D Obstacle Avoidance with a Limited Field of View
  • Crowd-Aware Robot Navigation for Pedestrians with Multiple Collision Avoidance Strategies Via Map-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • A Scalable Distributed Collision Avoidance Scheme for Multi-Agent UAV Systems
  • Trust Your Supervisor: Quadrotor Obstacle Avoidance Using Controlled Invariant Sets
  • Decentralized Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance in Complex Scenarios with Selective Communication
  • Toward Observation Based Least Restrictive Collision Avoidance Using Deep Meta Reinforcement Learning
  • Image-Based Online Command Adaptation and Guidance to Arbitrarily Shaped Objects for Robot-Assisted Medical Procedures
  • Continuous-Time Gaussian Process Trajectory Generation for Multi-Robot Formation Via Probabilistic Inference
  • Learning to Navigate in a VUCA Environment: Hierarchical Multi-Expert Approach
  • A Vision-Based Irregular Obstacle Avoidance Framework Via Deep Reinforcement Learning

Compliance and Impedance Control

  • Circumventing Conceptual Flaws in Classical Interaction Control Strategies
  • Human Guided Trajectory and Impedance Adaptation for Tele-Operated Physical Assistance
  • Impedance Control for a Flexible Robot Enhanced with Energy Tanks in the Port-Hamiltonian Framework
  • Multi-Stage Energy-Aware Motion Control with Exteroception-Defined Dynamic Safety Metric
  • Online Impedance Adaptation Facilitates Manipulating a Whip
  • Analyzing the Performance Limits of Articulated Soft Robots Based on the ESPi Framework: Applications to Damping and Impedance Control
  • Adjustable Compliance and Force Feedback As Key Elements for Stable and Efficient Hopping
  • A Unified Approach for Virtual Fixtures and Goal-Driven Variable Admittance Control in Manual Guidance Applications

Compliant Joints and Mechanisms

  • A Self-Biasing Shape Memory Alloy Gripper for Lightweight Applications
  • A Compliant Five-Bar Legged Mechanism for Heavy-Load Legged Robots by Using Magneto-Rheological Actuators
  • Parallel Variable Stiffness Actuators
  • Novel Variable Stiffness Spring Mechanism: Modulating Stiffness Independent of the Energy Stored by the Spring
  • Self-Sensing McKibben Artificial Muscles Embedded with Dielectric Elastomer Sensor
  • An Analysis on the Modeling Accuracy of Industrial Manipulators with Inherent Joint Elasticity
  • Design and Analysis of a Twisted Elastic-Rail Actuator Based on a Double-Stranded Helix Structure

Computer Vision Applications

  • Using Depth Vision for Terrain Detection During Active Locomotion
  • Robust and Accurate Point Set Registration with Generalized Bayesian Coherent Point Drift
  • Localization and Control of Magnetic Suture Needles in Cluttered Surgical Site with Blood and Tissue
  • LaneRCNN: Distributed Representations for Graph-Centric Motion Forecasting
  • StereoCNC: A Stereovision-Guided Robotic Laser System
  • Direct Bundle Adjustment for 3D Image Fusion with Application to Transesophageal Echocardiography
  • EOMVS: Event-Based Omnidirectional Multi-View Stereo

Computer Vision for Automation

  • Through the Looking Glass: Diminishing Occlusions in Robot Vision Systems with Mirror Reflections
  • Similarity-Aware Fusion Network for 3D Semantic Segmentation
  • RoRD: Rotation-Robust Descriptors and Orthographic Views for Local Feature Matching
  • Refractive Light-Field Features for Curved Transparent Objects in Structure from Motion
  • SRH-Net: Stacked Recurrent Hourglass Network for Stereo Matching
  • Phase-SLAM: Mobile Structured Light Illumination for Full Body 3D Scanning
  • Robotic Waste Sorting Technology: Toward a Vision-Based Categorization System for the Industrial Robotic Separation of Recyclable Waste (I)

Computer Vision for Medical Robotics

  • MBAPose: Mask and Bounding-Box Aware Pose Estimation of Surgical Instruments with Photorealistic Domain Randomization
  • Domain Adaptive Robotic Gesture Recognition with Unsupervised Kinematic-Visual Data Alignment
  • Towards a Compact Vision-Based Auto-Focusing System for Endoscopic Laser Surgery
  • Autonomous Scanning Target Localization for Robotic Lung Ultrasound Imaging
  • Semi-Supervised Vein Segmentation of Ultrasound Images for Autonomous Venipuncture
  • IVUS-Based Local Vessel Estimation for Robotic Intravascular Navigation
  • Surgical Tool Segmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks with Unpaired Training Data
  • Real-Time 3D Navigation-Based Semi-Automatic Surgical Robotic System for Pelvic Fracture Reduction

Computer Vision for Transportation

  • Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification Via Self-Supervised Metric Learning Using Feature Dictionary
  • Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection Using Uncalibrated Traffic Cameras through Homography
  • Drive on Pedestrian Walk. TUK Campus Dataset
  • Stereo Waterdrop Removal with Row-Wise Dilated Attention
  • Temporally-Continuous Probabilistic Prediction Using Polynomial Trajectory Parameterization
  • Content Disentanglement for Semantically Consistent Synthetic-To-Real Domain Adaptation
  • Cross-Modal 3D Object Detection and Tracking for Auto-Driving

Contact Modeling, Planning and Control

  • Contact Tracing: A Low Cost Reconstruction Framework for Surface Contact Interpolation
  • Real-Time Physically-Accurate Simulation of Robotic Snap Connection Process
  • Fundamental Challenges in Deep Learning for Stiff Contact Dynamics
  • Multi-Contact Locomotion Planning with Bilateral Contact Forces Considering Kinematics and Statics During Contact Transition
  • Computationally Efficient HQP-Based Whole-Body Control Exploiting the Operational-Space Formulation
  • Towards an Online Framework for Changing-Contact Robot Manipulation Tasks
  • Experimental Verification of Stability Theory for a Planar Rigid Body with Two Unilateral Frictional Contacts (I)


  • Sensor Fusion-Based Anthropomorphic Control of Under-Actuated Bionic Hand in Dynamic Environment
  • Model-Based Trajectory Prediction and Hitting Velocity Control for a New Table Tennis Robot
  • Active Exploration and Mapping Via Iterative Covariance Regulation Over Continuous SE(3) Trajectories
  • Modeling and Control of PANTHERA Self-Reconfigurable Pavement Sweeping Robot under Actuator Constraints
  • Coloured Petri Nets for Monitoring Human Actions in Flexible Human-Robot Teams
  • Adaptive Passivity-Based Multi-Task Tracking Control for Robotic Manipulators
  • Amplification of Clamping Mechanism Using Internally-Balanced Magnetic Unit
  • Distributed Tube-Based Nonlinear MPC for Motion Control of Skid-Steer Robots with Terra-Mechanical Constraints

Data Sets in Robotics

  • Let's Play for Action: Recognizing Activities of Daily Living by Learning from Life Simulation Video Games
  • The Radar Ghost Dataset – an Evaluation of Ghost Objects in Automotive Radar Data
  • ChangeSim: Towards End-To-End Online Scene Change Detection in Industrial Indoor Environments
  • Indoor Future Person Localization from an Egocentric Wearable Camera
  • Grounding Linguistic Commands to Navigable Regions
  • TUM-VIE: The TUM Stereo Visual-Inertial Event Dataset
  • Diverse Complexity Measures for Dataset Curation in Self-Driving
  • A Dataset for Provident Vehicle Detection at Night
  • Stereo Hybrid Event-Frame (SHEF) Cameras for 3D Perception
  • A Photorealistic Terrain Simulation Pipeline for Unstructured Outdoor Environments
  • NYU-VPR: Long-Term Visual Place Recognition Benchmark with View Direction and Data Anonymization Influences
  • Topo-Boundary: A Benchmark Dataset on Topological Road-Boundary Detection Using Aerial Images for Autonomous Driving
  • ROBI: A Multi-View Dataset for Reflective Objects in Robotic Bin-Picking
  • A Large-Scale Dataset for Water Segmentation of SAR Satellite
  • ESPADA: Extended Synthetic and Photogrammetric Aerial-Image Dataset

Deep Learning Methods

  • Adversarial Training on Point Clouds for Sim-To-Real 3D Object Detection
  • CrossMap Transformer: A Crossmodal Masked Path TransformerUsing Double Back-Translation for Vision-And-Language Navigation
  • Case Relation Transformer: A Crossmodal Language Generation Model for Fetching Instructions
  • Target-Dependent UNITER: A Transformer-Based Multimodal Language Comprehension Model for Domestic Service Robots
  • Self-Critical Learning of Influencing Factors for Trajectory Prediction Using Gated Graph Convolutional Network
  • Trajectory Generation in New Environments from past Experiences
  • DistillPose: Lightweight Camera Localization Using Auxiliary Learning
  • Identifying Valid Robot Configurations Via a Deep Learning Approach
  • DiGNet: Learning Scalable Self-Driving Policies for Generic Traffic Scenarios with Graph Neural Networks
  • A General Approach to State Refinement
  • StyleLess Layer: Improving Robustness for Real-World Driving
  • Annotation Cost Reduction of Stream-Based Active Learning by Automated Weak Labeling Using a Robot Arm
  • Comprehension of Spatial Constraints by Neural Logic Learning from a Single RGB-D Scan
  • A CNN Based Vision-Proprioception Fusion Method for Robust UGV Terrain Classification
  • Visual-Tactile Cross-Modal Data Generation Using Residue-Fusion GAN with Feature-Matching and Perceptual Losses

Deep Learning for Visual Perception

  • Geometry Guided Network for Point Cloud Registration
  • Graph Guided Deformation for Point Cloud Completion
  • Uncertainty-Aware Self-Supervised Learning of Spatial Perception Tasks
  • ADAADepth: Adapting Data Augmentation and Attention for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
  • Unsupervised Image Segmentation by Mutual Information Maximization and Adversarial Regularization
  • MLPD: Multi-Label Pedestrian Detector in Multispectral Domain
  • Unsupervised Learning of Depth Estimation and Visual Odometry for Sparse Light Field Cameras
  • EVReflex: Dense Time-To-Impact Prediction for Event-Based Obstacle Avoidance
  • PTT: Point-Track-Transformer Module for 3D Single Object Tracking in Point Clouds
  • A Registration-Aided Domain Adaptation Network for 3D Point Cloud Based Place Recognition
  • INeRF: Inverting Neural Radiance Fields for Pose Estimation
  • RaP-Net: A Region-Wise and Point-Wise Weighting Network to Extract Robust Features for Indoor Localization
  • Differentiable Factor Graph Optimization for Learning Smoothers
  • Attention Augmented ConvLSTM for Environment Prediction
  • Overcoming Obstructions Via Bandwidth-Limited Multi-Agent Spatial Handshaking
  • Scene Descriptor Expressing Ambiguity in Information Recovery Based on Incomplete Partial Observation
  • Bootstrapped Self-Supervised Training with Monocular Video for Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation
  • Automatic Learning System for Object Function Points from Random Shape Generation and Physical Validation
  • Fast Image-Anomaly Mitigation for Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • Visual Identification of Articulated Object Parts
  • Unsupervised Monocular Depth Learning with Integrated Intrinsics and Spatio-Temporal Constraints
  • ViNet: Pushing the Limits of Visual Modality for Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction
  • MDN-VO: Estimating Visual Odometry with Confidence
  • Unsupervised Deep Persistent Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation in Extreme Environments
  • Correlate-And-Excite: Real-Time Stereo Matching Via Guided Cost Volume Excitation
  • Improving Robot Localisation by Ignoring Visual Distraction
  • Semantic Segmentation-Assisted Scene Completion for LiDAR Point Clouds
  • Dynamic Domain Adaptation for Single-View 3D Reconstruction
  • You Only Group Once: Efficient Point-Cloud Processing with Token Representation and Relation Inference Module
  • VIPose: Real-Time Visual-Inertial 6D Object Pose Tracking
  • Using Visual Anomaly Detection for Task Execution Monitoring
  • Moving SLAM: Fully Unsupervised Deep Learning in Non-Rigid Scenes
  • Pose Estimation from RGB Images of Highly Symmetric Objects Using a Novel Multi-Pose Loss and Differential Rendering
  • Denoising 3D Human Poses from Low-Resolution Video Using Variational Autoencoder
  • KDFNet: Learning Keypoint Distance Field for 6D Object Pose Estimation
  • All Characteristics Preservation: Single Image Dehazing Based on Hierarchical Detail Reconstruction Wavelet Decomposition Network
  • PCTMA-Net: Point Cloud Transformer with Morphing Atlas-Based Point Generation Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
  • Superline: A Robust Line Segment Feature for Visual SLAM
  • ORStereo: Occlusion-Aware Recurrent Stereo Matching for 4K-Resolution Images
  • Model Adaptation through Hypothesis Transfer with Gradual Knowledge Distillation
  • VoluMon: Weakly Supervised Volumetric Monocular Estimation with Ellipsoid Representations
  • Cross-Modal Representation Learning for Lightweight and Accurate Facial Action Unit Detection
  • Stereo Matching by Self-Supervision of Multiscopic Vision

Deep Learning in Grasping and Manipulation

  • Simultaneous Semantic and Collision Learning for 6-DoF Grasp Pose Estimation
  • Efficient Learning of Goal-Oriented Push-Grasping Synergy in Clutter
  • Iterative Coarse-To-Fine 6D-Pose Estimation Using Back-Propagation
  • Understanding Human Manipulation with the Environment: A Novel Taxonomy for Video Labelling
  • Excavation Learning for Rigid Objects in Clutter
  • Fast-Learning Grasping and Pre-Grasping Via Clutter Quantization and Q-Map Masking
  • Joint Space Control Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Precise Object Placement with Pose Distance Estimations for Different Objects and Grippers
  • Learning to Detect Multi-Modal Grasps for Dexterous Grasping in Dense Clutter
  • Double-Dot Network for Antipodal Grasp Detection
  • Neural Motion Prediction for In-Flight Uneven Object Catching
  • Learning a Generative Transition Model for Uncertainty-Aware Robotic Manipulation
  • Occlusion-Aware Search for Object Retrieval in Clutter
  • Grasp Pose Detection from a Single RGB Image
  • DepthGrasp: Depth Completion of Transparent Objects Using Self-Attentive Adversarial Network with Spectral Residual for Grasping
  • Reactive Long Horizon Task Execution Via Visual Skill and Precondition Models
  • Efficient and Accurate Candidate Generation for Grasp Pose Detection in SE(3)
  • DemoGrasp: Few-Shot Learning for Robotic Grasping with Human Demonstration
  • Graph-Based Task-Specific Prediction Models for Interactions between Deformable and Rigid Objects
  • GhostPose*: Multi-View Pose Estimation of Transparent Objects for Robot Hand Grasping
  • Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Object Manipulation with Non-Parametric Policy and Action Primitives

Dexterous Manipulation

  • Casting Manipulation of Unknown String by Robot Arm
  • Deformation Control of a Deformable Object Based on Visual and Tactile Feedback
  • A Soft Robotic Gripper with an Active Palm and Reconfigurable Fingers for Fully Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation
  • The Stewart Hand: A Highly Dexterous 6-Degrees-Of-Freedom Manipulator Based on the Stewart-Gough Platform (I)
  • Real-Time Safety and Control of Robotic Manipulators with Torque Saturation in Operational Space
  • Robot Hand Based on a Spherical Parallel Mechanism for Within-Hand Rotations about a Fixed Point
  • Learning Compliant Grasping and Manipulation by Teleoperation with Adaptive Force Control

Distributed Robot Systems

  • Optimal Scheduling and Non-Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control for Multiple Robotic Manipulators
  • OneVision: Centralized to Distributed Controller Synthesis with Delay Compensation
  • Robofleet: Open Source Communication and Management for Fleets of Autonomous Robots
  • Learning Connectivity for Data Distribution in Robot Teams
  • Neural Tree Expansion for Multi-Robot Planning in Non-Cooperative Environments
  • Deadlock Prediction and Recovery for Distributed Collision Avoidance with Buffered Voronoi Cells
  • Scalable Distributed Planning for Multi-Robot, Multi-Target Tracking

Factory Automation

  • State Estimation and Model-Predictive Control for Multi-Robot Handling and Tracking of AGV Motions Using IGPS
  • Benchmarking Off-The-Shelf Solutions to Robotic Assembly Tasks
  • Assembly Sequence Generation for New Objects Via Experience Learned from Similar Object
  • Combining Learning from Demonstration with Learning by Exploration to Facilitate Contact-Rich Tasks
  • Learn to Differ: Sim2Real Small Defection Segmentation Network
  • Control Strategy for Jam and Wedge-Free 3D Precision Insertion of Heavy Objects Suspended with a Multi-Cable Crane
  • Combining Unsupervised Muscle Co-Contraction Estimation with Bio-Feedback Allows Augmented Kinesthetic Teaching

Field Robots

  • 3D Reactive Control and Frontier-Based Exploration for Unstructured Environments
  • Adaptive Terrain Traversability Prediction Based on Multi-Source Transfer Gaussian Processes
  • Multiclass Terrain Classification Using Sound and Vibration from Mobile Robot Terrain Interaction
  • Perceptive Autonomous Stair Climbing for Quadrupedal Robots
  • Trajectory Selection for Power-Over-Tether Atmospheric Sensing UAS
  • CCRobot-IV: An Obstacle-Free Split-Type Quad-Ducted Propeller-Driven Bridge Stay Cable-Climbing Robot
  • An Industrial Robot for Firewater Piping Inspection and Mapping
  • A Mixed Reality Supervision and Telepresence Interface for Outdoor Field Robotics

Force and Tactile Sensing

  • A Soft Somesthetic Robotic Finger Based on Conductive Working Liquid and an Origami Structure
  • Extended Tactile Perception: Vibration Sensing through Tools and Grasped Objects
  • AuraSense: Robot Collision Avoidance by Full Surface Proximity Detection
  • A Low-Cost Modular System of Customizable, Versatile, and Flexible Tactile Sensor Arrays
  • Self-Contained Kinematic Calibration of a Novel Whole-Body Artificial Skin for Human-Robot Collaboration
  • A Multi-Chamber Smart Suction Cup for Adaptive Gripping and Haptic Exploration
  • A Multi-Axis FBG-Based Tactile Sensor for Gripping in Space
  • Active Visuo-Tactile Point Cloud Registration for Accurate Pose Estimation of Objects in an Unknown Workspace
  • High Dynamic Range 6-Axis Force Sensor Employing a Semiconductor-Metallic Foil Strain Gauge Combination
  • Tactile Scanning for Detecting Micro Bump by Strain-Sensitive Artificial Skin
  • A Force Recognition System for Distinguishing Click Responses of Various Objects
  • A Robust Controller for Stable 3D Pinching Using Tactile Sensing
  • Dynamic Modeling of Hand-Object Interactions Via Tactile Sensing
  • A Local Filtering Technique for Robot Skin Data
  • Energy Generating Electronic Skin with Intrinsic Tactile Sensing without Touch Sensors (I)

Formal Methods in Robotics and Automation

  • Sensor Selection for Detecting Deviations from a Planned Itinerary
  • Autonomous Decision-Making with Incomplete Information and Safety Rules Based on Non-Monotonic Reasoning
  • Automata-Based Optimal Planning with Relaxed Specifications
  • Probabilistically Guaranteed Satisfaction of Temporal Logic Constraints During Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning from Demonstrations Using Signal Temporal Logic in Stochastic and Continuous Domains
  • Attainment Regions in Feature-Parameter Space for High-Level Debugging in Autonomous Robots
  • A Topological Approach to Finding Coarsely Diverse Paths
  • Probabilistic Specification Learning for Planning with Safety Constraints
  • Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Motion Planning with Temporal Logic
  • Safe Linear Temporal Logic Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
  • Decentralized Classification with Assume-Guarantee Planning
  • Wasserstein-Splitting Gaussian Process Regression for Heterogeneous Online Bayesian Inference
  • Formalizing the Execution Context of Behavior Trees for Runtime Verification of Deliberative Policies
  • Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction with Structural Constraints
  • Formalizing Trajectories in Human-Robot Encounters Via Probabilistic STL Inference
  • Convex Approximation for LTL-Based Planning


  • Temporal Force Synergies in Human Grasping
  • Trajectory-Based Split Hindsight Reverse Curriculum Learning
  • Detecting Grasp Phases and Adaption of Object-Hand Interaction Forces of a Soft Humanoid Hand Based on Tactile Feedback
  • SpectGRASP: Robotic Grasping by Spectral Correlation
  • Assessing Grasp Quality Using Local Sensitivity Analysis
  • Geometry-Based Grasping Pipeline for Bi-Modal Pick and Place
  • Computing a Task-Dependent Grasp Metric Using Second-Order Cone Programs
  • Multi-Object Grasping -- Estimating the Number of Objects in a Robotic Grasp
  • PackerBot: Variable-Sized Product Packing with Heuristic Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Geometric Characterization of the Planar Multi-Finger Equilibrium Grasps
  • Formulation and Validation of an Intuitive Quality Measure for Antipodal Grasp Pose Evaluation
  • Scooping Manipulation Via Motion Control with a Two-Fingered Gripper and Its Application to Bin Picking
  • DDGC: Generative Deep Dexterous Grasping in Clutter
  • Planning Grasps with Suction Cups and Parallel Grippers Using Superimposed Segmentation of Object Meshes (I)

Grippers and Other End-Effectors

  • A Three-Fingered Adaptive Gripper with Multiple Grasping Modes
  • Dexterous Textile Manipulation Using Electroadhesive Fingers
  • A Series Elastic, Compact Differential Mechanism: On the Development of Adaptive, Lightweight Robotic Grippers and Hands
  • Computational Design of Reconfigurable Underactuated Linkages for Adaptive Grippers
  • A Multi-Modal Robotic Gripper with a Reconfigurable Base: Improving Dexterous Manipulation without Compromising Grasping Efficiency
  • Grasping with Embedded Synergies through a Reconfigurable Electric Actuation Topology
  • An Under-Actuated Whippletree Mechanism Gripper Based on Multi-Objective Design Optimization with Auto-Tuned Weights
  • A Caging Inspired Gripper Using Flexible Fingers and a Movable Palm
  • The Role of Digit Arrangement in Soft Robotic In-Hand Manipulation
  • A Dexterous, Reconfigurable Robot Hand Combining Anthropomorphic and Interdigitated Configurations
  • A Computational Framework for Robot Hand Design Via Reinforcement Learning
  • Variable-Grasping-Mode Gripper with Different Finger Structures for Grasping Small-Sized Items
  • Force Control with Friction Compensation in a Pneumatic Gripper
  • Analysis of Fingertip Force Vector for Pinch-Lifting Gripper with Robust Adaptation to Environments (I)

Haptics and Haptic Interfaces

  • Design and Validation of a Smartphone-Based Haptic Feedback System for Gait Training
  • Robotic Guidance System for Visually Impaired Users Running Outdoors Using Haptic Feedback
  • Variable Stiffness Folding Joints for Haptic Feedback
  • Can a Vibrotactile Stimulation on Fingertips Make an Illusion of Elbow Joint Movement?
  • Two-Stage Optimization of a Reconfigurable Asymmetric 6-DOF Haptic Robot for Task-Specific Workspace
  • Stable Haptic Teleoperation of UAVs Via Small L2 Gain and Control Barrier Functions
  • A Novel Testbed for Investigating the Impact of Teleoperator Dynamics on Perceived Environment Dynamics

Human Factors and Human-In-The-Loop

  • Effect of Display Response Time on Brain Activity in Human–Machine Interface Commander Operation
  • Improving Driver Situation Awareness Prediction Using Human Visual Sensory and Memory Mechanism
  • Asking the Right Questions: Facilitating Semantic Constraint Specification for Robot Skill Learning and Repair
  • Using Bayesian Optimization to Identify Optimal Exoskeleton Parameters Targeting Propulsion Mechanics: A Simulation Study
  • What Information Should a Robot Convey?
  • Not All Users Are the Same: Providing Personalized Explanations for Sequential Decision Making Problems
  • Online Recognition of Bimanual Coordination Provides Important Context for Movement Data in Bimanual Teleoperated Robots
  • Iterative Program Synthesis for Adaptable Social Navigation

Human and Humanoid Motion Analysis and Synthesis

  • Multitask Variational Autoencoding of Human-To-Human Object Handover
  • Synergetic Gait Prediction for Stroke Rehabilitation with Varying Walking Speeds
  • Organization and Understanding of a Tactile Information Dataset TacAct for Physical Human-Robot Interactions
  • Towards Human Haptic Gesture Interpretation for Robotic Systems
  • State Estimation of a Partially Observable Multi-Link System with No Joint Encoders Incorporating External Dead-Reckoning
  • Computationally Affordable Hierarchical Framework for Humanoid Robot Control
  • Domain and View-Point Agnostic Hand Action Recognition

Human-Robot Collaboration

  • Online Verification of Impact-Force-Limiting Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
  • Dual-Filtering for On-Line Simultaneously Estimate Weights and Phase Parameter of Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Sampling-Based Inverse Reinforcement Learning Algorithms with Safety Constraints
  • Radar Based Target Tracking and Classification for Efficient Robot Speed Control in Fenceless Environments
  • “Safe Skin” - a Low-Cost Capacitive Proximity-Force-Fusion Sensor for Safety in Robots
  • Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Dual-Type Proximity Sensor for Safe Human-Robot Interaction
  • Human-Robot Collaboration: Optimizing Stress and Productivity Based on Game Theory
  • Learning to Share Autonomy across Repeated Interaction
  • Cooperative Assistance in Robotic Surgery through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Improving Competence Via Iterative State Space Refinement
  • An Analysis of Human-Robot Information Streams to Inform Dynamic Autonomy Allocation
  • Extending Referring Expression Generation through Shared Knowledge about past Human-Robot Collaborative Activity
  • Learning and Interactive Design of Shared Control Templates
  • A Safety-Aware Architecture for Task Scheduling and Execution for Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Human-Robot Collaboration for Heavy Object Manipulation: Kinesthetic Teaching of the Role of Wheeled Mobile Manipulator
  • Non-Local Graph Convolutional Network for Joint Prediction of Activity Recognition and Future Motion
  • PiPo-Net: A Semi-Automatic and Polygon-Based Annotation Method for Pathological Images
  • Multi-Scenario Contacts Handling for Collaborative Robots Applications
  • Generating Active Explicable Plans in Human-Robot Teaming
  • Telemanipulation Via Virtual Reality Interfaces with Enhanced Environment Models
  • A Transformable Human-Carrying Wheel–leg Mobility for Daily Use
  • Probabilistic Decision Model for Adaptive Task Planning in Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly Based on Designer and Operator Intents

Humanoid Robot Systems

  • Dynamical Effect of Elastically Supported Wobbling Mass on Biped Running
  • Dynamic Fall Recovery Motion Generation on Biped Robot with Shell Protector
  • Human Trajectory Prediction Model and Its Coupling with a Walking Pattern Generator of a Humanoid Robot
  • Communicative Learning with Natural Gestures for Embodied Navigation Agents with Human-In-The-Scene
  • The ARoA Platform: An Autonomous Robotic Assistant with a Reconfigurable Torso System and Dexterous Manipulation Capabilities
  • Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion Over Rough Terrain with Streamlined Perception-Control Pipeline
  • Drop Prevention Control for Humanoid Robots Carrying Stacked Boxes

Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion

  • Fast Online Planning for Bipedal Locomotion Via Centroidal Model Predictive Gait Synthesis
  • Knee-Stretched Biped Gait Generation Along Spatially Quantized Curves
  • Humanoid Loco-Manipulations Pattern Generation and Stabilization Control
  • Robust Feedback Motion Policy Design Using Reinforcement Learning on a 3D Digit Bipedal Robot
  • Learning When to Switch: Composing Controllers to Traverse a Sequence of Terrain Artifacts
  • Impact Invariant Control with Applications to Bipedal Locomotion
  • Learning Linear Policies for Robust Bipedal Locomotion on Terrains with Varying Slopes

Imitation Learning

  • Vision-Based Autonomous Car Racing Using Deep Imitative Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning by Watching: Physical Imitation of Manipulation Skills from Human Videos
  • Contrastively Learning Visual Attention As Affordance Cues from Demonstrations for Robotic Grasping
  • Seeing All the Angles: Learning Multiview Manipulation Policies for Contact-Rich Tasks from Demonstrations
  • Adaptive T-Momentum-Based Optimization for Unknown Ratio of Outliers in Amateur Data in Imitation Learning
  • Robust Behavior Cloning with Adversarial Demonstration Detection
  • State-Only Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation
  • Generalization through Hand-Eye Coordination: An Action Space for Learning Spatially-Invariant Visuomotor Control
  • Imitation Learning with Approximated Behavior Cloning Loss
  • Risk Averse Bayesian Reward Learning for Autonomous Navigation from Human Demonstration
  • Decentralized, Unlabeled Multi-Agent Navigation in Obstacle-Rich Environments Using Graph Neural Networks
  • Multi-Robot Coverage and Exploration Using Spatial Graph Neural Networks
  • Unsupervised Temporal Segmentation Using Models That Discriminate between Demonstrations and Unintentional Actions
  • Imitation Learning with Additional Constraints on Motion Style Using Parametric Bias
  • Transformer-Based Deep Imitation Learning for Dual-Arm Robot Manipulation

Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • Dynamic Lambda-Field: A Counterpart of the Bayesian Occupancy Grid for Risk Assessment in Dynamic Environments
  • 3D Radar Velocity Maps for Uncertain Dynamic Environments
  • Extended VINS-Mono: A Systematic Approach for Absolute and Relative Vehicle Localization in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments
  • Automated Type-Aware Traffic Speed Prediction Based on Sparse Intelligent Camera System
  • Vision-Based Control of an Unknown Suspended Payload with a Multirotor
  • Gridlock-Free Autonomous Parking Lots for Autonomous Vehicles
  • Maneuver-Based Trajectory Prediction for Self-Driving Cars Using Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Networks
  • Decoder Fusion RNN: Context and Interaction Aware Decoders for Trajectory Prediction
  • Finding Failures in High-Fidelity Simulation Using Adaptive Stress Testing and the Backward Algorithm
  • Fine-Grained Off-Road Semantic Segmentation and Mapping Via Contrastive Learning
  • Multiple Contextual Cues Integrated Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving
  • Vehicle Dispatch in On-Demand Ride-Sharing with Stochastic Travel Times
  • BEV-Net: A Bird's Eye View Object Detection Network for LiDAR Point Cloud
  • Cooperative Transportation Robot System Using Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Control
  • Diverse Critical Interaction Generation for Planning and Planner Evaluation
  • Interpretable Goal Recognition in the Presence of Occluded Factors for Autonomous Vehicles
  • Semi-Cooperative Control for Autonomous Emergency Vehicles
  • RV-FuseNet: Range View Based Fusion of Time-Series LiDAR Data for Joint 3D Object Detection and Motion Forecasting
  • A Simple and Efficient Multi-Task Network for 3D Object Detection and Road Understanding
  • DeepSIL: A Software-In-The-Loop Framework for Evaluating Motion Planning Schemes Using Multiple Trajectory Prediction Networks
  • Joint Intention and Trajectory Prediction Based on Transformer

Intention Recognition

  • An Efficient Understandability Objective for Dynamic Optimal Control
  • A Multimodal and Hybrid Framework for Human Navigational Intent Inference
  • Multi-Modal Scene-Compliant User Intention Estimation in Navigation
  • Simultaneous Prediction of Pedestrian Trajectory and Actions Based on Context Information Iterative Reasoning
  • Safety-Oriented Pedestrian Occupancy Forecasting
  • GRIT: Fast, Interpretable, and Verifiable Goal Recognition with Learned Decision Trees for Autonomous Driving
  • CovarianceNet: Conditional Generative Model for Correct Covariance Prediction in Human Motion Prediction

Learning from Demonstration

  • Learning Forceful Manipulation Skills from Multi-Modal Human Demonstrations
  • ILoSA: Interactive Learning of Stiffness and Attractors
  • A Marginal Log-Likelihood Approach for the Estimation of Discount Factors of Multiple Experts in Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Towards Coordinated Robot Motions: End-To-End Learning of Motion Policies on Transform Trees
  • Learning to Optimize Control Policies and Evaluate Reproduction Performance from Human Demonstrations
  • Learning from Successful and Failed Demonstrations Via Optimization
  • A Novel Curved Gaussian Mixture Model and Its Application in Motion Skill Encoding

Learning from Experience

  • In-Air Knotting of Rope Using Dual-Arm Robot Based on Deep Learning
  • Automated Generation of Robotic Planning Domains from Observations
  • Behavior Self-Organization Supports Task Inference for Continual Robot Learning
  • CRIL: Continual Robot Imitation Learning Via Generative and Prediction Model
  • Adaptive Robotic Tool-Tip Control Learning Considering Online Changes in Grasping State
  • Ontology-Assisted Generalisation of Robot Action Execution Knowledge
  • Self-Body Image Acquisition and Posture Generation with Redundancy Using Musculoskeletal Humanoid Shoulder Complex for Object Manipulation

Legged Robots

  • Legged Robot State Estimation with Dynamic Contact Event Information
  • Tachyon: Design and Control of High Payload, Robust, and Dynamic Quadruped Robot with Series-Parallel Elastic Actuators
  • Modeling and Trajectory Optimization for Standing Long Jumping of a Quadruped with a Preloaded Elastic Prismatic Spine
  • The Usage of Kinematic Singularities to Produce Periodic High-Powered Locomotion
  • Quadrupedal Template Model for the Parametric Stability Analysis of Trotting Gaits
  • Coupling-Dependent Convergence Behavior of Phase Oscillators with Tegotae-Control
  • Towards Autonomous Area Inspection with a Bio-Inspired Underwater Legged Robot
  • Development of Rotating Workspace Ground Contact Force Observer for Legged Robot
  • Instantaneous Capture Input for Balancing the Variable Height Inverted Pendulum
  • Design of a Large-Scale Electrically-Actuated Quadruped Robot and Locomotion Control for the Narrow Passage
  • Force-Feedback Based Whole-Body Stabilizer for Position-Controlled Humanoid Robots
  • Adaptive Force-Based Control for Legged Robots
  • Quadruped Robot Hopping on Two Legs
  • Trotting and Pacing Locomotion of a Position-Controlled Quadruped Robot
  • A Hierarchical Framework for Quadruped Locomotion Based on Reinforcement Learning
  • Linear Policies Are Sufficient to Enable Low-Cost Quadrupedal Robots to Traverse Rough Terrain
  • Verifying Safe Transitions between Dynamic Motion Primitives on Legged Robots
  • Rapid Stability Margin Estimation for Contact-Rich Locomotion
  • GPU-Accelerated Rapid Planar Region Extraction for Dynamic Behaviors on Legged Robots
  • Animal Gaits on Quadrupedal Robots Using Motion Matching and Model-Based Control
  • Run Like a Dog: Learning Based Whole-Body Control Framework for Quadruped Gait Style Transfer


  • Coarse-To-Fine Semantic Localization with HD Map for Autonomous Driving in Structural Scenes
  • High Accuracy Three-Dimensional Self-Localization Using Visual Markers and Inertia Measurement Unit
  • Online Spatio-Temporal Calibration of Tightly-Coupled Ultrawideband-Aided Inertial Localization
  • Heading Estimation Using Ultra-Wideband Received Signal Strength and Gaussian Processes
  • DPLVO: Direct Point-Line Monocular Visual Odometry
  • SemSegMap - 3D Segment-Based Semantic Localization
  • Recalling Direct 2D-3D Matches for Large-Scale Visual Localization
  • Finding Robust 2D-To-3D Correspondence with LSTM Score Estimation for Camera Localization
  • Deep Unsupervised Learning Based Visual Odometry with Multi-Scale Matching and Latent Feature Constraint
  • EventVLAD : Visual Place Recognition with Reconstructed Edges from Event Cameras
  • Localization with Directional Coordinates
  • A Hierarchical Dual Model of Environment and Place-Specific Utility for Visual Place Recognition
  • Monte-Carlo Localization in Underground Parking Lots Using Parking Slot Numbers
  • Real-Time Geo-Localization Using Satellite Imagery and Topography for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Cross-Layer Configuration Optimization for Localization on Resource-Constrained Devices
  • BSP-MonoLoc: Basic Semantic Primitives Based Monocular Localization on Roads
  • Ground Encoding: Learned Factor Graph-Based Models for Localizing Ground Penetrating Radar
  • CLMM-Net: Robust Cascaded LiDAR Map Matching Based onMulti-Level Intensity Map
  • DLL: Direct LIDAR Localization. a Map-Based Localization Approach for Aerial Robots
  • Real-Time Multi-Adaptive-Resolution-Surfel 6D LiDAR Odometry Using Continuous-Time Trajectory Optimization
  • Efficient Localisation Using Images and OpenStreetMaps
  • Direct Near-Infrared-Depth Visual SLAM with Active Lighting
  • A Computationally Efficient Moving Horizon Estimator for Ultra-Wideband Localization on Small Quadrotors

Machine Learning for Robot Control

  • Learning to Play Pursuit-Evasion with Visibility Constraints
  • Online Learning of Unknown Dynamics for Model-Based Controllers in Legged Locomotion
  • Learning-Based Robust Motion Planning with Guaranteed Stability: A Contraction Theory Approach
  • InsertionNet - a Scalable Solution for Insertion
  • Object Picking Using a Two-Fingered Gripper Measuring the Deformation and Slip Detection Based on a 3-Axis Tactile Sensing
  • Learning to Control an Unstable System with One Minute of Data: Leveraging Gaussian Process Differentiation in Predictive Control
  • OHPL: One-Shot Hand-Eye Policy Learner
  • NaturalNets: Simplified Biological Neural Networks for Learning Complex Tasks
  • Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk: Dialogue-Driven Navigation in Unknown Indoor Environments
  • ORCHID: Optimisation of Robotic Control and Hardware in Design Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Many-Joint Robot Arm Control with Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks
  • Bootstrapping Motor Skill Learning with Motion Planning
  • Towards Safe Navigation through Crowded Dynamic Environments
  • Self-Balancing Online Dataset for Incremental Driving Intelligence
  • Coarse-To-Fine for Sim-To-Real: Sub-Millimetre Precision across Wide Task Spaces
  • Hannes Prosthesis Control Based on Regression Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Learning-Based Contact Status Recognition for Peg-In-Hole Assembly
  • Binary Neural Network in Robotic Manipulation: Flexible Object Manipulation for Humanoid Robot Using Partially Binarized Auto-Encoder on FPGA
  • STFP: Simultaneous Traffic Scene Forecasting and Planning for Autonomous Driving
  • Learning Contact-Rich Skills Using Residual Admittance Policy
  • ObserveNet Control: A Vision-Dynamics Learning Approach to Predictive Control in Autonomous Vehicles

Manipulation Planning

  • TrajectoTree: Trajectory Optimization Meets Tree Search for Planning Multi-Contact Dexterous Manipulation
  • Geometry-Based Two-Contact Inverse Kinematic Solution for Whole Arm Manipulation
  • Can Robots Refill a Supermarket Shelf?: Motion Planning and Grasp Control (I)
  • Efficient Task Planning for Mobile Manipulation: A Virtual Kinematic Chain Perspective
  • Efficient Picking by Considering Simultaneous Two-Object Grasping
  • Search-Based Path Planning for a High Dimensional Manipulator in Cluttered Environments Using Optimization-Based Primitives
  • NMPC-MP: Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Safe Motion Planning in Manipulator Teleoperation
  • Planning Robotic Manipulation with Tight Environment Constraints
  • Motion and Force Planning for Manipulating Heavy Objects by Pivoting
  • Coordinated Motion Generation and Object Placement: A Reactive Planning and Landing Approach
  • Dynamic Pre-Grasp Planning When Tracing a Moving Object through a Multi-Agent Perspective
  • Learning to Hit: A Statistical Dynamical System Based Approach
  • Dynamic Grasping with Reachability and Motion Awareness
  • Learning Initial Trajectory Using Sequence-To-Sequence Approach to Warm Start an Optimization-Based Motion Planner
  • Understanding and Segmenting Human Demonstrations into Reusable Compliant Primitives

Manufacturing Automation

  • Textile Taxonomy and Classification Using Pulling and Twisting
  • Learning of Parameters in Behavior Trees for Movement Skills
  • On Step-And-Scan Trajectories Used in Wafer Scanners in Semiconductor Manufacturing
  • Energy-Efficient Mobile Robot Control Via Run-Time Monitoring of Environmental Complexity and Computing Workload
  • Adaptive Optimization of Autonomous Vehicle Computational Resources for Performance and Energy Improvement
  • Design of a New Robot End-Effector Based on Compliant Constant-Force Mechanism
  • A New Method for Generating Work Piece Surface Representations for Robotic Machining


  • What's Best for My Mesh? Convex or Non-Convex Regularisation for Mesh Optimisation
  • Local to Global Plane Regularity Aggregation for Dense Surfel Mapping
  • Smooth Mesh Estimation from Depth Data Using Non-Smooth Convex Optimization
  • DeepRelativeFusion: Dense Monocular SLAM Using Single-Image Relative Depth Prediction
  • Automatic Construction of Lane-Level HD Maps for Urban Scenes
  • CLINS: Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation for LiDAR Inertial System
  • An Efficient and Continuous Representation for Occupancy Mapping with Random Mapping
  • Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LiDAR Data: A Learning-Based Approach Exploiting Sequential Data
  • R2LIVE: A Robust, Real-Time, LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Tightly-Coupled State Estimator and Mapping
  • Endo-Depth-And-Motion: Reconstruction and Tracking in Endoscopic Videos Using Depth Networks and Photometric Constraints
  • CRMI: Confidence-Rich Mutual Information for Information-Theoretic Mapping
  • 3D Shape Reconstruction of Small Bodies from Sparse Features
  • Adaptive Hyperparameter Tuning for Black-Box LiDAR Odometry
  • CatChatter: Acoustic Perception for Mobile Robots

Marine Robotics

  • An Open-Source, Fiducial-Based, Underwater Stereo Visual-Inertial Localization Method with Refraction Correction
  • Cooperative ASV/AUV System Exploiting Active Acoustic Localization
  • Coordinated Path Planning for Surface Acoustic Beacons for Supporting Underwater Localization
  • Shipborne Sea-Ice Field Mapping Using a LiDAR
  • 3D Ensemble-Based Online Oceanic Flow Field Estimation for Underwater Glider Path Planning
  • Leveraging Metadata in Representation Learning with Georeferenced Seafloor Imagery
  • Online Kinematic and Dynamic Parameter Estimation for Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles
  • Towards Robust Visual Diver Detection Onboard Autonomous Underwater Robots: Assessing the Effect of Models and Data
  • Predicting the Future Motion of Divers for Enhanced Underwater Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Efficient LiDAR-Based In-Water Obstacle Detection and Segmentation by Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Aquatic Environments
  • Robust Data Association for Multi-Object Detection in Maritime Environments Using Camera and Radar Measurements
  • ShorelineNet: An Efficient Deep Learning Approach for Shoreline Semantic Segmentation for Unmanned Surface Vehicles
  • AquaVis: A Perception-Aware Autonomous Navigation Framework for Underwater Vehicles
  • From Aerobatics to Hydrobatics: Agile Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Micro Underwater Robots
  • A Predictive Control Framework for Stabilizing a Manipulator-Assisted UAV Landing Platform on a Disturbed USV
  • Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering for Underwater Navigation
  • Long-Term Autonomy for AUVs Operating under Uncertainties in Dynamic Marine Environments
  • Embedded Stochastic Field Exploration with Micro Diving Agents Using Bayesian Optimization-Guided Tree-Search and GMRFs
  • Stochastic Guidance of Buoyancy Controlled Vehicles under Ice Shelves Using Ocean Currents
  • Thrust Direction Control of an Underactuated Oscillating Swimming Robot

Mechanism Design

  • Control-Aware Design Optimization for Bio-Inspired Quadruped Robots
  • Singularity-Aware Design Optimization for Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom Spatial Linkages
  • Embedding a Nonlinear Strict Oscillatory Mode into a Segmented Leg
  • A Novel Design of Mobile Robotic System for Opening and Transitioning through a Watertight Ship Door
  • Designing Rotary Linkages for Polar Motions
  • Modular Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Transformable Wheels Capable of Overcoming Obstacle
  • Dynamic Analysis of an Inverted Pendulum Robot with Transformable Wheels for Overcoming Steps
  • BogieBot: A Climbing Robot in Cluttered Confined Space of Bogies with Ferrous Metal Surfaces
  • Design and Analysis of FCSTAR, a Hybrid Flying and Climbing Sprawl Tuned Robot
  • Design and Analysis of a Robotic Out-Pipe Grinding System with Friction Actuating
  • Modular Pipe Climber III with Three-Output Open Differential
  • Modeling and Analysis of Tensegrity Robot for Passive Dynamic Walking
  • A Highly Maneuverable Hybrid Energy-Efficient Rolling/Flying System
  • HanGrawler 2: Super-High-Speed and Large-Payload Ceiling Mobile Robot Using Crawler
  • Mechanical Design and Evaluation of a Selectively-Actuated MRI-Compatible Continuum Neurosurgical Robot

Medical Robots and Systems

  • Modeling a Symmetrically-Notched Continuum Neurosurgical Robot with Non-Constant Curvature and Superelastic Property
  • Dynamic-Based RCM Torque Controller for Robotic-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Multiobjective Trajectory Tracking of a Flexible Tool During Robotic Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
  • Image-Guided Control of an Endoscopic Robot for OCT Path Scanning
  • A Novel Wax Based Piezo Actuator for Autonomous Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (Piezo-DALK)
  • W-ROMA: A Wearable Robotic Device for Assistive Navigation and Object Manipulation
  • Capturing Skill State in Curriculum Learning for Human Skill Acquisition
  • Deformation-Aware Robotic 3D Ultrasound
  • Feasibility of Remote Landmark Identification for Cricothyrotomy Using Robotic Palpation
  • Force Feedback on Hand Rest Function in Master Manipulator for Robotic Surgery
  • SurRoL: An Open-Source Reinforcement Learning Centered and dVRK Compatible Platform for Surgical Robot Learning
  • Analytical Tip Force Estimation on Tendon-Driven Catheters through Inverse Solution of Cosserat Rod Model
  • Towards Safe in Situ Needle Manipulation for Robot Assisted Lumbar Injection in Interventional MRI
  • Design, Actuation, and Control of an MRI-Powered Untethered Robot for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
  • A Robotic Healthcare Assistant for COVID-19 Emergency (I)
  • Digital Innovation Hubs in Health-Care Robotics Fighting COVID-19: Novel Support for Patients and Health-Care Workers across Europe (I)
  • Medical Robots for Infectious Diseases: Lessons and Challenges from the COVID-19 Pandemic (I)
  • A Tapered Soft Robotic Oropharyngeal Swab for Throat Testing (I)
  • A Dual Doctor-Patient Twin Paradigm for Transparent Remote Examination, Diagnosis, and Rehabilitation
  • Robust Event Detection Based on Spatio-Temporal Latent Action Unit Using Skeletal Information
  • Towards a Manipulator System for Disposal of Waste from Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
  • A Static Model for a Stiffness-Adjustable Snake-Like Robot

Micro/Nano Robots

  • Precise Control of Magnetized Macrophage Cell Robot for Targeted Drug Delivery
  • Development of a Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation System for Transferring of Oocytes
  • Hybrid Magnetic Force and Torque Actuation of Miniature Helical Robots Using Mobile Coils to Accelerate Blood Clot Removal
  • Adaptive Tracking Controller for an Alginate Artificial Cell
  • Automatic Cell Rotation Based on Real-Time Detection and Tracking
  • Autonomous Object Harvesting Using Synchronized Optoelectronic Microrobots
  • Keeping It Simple: Bio-Inspired Threshold-Based Strain Sensing for Micro-Aerial Vehicles
  • Simultaneous Actuation and Localization of Magnetic Robots Using Mobile Coils and Eye-In-Hand Hall-Effect Sensors
  • Enhancing Swimming and Pumping Performance of Helical Swimmers at Low Reynolds Numbers
  • Modeling of Bilayer Hydrogel Springs for Microrobots with Adaptive Locomotion
  • Low Voltage Control of Micro-Ionic Thrusters Using the Electrostatic Induced Potential of the Collector
  • Open-Loop Magnetic Actuation of Helical Robots Using Position-Constrained Rotating Dipole Field
  • Analysis of the Effect of Clearance in Spherical Joints on the Rotation Accuracy of Parallel Type Micro-Robotic Systems
  • A Portable Remote Optoelectronic Tweezer System for Microobjects Manipulation

Mobile and Bimanual Manipulation

  • Mobile Manipulation Hackathon: Moving into Real World Applications (I)
  • Optimal Order Pick-And-Place of Objects in Cluttered Scene by a Mobile Manipulator
  • Simultaneous Scene Reconstruction and Whole-Body Motion Planning for Safe Operation in Dynamic Environments
  • Effect of Assembly Design on a Walking Multi-Arm Robotics for In-Space Assembly
  • A Multi-Target Trajectory Planning of a 6-DoF Free-Floating Space Robot Via Reinforcement Learning
  • Disentangling Dense Multi-Cable Knots
  • Design and Evaluation of a Hair Combing System Using a General-Purpose Robotic Arm

Model Learning for Control

  • GloCAL: Glocalized Curriculum-Aided Learning of Multiple Tasks with Application to Robotic Grasping
  • Multi-Scale Aggregation with Self-Attention Network for Modeling Electrical Motor Dynamics
  • A Robust Data-Driven Approach for Dynamics Model Identification in Trajectory Planning
  • Guiding Robot Model Construction with Prior Features
  • A Novel Quotient Space Approach to Model-Based Fault Detection and Isolation: Theory and Preliminary Simulation Evaluation
  • Particle MPC for Uncertain and Learning-Based Control
  • DMotion: Robotic Visuomotor Control with Unsupervised Forward Model Learned from Videos

Modeling, Control, and Learning for Soft Robots

  • Soft Robot Configuration Estimation and Control Using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
  • A Parameter Identification Method for Static Cosserat Rod Models: Application to Soft Material Actuators with Exteroceptive Sensors
  • Analytical Modeling of a Soft Pneu-Net Actuator Based on Finite Strain Beam Theory
  • Soft-CCD Algorithm for Inverse Kinematics of Soft Continuum Manipulators
  • Shape-Centric Modeling for Soft Robot Inchworm Locomotion
  • SoPrA: Fabrication & Dynamical Modeling of a Scalable Soft Continuum Robotic Arm with Integrated Proprioceptive Sensing
  • Dynamic Modelling and Visco-Elastic Parameter Identification of a Fibre-Reinforced Soft Fluidic Elastomer Manipulator
  • Sim2Sim Evaluation of a Novel Data-Efficient Differentiable Physics Engine for Tensegrity Robots
  • Soft Manipulator Fault Detection and Identification Using ANC-Based LSTM
  • Position Control and Variable-Height Trajectory Tracking of a Soft Pneumatic Legged Robot
  • Task Driven Skill Learning in a Soft-Robotic Arm
  • Design and Control of Pneumatic Systems for Soft Robotics: A Simulation Approach
  • Constant Fluidic Mass Control for Soft Actuators Using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm
  • Koopman-Based Control of a Soft Continuum Manipulator under Variable Loading Conditions
  • Closed-Loop Position Control of a Self-Sensing 3-DoF Origami Module with Pneumatic Actuators
  • Discrete Cosserat Approach for Closed-Chain Soft Robots: Application to the Fin-Ray® Finger (I)
  • Manipulating a Whip in 3D Via Dynamic Primitives
  • A Hybrid Dual Jacobian Approach for Autonomous Control of Concentric Tube Robots in Unknown Constrained Environments
  • Dynamics Computation of a Hybrid Multi-Link Humanoid Robot Integrating Rigid and Soft Bodies
  • A Control and Drive System for Pneumatic Soft Robots: PneuSoRD
  • Flow Path Optimization for Soft Pneumatic Actuators: Towards Optimal Performance and Portability

Motion Control

  • Exponential Stability of Trajectory Tracking Control in the Orientation Space Utilizing Unit Quaternions
  • Control of Spherical Robots on Uneven Terrains
  • Area Defense and Surveillance on Rectangular Regions Using Control Barrier Functions
  • Robust Feedback Motion Primitives for Exploration of Unknown Terrains
  • On Energy-Preserving Motion in Twisted String Actuators
  • Learning-Based Balance Control of Wheel-Legged Robots
  • Source Seeking Control of Unicycle Robots with 3D-Printed Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors (I)

Motion and Path Planning

  • B-Spline Path Planner for Safe Navigation of Mobile Robots
  • Closed-Loop Fast Marching Tree (CL-FMT*) with Application to Helicopter Landing Trajectory Planning
  • Informed Autonomous Exploration of Subterranean Environments
  • UV-C Mobile Robots with Optimized Path Planning Can Improve Surface Disinfection against SARS-CoV-2 (I)
  • Exploring Learning for Intercepting Projectiles with a Robot-Held Stick
  • Disruption-Limited Planning for Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments
  • Spatial Constraint Generation for Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
  • Trajectory Optimization for Rendezvous Planning Using Quadratic Bezier Curves
  • Unsupervised Path Regression Networks
  • Path-Constrained Optimal Trajectory Planning for Robot Manipulators with Obstacle Avoidance
  • CR-LSTM: Collision-Prior Guided Social Refinement for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
  • Robust and Recursively Feasible Real-Time Trajectory Planning in Unknown Environments
  • PILOT: Efficient Planning by Imitation Learning and Optimisation for Safe Autonomous Driving
  • Exploring Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving with Feedback Synthesizer and Differentiable Rasterization
  • Interpretable Run-Time Prediction and Planning in Co-Robotic Environments
  • HyperPlan: A Framework for Motion Planning Algorithm Selection and Parameter Optimization
  • Designing Human-Robot Coexistence Space
  • APPLE: Adaptive Planner Parameter Learning from Evaluative Feedback
  • Generation of Human-Like Arm Motions Using Sampling-Based Motion Planning
  • PlannerFlows: Learning Motion Samplers with Normalising Flows
  • Safe and Fast Path Planner for Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • DT*: Temporal Logic Path Planning in a Dynamic Environment
  • Mobile Recharger Path Planning and Recharge Scheduling in a Multi-Robot Environment
  • Geometric Motion Planning for a System on the Cylindrical Surface
  • Section Patterns: Efficiently Solving Narrow Passage Problems in Multilevel Motion Planning (I)
  • PG-RRT: A Gaussian Mixture Model Driven, Kinematically Constrained Bi-Directional RRT for Robot Path Planning
  • Accelerating Kinodynamic RRT* through Dimensionality Reduction
  • Risk-Averse RRT* Planning with Nonlinear Steering and Tracking Controllers for Nonlinear Robotic Systems under Uncertainty
  • Learning When to Quit: Meta-Reasoning for Motion Planning
  • Joint Sampling and Trajectory Optimization Over Graphs for Online Motion Planning
  • Path Planning for Robotic Manipulators in Dynamic Environments Using Distance Information
  • Variable-Speed Traveling Salesman Problem for Vehicles with Curvature Constrained Trajectories
  • Risk-Aware Submodular Optimization for Stochastic Travelling Salesperson Problem
  • Fast Generation of Obstacle-Avoiding Motion Primitives for Quadrotors
  • Roadmap for Visibility-Based Target Tracking: Iterative Construction and Motion Strategy
  • Discrete Optimization of Adaptive State Lattices for Iterative Motion Planning on Unmanned Ground Vehicles
  • Learning Continuous Cost-To-Go Functions for Non-Holonomic Systems
  • Robust Sample-Based Output-Feedback Path Planning
  • Combined Stochastic-Deterministic Predictive Control Using Local-Minima Free Navigation
  • Safe Navigation in Human Occupied Environments Using Sampling and Control Barrier Functions
  • Constrained Iterative LQG for Real-Time Chance-Constrained Gaussian Belief Space Planning
  • Robotic Jigsaws: Path Planning for Non-Holonomic Cutting Robots
  • A Meta-Learning-Based Trajectory Tracking Framework for UAVs under Degraded Conditions
  • Orientation-Aware Planning for Parallel Task Execution of Omni-Directional Mobile Robot
  • Informed Sampling Exploration Path Planner for 3D Reconstruction of Large Scenes
  • Class-Ordered LPA�: An Incremental-Search Algorithm for Weighted Colored Graphs
  • Rough Terrain Navigation for Legged Robots Using Reachability Planning and Template Learning
  • Using Experience to Improve Constrained Planning on Foliations for Multi-Modal Problems
  • A Sampling-Based Motion Planning Framework for Complex Motor Actions
  • Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Target Geometric Constraints
  • Sparsification for Fast Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Lazy Compilation Schemes
  • A Novel Recursive Smooth Trajectory Generation Method for Unmanned Vehicles (I)
  • Search-Based Planning with Learned Behaviors for Navigation among Pedestrians
  • A Fast Algorithm for Stochastic Orienteering with Chance Constraints
  • Kohonen Self-Organizing Map Based Route Planning: A Revisit
  • FloMo: Tractable Motion Prediction with Normalizing Flows
  • Cognitive Navigation for Indoor Environment Using Floorplan
  • Improving Kinodynamic Planners for Vehicular Navigation with Learned Goal-Reaching Controllers
  • Polygon-Based Random Tree Search Algorithm with Variable Polygon Size
  • A Holistic Motion Planning and Control Solution to Challenge a Professional Racecar Driver
  • Risk Conditioned Neural Motion Planning
  • Real-Time Volumetric-Semantic Exploration and Mapping: An Uncertainty-Aware Approach
  • Multitask and Transfer Learning of Geometric Robot Motion

Multi-Robot SLAM

  • MR-iSAM2: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping with Multi-Root Bayes Tree for Multi-Robot SLAM
  • A Collaborative Visual SLAM Framework for Service Robots
  • Distributed Certifiably Correct Pose-Graph Optimization (I)
  • ORBBuf: A Robust Buffering Method for Remote Visual SLAM
  • Distributed Visual-Inertial Cooperative Localization
  • Coxgraph: Multi-Robot Collaborative, Globally Consistent, Online Dense Reconstruction System
  • Super Odometry: IMU-Centric LiDAR-Visual-Inertial Estimator for Challenging Environments

Multi-Robot Systems

  • Distributed Event and Self-Triggered Coverage Control with Speed Constrained Unicycle Robots
  • Combined Routing and Scheduling of Heterogeneous Transport and Service Agents
  • Encirclement Guaranteed Cooperative Pursuit with Robust Model Predictive Control
  • On Provably Safe and Live Multi-Robot Coordination with Online Goal Posting (I)
  • Path Optimization for Cooperative Mapping Using Multiple Robots with Limited Sensing Capabilities
  • An Interleaved Approach to Trait-Based Task Allocation and Scheduling
  • Multi-Robot Task Assignment for Aerial Tracking with Viewpoint Constraints
  • Downing a Rogue Drone with a Team of Aerial Radio Signal Jammers
  • Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Visibility-Based Persistent Monitoring
  • Cooperative Multi-Robot Object Transportation System Based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
  • Autonomous Aerial Filming with Distributed Lighting by a Team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Planning for Aerial Robot Teams for Wide-Area Biometric and Phenotypic Data Collection
  • Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: Towards Risk-Adaptive Task Allocation
  • Source Seeking by Dynamic Source Location Estimation
  • Market-Based Multi-Robot Coordination with HTN Planning
  • Flocking and Collision Avoidance for a Dynamic Squad of Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning to Play Soccer from Scratch: Sample-Efficient Emergent Coordination through Curriculum-Learning and Competition
  • Dual Quaternion Cluster-Space Formation Control
  • Impact of Heterogeneity and Risk Aversion on Task Allocation in Multi-Agent Teams
  • Hiding Leader's Identity in Leader-Follower Navigation through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Moving Forward in Formation: A Decentralized Hierarchical Learning Approach to Multi-Agent Moving Together
  • Scalable Reinforcement Learning Policies for Multi-Agent Control
  • Refuel Scheduling for Multirobot Charging-On-Demand
  • Event-Triggered Control for Weight-Unbalanced Directed Robot Networks
  • Impedance-Based Collision Reaction Strategy Via Internal Stress Loading in Cooperative Manipulation
  • Detection and Inference of Randomness-Based Behavior for Resilient Multi-Vehicle Coordinated Operations
  • Meta Preference Learning for Fast User Adaptation in Human-Supervisory Multi-Robot Deployments
  • Relative Localization of Mobile Robots with Multiple Ultra-WideBand Ranging Measurements
  • Optimization-Based Robot Team Exploration Considering Attrition and Communication Constraints
  • Distributed Sampling-Based Planning for Non-Myopic Active Information Gathering

Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization

  • Camera Parameters Aware Motion Segmentation Network with Compensated Optical Flow
  • APEX: Unsupervised, Object-Centric Scene Segmentation and Tracking for Robot Manipulation
  • PLUMENet: Efficient 3D Object Detection from Stereo Images
  • Part-Aware Data Augmentation for 3D Object Detection in Point Cloud
  • MS-UDA: Multi-Spectral Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Thermal Image Semantic Segmentation
  • MapFusion: A General Framework for 3D Object Detection with HDMaps
  • SpikeMS: Deep Spiking Neural Network for Motion Segmentation
  • Active Perception for Ambiguous Objects Classification
  • Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Cascaded Two-Level Multi-Model Fitting
  • FIDNet: LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Fully Interpolation Decoding
  • Look before You Act: Boosting Pseudo-LiDAR with Online Semantic Embedding
  • FEANet: Feature-Enhanced Attention Network for RGB-Thermal Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
  • ODIP: Towards Automatic Adaptation for Object Detection by Interactive Perception
  • Vessel Classification Using a Regression Neural Network Approach

Optimization and Optimal Control

  • Offset-Free Model Predictive Control: A Ball Catching Application with a Spherical Soft Robotic Arm
  • Embedded Hardware Appropriate Fast 3D Trajectory Optimization for Fixed Wing Aerial Vehicles by Leveraging Hidden Convex Structures
  • Probabilistic Iterative LQR for Short Time Horizon MPC
  • Efficient and Reactive Planning for High Speed Robot Air Hockey
  • Closed-Loop Robotic Cooking of Scrambled Eggs with a Salinity-Based ‘Taste’ Sensor
  • Car Racing Line Optimization with Genetic Algorithm Using Approximate Homeomorphism
  • Human Motion Imitation Using Optimal Control with Time-Varying Weights
  • Learning Environment Constraints in Collaborative Robotics: A Decentralized Leader-Follower Approach
  • Decentralized Trajectory Optimization for Multi-Agent Ergodic Exploration
  • Accelerating Second-Order Differential Dynamic Programming for Rigid-Body Systems
  • Rapid Convex Optimization of Centroidal Dynamics Using Block Coordinate Descent
  • Real-Time Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability Analysis of Autonomous System with an FPGA
  • Pairwise Preferences-Based Optimization of a Path-Based Velocity Planner in Robotic Sealing Tasks
  • Memory Clustering Using Persistent Homology for Multimodality and Discontinuity-Sensitive Learning of Optimal Control Warm-Starts (I)

Parallel Robots

  • Static Workspace Optimization of Aerial Cable Towed Robots with Land-Fixed Winches (I)
  • A Reaction-Based Stabilizer for Nonmodel-Based Vibration Control of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (I)
  • Wrench Feasibility and Workspace Expansion of Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robots by a Novel Passive Counterbalancing Mechanism (I)
  • Development of a New 2-DOF Wrist Mechanism Using Reverse Motion Transmission
  • A Novel 2-SUR 6-DOF Parallel Manipulator Actuated by Spherical Motion Generators
  • A Novel Model-Based Robust Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control of PKMs: Design and Real-Time Experiments
  • Moving-Platform Pose Estimation for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots

Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents

  • Iterative Refinement for Real-Time Multi-Robot Path Planning
  • Subdimensional Expansion for Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Path Finding
  • Parallel Hierarchical Composition Conflict-Based Search for Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding
  • Loosely Synchronized Search for Multi-Agent Path Finding with Asynchronous Actions
  • On Connected Deployment of Delay-Critical FANETs
  • Team Orienteering Coverage Planning with Uncertain Reward
  • Rapid Recovery from Robot Failures in Multi-Robot Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion
  • PlanSys2: A Planning System Framework for ROS2

Perception for Grasping and Manipulation

  • Sim-To-Real Transfer for Robotic Manipulation with Tactile Sensory
  • Visual-Tactile Fusion for 3D Objects Reconstruction from a Single Depth View and a Single Gripper Touch for Robotics Tasks
  • Policy Learning for Visually Conditioned Tactile Manipulation
  • Hybrid ICP
  • Improving Grasp Stability with Rotation Measurement from Tactile Sensing
  • Multi-View Fusion for Multi-Level Robotic Scene Understanding
  • Fast Reactive Grasping with In-Finger Vision and In-Hand FPGA-Accelerated CNNs

Perception-Action Coupling

  • Explaining the Decisions of Deep Policy Networks for Robotic Manipulations
  • An Adversarial Objective for Scalable Exploration
  • Leading or Following? Dyadic Robot Imitative Interaction Using the Active Inference Framework
  • Robotic Occlusion Reasoning for Efficient Object Existence Prediction
  • Multimodal VAE Active Inference Controller
  • Large-Area Conformable Sensor for Proximity, Light Touch, and Pressure-Based Gesture Recognition
  • Tactile Slip Detection in the Wild Leveraging Distributed Sensing of Both Normal and Shear Forces
  • NudgeSeg: Zero-Shot Object Segmentation by Repeated Physical Interaction

Physical Human-Robot Interaction

  • Contact Anticipation for Physical Human-Robot Interaction with Robotic Manipulators Using Onboard Proximity Sensors
  • Biomechanics Aware Collaborative Robot System for Delivery of Safe Physical Therapy in Shoulder Rehabilitation
  • A Computational Multicriteria Optimization Approach to Controller Design for Physical Human-Robot Interaction (I)
  • Task Geometry Aware Assistance for Kinesthetic Teaching of Redundant Robots
  • A Framework for Dyadic Physical Interaction Studies During Ankle Motor Tasks
  • A Conceptual Approach of Passive Human-Intention-Orientated Variable Admittance Control Using Power Envelope
  • Inferring Goals with Gaze During Teleoperated Manipulation

Planning, Scheduling and Coordination

  • Multi-Robot Task Planning under Individual and Collaborative Temporal Logic Specifications
  • Reduced State Value Iteration for Multi-Drone Persistent Surveillance with Charging Constraints
  • Multi-Robot Scheduling for Environmental Monitoring As a Team Orienteering Problem
  • An Augmented MDP Approach for Solving Stochastic Security Games
  • A Resolution Adaptive Algorithm for the Stochastic Orienteering Problem with Chance Constraints
  • Force-Based Formation Control of Omnidirectional Ground Vehicles
  • Hybrid Path Planning for UAV Traffic Management
  • Optimizing Requests for Support in Context-Restricted Autonomy

Prosthetics and Exoskeletons

  • A Soft Robotic Hip Exosuit (SR-HExo) to Assist Hip Flexion and Extension During Human Locomotion
  • Using Footsteps to Estimate Changes in the Desired Gait Speed of an Exoskeleton User
  • Virtual Energy Regulator: A Time-Independent Solution for Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons
  • Online Learning of the Dynamical Internal Model of Transfemoral Prosthesis for Enhancing Compliance
  • Muscle Synergies Enable Accurate Joint Moment Prediction Using Few Electromyography Sensors
  • F-VESPA: A Kinematic-Based Algorithm for Real-Time Heel-Strike Detection During Walking
  • Temporal Dilation of Deep LSTM for Agile Decoding of sEMG: Application in Prediction of Upperlimb Motor Intention in NeuroRobotics
  • An Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand with an Active, Selectively Lockable Differential Mechanism: Towards Affordable Dexterity
  • A Powered Prosthetic Ankle Designed for Task Variability - a Concept Validation
  • Self-Contained 2-DOF Ankle-Foot Prosthesis with Low-Inertia Extremity for Agile Walking on Uneven Terrain
  • Hybrid Volitional Control As a Framework for Lower-Limb Prosthetic Control: A Simulation Study
  • Sensorimotor-Inspired Tactile Feedback and Control Improve Consistency of Prosthesis Manipulation in the Absence of Direct Vision
  • Phase-Variable Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis Over Continuously Varying Speeds and Inclines
  • User Controlled Interface for Tuning Robotic Knee Prosthesis
  • Design and Implementation of a Stumble Recovery Controller for a Knee Exoskeleton

RGB-D Perception

  • Spatial Imagination with Semantic Cognition for Mobile Robots
  • Decoder Modulation for Indoor Depth Completion
  • Adversarial Attacks on Camera-LiDAR Models for 3D Car Detection
  • Robust and Accurate RGB-D Reconstruction with Line Feature Constraints
  • Object-Augmented RGB-D SLAM for Wide-Disparity Relocalisation
  • Plane Segmentation Using Depth-Dependent Flood Fill
  • Robust Pose Estimation Based on Normalized Information Distance
  • RoboSLAM: Dense RGB-D SLAM for Humanoid Robots

Range Sensing

  • Joint Depth and Normal Estimation from Real-World Time-Of-Flight Raw Data
  • On the Descriptive Power of LiDAR Intensity Images for Segment-Based Loop Closing in 3-D SLAM
  • Learning State-Dependent Sensor Measurement Models with Limited Sensor Measurements
  • Self-Calibrated Dense 3D Sensor Using Multiple Cross Line Lasers Based on Light Sectioning Method and Visual Odometry
  • Patchwork: Concentric Zone-Based Region-Wise Ground Segmentation with Ground Likelihood Estimation Using a 3D LiDAR Sensor
  • MILIOM: Tightly Coupled Multi-Input Lidar-Inertia Odometry and Mapping
  • Obstacle Avoidance Onboard MAVs Using a FMCW Radar

Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning

  • Autonomous Runtime Composition of Sensor-Based Skills Using Concurrent Task Planning
  • Multi-Resolution POMDP Planning for Multi-Object Search in 3D
  • Deformation Recovery Control and Post-Impact Trajectory Replanning for Collision-Resilient Mobile Robots
  • Towards Autonomous Parking Using Vision-Only Sensors
  • Mechanical Search on Shelves Using Lateral Access X-RAY
  • XAI-N: Sensor-Based Robot Navigation Using Expert Policies and Decision Trees
  • Reactive Control for Bipedal Running Over Random Discrete Terrain under Uncertainty


  • Object-To-Scene: Learning to Transfer Object Knowledge to Indoor Scene Recognition
  • MV-FractalDB: Formula-Driven Supervised Learning for Multi-View Image Recognition
  • CORAL: Colored Structural Representation for Bi-Modal Place Recognition
  • SSC: Semantic Scan Context for Large-Scale Place Recognition
  • Fully-Online Always-Adaptation of Transfer Functions and Its Application to Sound Source Localization and Separation
  • Enabling Robots to Distinguish between Aggressive and Joking Attitudes
  • Alternating Drive-And-Glide Flight Navigation of a Kinteplane for Sound Source Position Estimation

Reinforcement Learning

  • A Sim-To-Real Pipeline for Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Navigation in Cluttered Rough Terrain
  • Inclined Quadrotor Landing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Self-Supervised Online Reward Shaping in Sparse-Reward Environments
  • CLAMGen: Closed-Loop Arm Motion Generation Via Multi-View Vision-Based RL
  • Residual Feedback Learning for Contact-Rich Manipulation Tasks with Uncertainty
  • DEALIO: Data-Efficient Adversarial Learning for Imitation from Observation
  • Learning to Design and Construct Bridge without Blueprint
  • Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning Representation Learning with Curiosity Contrastive Forward Dynamics Model
  • An Efficient Image-To-Image Translation HourGlass-Based Architecture for Object Pushing Policy Learning
  • A Joint Imitation-Reinforcement Learning Framework for Reduced Baseline Regret
  • Passing through Narrow Gaps with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • HARL-A: Hardware Agnostic Reinforcement Learning through Adversarial Selection
  • Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in the Presence of Uncertainty Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Safe Continuous Control with Constrained Model-Based Policy Optimization
  • Terrain-Aware Risk-Assessment-Network-Aided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quadrupedal Locomotion in Tough Terrain
  • Hierarchical Terrain-Aware Control for Quadrupedal Locomotion by Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control
  • Model-Based Constrained Reinforcement Learning Using Generalized Control Barrier Function
  • Learning Human Rewards by Inferring Their Latent Intelligence Levels in Multi-Agent Games: A Theory-Of-Mind Approach with Application to Driving Data
  • Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptive Locomotion with Uncertainties in Environments and Robot Dynamics
  • Monolithic vs. Hybrid Controller for Multi-Objective Sim-To-Real Learning
  • Centralizing State-Values in Dueling Networks for Multi-Robot Reinforcement Learning Mapless Navigation
  • Benchmarking Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning in Aquatic Navigation
  • Multi-Agent Collaborative Learning with Relational Graph Reasoning in Adversarial Environments
  • Semantic Tracklets: An Object-Centric Representation for Visual Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Bayesian Residual Policy Optimization: Scalable Bayesian Reinforcement Learning with Clairvoyant Experts
  • Memory-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs
  • PNS: Population-Guided Novelty Search for Reinforcement Learning in Hard Exploration Environments
  • MAMBPO: Sample-Efficient Multi-Robot Reinforcement Learning Using Learned World Models
  • Q-Learning with Long-Term Action-Space Shaping to Model Complex Behavior for Autonomous Lane Changes

Representation Learning

  • COCOI: Contact-Aware Online Context Inference for Generalizable Non-Planar Pushing
  • DeepKoCo: Efficient Latent Planning with a Task-Relevant Koopman Representation
  • Low Dimensional State Representation Learning with Robotics Priors in Continuous Action Spaces
  • Acceleration of Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Grasping by State Representation Learning Based on a Preprocessed Input Image
  • SSTN: Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Thermal Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
  • Self-Supervised Disentangled Representation Learning for Third-Person Imitation Learning
  • Learning to Drop Points for LiDAR Scan Synthesis

Robot Safety

  • On Compliance and Safety with Torque-Control for Robots with High Reduction Gears and No Joint-Torque Feedback
  • A Kelvin Wake Avoidance Scheme for Autonomous Sailing Robots Based on Orientation-Restricted Dubins Path
  • A Predictive Safety Filter for Learning-Based Racing Control
  • Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions: Certainty in Safety with Uncertainty in State
  • Group Multi-Object Tracking for Dynamic Risk Map and Safe Path Planning
  • Reactive and Safe Road User Simulations Using Neural Barrier Certificates
  • Rm-Code: Proprioceptive Real-Time Recursive Multi-Contact Detection, Isolation and Identification
  • R-SNN: An Analysis and Design Methodology for Robustifying Spiking Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks through Noise Filters for Dynamic Vision Sensors

Robotic Systems and Benchmarking

  • Identifying Performance Regression Conditions for Testing & Evaluation of Autonomous Systems
  • JCopter: Reliable UAV Software through Managed Languages
  • Towards a Reference Framework for Tactile Robot Performance and Safety Benchmarking
  • On Assessing the Usefulness of Proxy Domains for Developing and Evaluating Embodied Agents
  • Towards Efficient Learning-Based Model Predictive Control Via Feedback Linearization and Gaussian Process Regression
  • HOPPY: An Open-Source Kit for Education with Dynamic Legged Robots
  • A Methodology for Approaching the Integration of Complex Robotics Systems Illustrated through a Bi-Manual Manipulation Case-Study (I)
  • Robust SLAM Systems: Are We There Yet?
  • Evaluating the Impact of Semantic Segmentation and Pose Estimation on Dense Semantic SLAM
  • Overlap Displacement Error: Are Your SLAM Poses Map-Consistent?
  • Error Diagnosis of Deep Monocular Depth Estimation Models
  • New Metrics for Industrial Depth Sensors Evaluation for Precise Robotic Applications
  • I3SA: The Increased Step Size Stability Assessment Benchmark and Its Application to the Humanoid Robot REEM-C
  • Interpretable Trade-Offs between Robot Task Accuracy and Compute Efficiency

Robotics and Automation in Agriculture and Forestry

  • Few-Leaf Learning: Weed Segmentation in Grasslands
  • Toward Robotic Weed Control: Detection of Nutsedge Weed in Bermudagrass Turf Using Inaccurate and Insufficient Training Data
  • A Low-Cost Robot with Autonomous Recharge and Navigation for Weed Control in Fields with Narrow Row Spacing
  • Viewpoint Planning for Fruit Size and Position Estimation
  • Robotic Lime Picking by Considering Leaves As Permeable Obstacles
  • Towards Intelligent Fruit Picking with In-Hand Sensing
  • A Robust Illumination-Invariant Camera System for Agricultural Applications
  • Depth Ranging Performance Evaluation and Improvement for RGB-D Cameras on Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping Robots

Robotics and Automation in Agriculture, Forestry and Construction

  • Reinforcement Learning Control of a Forestry Crane Manipulator
  • Hybrid Data-Driven Modelling for Inverse Control of Hydraulic Excavators
  • Real-Time Motion Planning of a Hydraulic Excavator Using Trajectory Optimization and Model Predictive Control
  • Task-Consistent Path Planning for Mobile 3D Printing
  • A Learning Approach to Robot-Agnostic Force-Guided High Precision Assembly
  • Image-Based Joint State Estimation Pipeline for Sensorless Manipulators
  • Navigate-And-Seek: A Robotics Framework for People Localization in Agricultural Environments


  • A General Framework for Lifelong Localization and Mapping in Changing Environment
  • Geometry-Based Graph Pruning for Lifelong SLAM
  • Consistent SLAM Using Local Optimization with Virtual Prior Topologies
  • Line Flow Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (I)
  • Probabilistic Appearance-Invariant Topometric Localization with New Place Awareness
  • Efficient Multimodal Belief Propagation for Robust SLAM Using Clustering Based Reparameterization
  • Robust Initialization of Multi-Camera SLAM with Limited View Overlaps and Inaccurate Extrinsic Calibration
  • Visual Place Recognition Using LiDAR Intensity Information
  • F-LOAM: Fast LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
  • LiDAR-Based Object-Level SLAM for Autonomous Vehicles
  • LiDAR SLAM with Plane Adjustment for Indoor Environment
  • Low-Drift Odometry, Mapping and Ground Segmentation Using a Backpack LiDAR System
  • RF-LIO: Removal-First Tightly-Coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry in High Dynamic Environments
  • What's in My LiDAR Odometry Toolbox?
  • Accurate Visual-Inertial SLAM by Manhattan Frame Re-Identification
  • SymbioLCD: Ensemble-Based Loop Closure Detection Using CNN-Extracted Objects and Visual Bag-Of-Words
  • Consensus-Informed Optimization Over Mixtures for Ambiguity-Aware Object SLAM
  • GR-Fusion: Multi-Sensor Fusion SLAM for Ground Robots with High Robustness and Low Drift
  • Multi-Layer VI-GNSS Global Positioning Framework with Numerical Solution Aided MAP Initialization
  • Angular Super-Resolution Radar SLAM
  • CFEAR Radarodometry - Conservative Filtering for Efficient and Accurate Radar Odometry
  • Stereo Plane SLAM Based on Intersecting Lines
  • Hierarchical Segment-Based Optimization for SLAM
  • CodeMapping: Real-Time Dense Mapping for Sparse SLAM Using Compact Scene Representations
  • Topology Aware Object-Level Semantic Mapping towards More Robust Loop Closure
  • Random Fourier Features Based SLAM
  • Robust Rank Deficient SLAM
  • Keypoint Matching for Point Cloud Registration Using Multiplex Dynamic Graph Attention Networks
  • Robust Multi-Camera SLAM with Manhattan Constraint Toward Automated Valet Parking
  • DSVP: Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Rapid Exploration by Dynamic Expansion
  • PoseFusion2: Simultaneous Background Reconstruction and Human Shape Recovery in Real-Time
  • A Multi-Hypothesis Approach to Pose Ambiguity in Object-Based SLAM
  • Underwater Visual Acoustic SLAM with Extrinsic Calibration
  • Some Research Questions for SLAM in Deformable Environments
  • An Analytical Solution to the IMU Initialization Problem for Visual-Inertial Systems

Semantic Scene Understanding

  • Up-To-Down Network: Fusing Multi-Scale Context for 3D Semantic Scene Completion
  • Memory-Based Semantic Segmentation for Off-Road Unstructured Natural Environments
  • A Deep Learning-Based Indoor Scene Classification Approach Enhanced with Inter-Object Distance Semantic Features
  • BORM: Bayesian Object Relation Model for Indoor Scene Recognition
  • CORSAIR: Convolutional Object Retrieval and Symmetry-AIded Registration
  • Real-Time Monocular Human Depth Estimation and Segmentation on Embedded Systems
  • Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation by Cross-Scale Pixel-To-Region Relation Operation for Semantic Segmentation
  • TUPPer-Map: Temporal and Unified Panoptic Perception for 3D Metric-Semantic Mapping
  • Local Memory Attention for Fast Video Semantic Segmentation
  • LiDAR-Based Drivable Region Detection for Autonomous Driving
  • CP-Loss: Connectivity-Preserving Loss for Road Curb Detection in Autonomous Driving with Aerial Images
  • Semantic Image Alignment for Vehicle Localization
  • ISSAFE: Improving Semantic Segmentation in Accidents by Fusing Event-Based Data
  • SNE-RoadSeg+: Rethinking Depth-Normal Translation and Deep Supervision for Freespace Detection

Sensor Fusion

  • Lvio-Fusion: A Self-Adaptive Multi-Sensor Fusion SLAM Framework Using Actor-Critic Method
  • Reactive Visual Odometry Scheduling Based on Noise Analysis Using an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter
  • Multi-Sensor Fusion Incorporating Adaptive Transformation for Reconfigurable Pavement Sweeping Robot
  • Modular Multi-Sensor Fusion: A Collaborative State Estimation Perspective
  • GEM: Glare or Gloom, I Can Still See You -- End-To-End Multi-Modal Object Detection
  • Continuous-Time Radar-Inertial Odometry for Automotive Radars
  • Radar Visual Inertial Odometry and Radar Thermal Inertial Odometry: Robust Navigation Even in Challenging Visual Conditions
  • Accurate Depth Estimation from a Hybrid Event-RGB Stereo Setup
  • FINO-Net: A Deep Multimodal Sensor Fusion Framework for Manipulation Failure Detection
  • 3D-FFS: Faster 3D Object Detection with Focused Frustum Search in Sensor Fusion Based Networks
  • Reinforcement Learning Compensated Extended Kalman Filter for Attitude Estimation
  • Radar Ghost Target Detection Via Multimodal Transformers
  • AcousticFusion: Fusing Sound Source Localization to Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments
  • Data-Fusion for Robust Off-Road Perception Considering Data Quality of Uncertain Sensors

Service, Art and Entertainment Robotics

  • Imagination-Enabled Robot Perception
  • AutoPhoto: Aesthetic Photo Capture Using Reinforcement Learning
  • Motion Strategy Using Opponent Player's Serial Learning for Air-Hockey Robots
  • Learning Robotic Contact Juggling
  • Towards a User Adaptive Assistive Robot: Learning from Demonstration Using Navigation Functions
  • Cross-Modal Analysis of Human Detection for Robotics: An Industrial Case Study
  • Consolidating Kinematic Models to Promote Coordinated Mobile Manipulations

Shared Autonomy for Physical Human-Robot Interaction

  • Shared Control Based on a Brain-Computer Interface for Human-Multirobot Cooperation
  • Reconfigurable Constraint-Based Reactive Framework for Assistive Robotics with Adaptable Levels of Autonomy
  • Toward Vision-Based High Sampling Interaction Force Estimation with Master Position and Orientation for Teleoperation
  • Informing Real-Time Corrections in Corrective Shared Autonomy through Expert Demonstrations
  • Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: A Brief Survey
  • A Shared Control Method for Collaborative Human-Robot Plug Task
  • Robotics for Occupational Therapy: Learning Upper-Limb Exercises from Demonstrations
  • Intelligent Locomotion Planning with Enhanced Postural Stability for Lower-Limb Exoskeletons
  • Human-In-The-Loop Stability Analysis of Haptic Rendering with Time Delay by Tracking the Roots of the Characteristic Quasi-Polynomial -- the Effect of Arm Impedance
  • Deep Neural Skill Assessment and Transfer: Application to Robotic Surgery Training
  • Towards Safe Human-Quadrotor Interaction: Mixed-Initiative Control Via Real-Time NMPC


  • Learning to Fly—a Gym Environment with PyBullet Physics for Reinforcement Learning of Multi-Agent Quadcopter Control
  • IGibson 1.0: A Simulation Environment for Interactive Tasks in Large Realistic Scenes
  • An Approach to Deploy Interactive Robotic Simulators on the Web for HRI Experiments: Results in Social Robot Navigation
  • Co-Design of Embodied Intelligence: A Structured Approach
  • Muscle-Reflex Model of Human Locomotion Entrains to Mechanical Perturbations
  • Daß: Distributable and Scalable Simulation of Robotic Applications
  • Mobile 3D Printing Robot Simulation with Viscoelastic Fluids

Social Human-Robot Interaction

  • Advocating Attitudinal Change through Android Robot's Intention-Based Expressive Behaviors: Towards WHO COVID-19 Guidelines Adherence
  • Text-Based Robot Emotion and Human-Like Emotional Transition
  • Personalization of Human-Robot Gestural Communication through Voice Interaction Grounding
  • "Pretending to Be Okay in a Sad Voice": Social Robot’s Usage of Verbal and Nonverbal Cue Combination and Its Effect on Human Empathy and Behavior Inducement
  • Pain Expression-Based Visual Feedback Method for Care Training Assistant Robot with Musculoskeletal Symptoms
  • A Unified Bi-Directional Model for Natural and Artificial Trust in Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Expectations vs. Reality: Unreliability and Transparency in a Treasure Hunt Game with ICub
  • Collaborative Storytelling with Social Robots
  • An Integrated Approach to Context-Sensitive Moral Cognition in Robot Cognitive Architectures
  • Translating Natural Language Instructions to Computer Programs for Robot Manipulation
  • Design of Taking a Walk with a Robot That Receives Care from a Person and Indirectly Mediates Communication with Strangers
  • Human-Robot Greeting: Tracking Human Greeting Mental States and Acting Accordingly
  • A Robot That Encourages Self-Disclosure to Reduce Anger Mood
  • Persuasion Strategies for Social Robot to Keep Humans Accepting Daily Different Recommendations
  • ROS for Human-Robot Interaction
  • Mobile Robot Yielding Cues for Human-Robot Spatial Interaction
  • Semantic-Based Explainable AI: Leveraging Semantic Scene Graphs and Pairwise Ranking to Explain Robot Failures
  • The Effects of Conversational Contexts and Forms of Non-Lexical Backchannel on User’s Perception of the Robot
  • Using an Android Robot to Improve Social Connectedness by Sharing Recent Experiences of Group Members in Human-Robot Conversations
  • Exploring Consequential Robot Sound: Should We Make Robots Quiet and Kawaii-Et?
  • Drones in Wonderland -- Disentangling Collocated Interaction Using Radical Form

Soft Robot Applications

  • Laser Endoscopic Manipulator Using Spring-Reinforced Multi-DoF Soft Actuator
  • Inverse Dynamics Model-Based Shape Control of Soft Continuum Finger Robot Using Parametric Curve
  • Soft Robotic Oscillators with Strain-Based Coordination
  • SoMo: Fast and Accurate Simulations of Continuum Robots in Complex Environments
  • Toward State-Unsaturation Guaranteed Fault Detection Method in Visual Servoing of Soft Robot Manipulators
  • Fuzzy-Depth Objects Grasping Based on FSG Algorithm and Soft Robotic Hand
  • Deformable Elasto-Plastic Object Shaping Using an Elastic Hand and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Soft Robot Materials and Design

  • Two-Sheet Type Rotary-Driven Thin Bending Mechanism Realizing High Stiffness
  • Turning an Articulated 3-PPSR Manipulator into a Parallel Continuum Robot
  • Origami-Inspired Robot That Swims Via Jet Propulsion
  • Multifunctional Robotic Glove with Active-Passive Training Modes for Hand Rehabilitation and Assistance
  • S-Climbot: A Soft Robot with Novel Grippers and Rigid-Compliantly Constrained Body for Climbing on Various Poles
  • Soft Retraction Device and Internal Camera Mount for Everting Vine Robots
  • Partial Formation of Hydroxyapatite on Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Hydrogel for Intensive Motions of Biomimetic Soft Robots
  • Development of a Permanent Magnet Elastomer (PME) Infused Soft Robot Skin for Tactile Sensing
  • Wide-Bandwidth Soft Vibrotactile Interface Using Electrohydraulic Actuator for Haptic Steering Wheel Application
  • Design and Feasibility Analysis of a Foldable Robot Arm for Drones Using a Twisted String Actuator: FRAD-TSA
  • Analytical Design of a Pneumatic Elastomer Robot with Deterministically Adjusted Stiffness
  • Design and Validation of a New Family of Bio-Inspired 3D-Printable Structurally-Programmable Soft Robots
  • Shape Recognition of a Tensegrity with Soft Sensor Threads and Artificial Muscles Using a Recurrent Neural Network
  • Origami Logic Gates for Printable Robots
  • SPHR: A Soft Pneumatic Hybrid Robot with Extreme Shape Changing and Lifting Abilities

Soft Sensors and Actuators

  • EPM–MRE: Electropermanent Magnet–Magnetorheological Elastomer for Soft Actuation System and Its Application to Robotic Grasping
  • Double Helical Soft Pneumatic Actuator Capable of Generating Complex 3D Torsional Motions
  • Bistable Valves for Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Soft Robotic Actuation Systems
  • Wireless Powered Dielectric Elastomer Actuator
  • Reducing the Influence of the Contact Area on a Soft Capacitive Force Sensor
  • Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Stretchable Multi-Layer Capacitive Array, Proximity Sensing, and a SVM Classifier
  • Estimating the Shape of Soft Pneumatic Actuators Using Active Vibroacoustic Sensing

Software and Hardware

  • Smart Pointers and Shared Memory Synchronisation for Efficient Inter-Process Communication in ROS on an Autonomous Vehicle
  • Human-Aware Navigation Planner for Diverse Human-Robot Interaction Contexts
  • CompROS: A Composable ROS2 Based Architecture for Real-Time Embedded Robotic Development
  • Arena-Rosnav: Towards Deployment of Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-BasedObstacle Avoidance into Conventional Autonomous NavigationSystems
  • Efficient Computation of Map-Scale Continuous Mutual Information on Chip in Real Time
  • Data-Driven Energy Estimation of Individual Instructions in User-Defined Robot Programs for Collaborative Robots
  • DQ Robotics: A Library for Robot Modeling and Control (I)
  • Grasping Robot Integration and Prototyping: The GRIP Software Framework (I)

Space Robotics and Automation

  • Towards Robust Monocular Visual Odometry for Flying Robots on Planetary Missions
  • Stereo Perception in the Dark Using Uncalibrated Line Laser
  • Enhancing Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Images Via Multi-Frame Super Resolution for Future Robotic Space Missions
  • Multi-Modal Loop Closing in Unstructured Planetary Environments with Visually Enriched Submaps
  • Online Information-Aware Motion Planning with Inertial Parameter Learning for Robotic Free-Flyers
  • Surface Sliding Behavior Analysis of Space Probes in Simulated Extraterrestrial Environments
  • A Compliant Partitioned Shared Control Strategy for an Orbital Robot
  • Compliant Floating-Base Control of Space Robots

Surgical Robotics

  • Autonomous Bi-Manual Surgical Suturing Based on Skills Learned from Demonstration
  • Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Formal Verification for Tissue Retraction in Autonomous Robotic-Assisted Surgery
  • Fall Detection for Robotic Endoscope Holders in Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Pre-Operative Offline Optimization of Insertion Point Location for Safe and Accurate Surgical Task Execution
  • Globally Optimal Fetoscopic Mosaicking Based on Pose Graph Optimisation with Affine Constraints
  • Fusion of Biplane Fluoroscopy with Fiber Bragg Grating for 3D Catheter Shape Reconstruction
  • Position-Based Dynamics Simulator of Brain Deformations for Path Planning and Intra-Operative Control in Keyhole Neurosurgery

Swarm Robotics

  • A Decentralized Cluster Formation Containment Framework for Multirobot Systems (I)
  • Sniffy Bug: A Fully Autonomous Swarm of Gas-Seeking Nano Quadcopters in Cluttered Environments
  • Personalized Human-Swarm Interaction through Hand Motion
  • Towards a Passive Self-Assembling Macroscale Multi-Robot System
  • Decentralized Localization in Homogeneous Swarms Considering Real-World Non-Idealities
  • Cooperative Object Transportation Using Gibbs Random Fields
  • Extension of Flocking Models to Environments with Obstacles and Degraded Communications
  • MicROS.BT: An Event-Driven Behavior Tree Framework for Swarm Robots

Task and Motion Planning

  • Prioritized Indoor Exploration with a Dynamic Deadline
  • Assembly Planning by Recognizing a Graphical Instruction Manual
  • Optimal Planning Over Long and Infinite Horizons for Achieving Independent Partially-Observable Tasks That Evolve Over Time
  • Probabilistic Inference in Planning for Partially Observable Long Horizon Problems
  • Intelligent Execution through Plan Analysis
  • A General Task and Motion Planning Framework for Multiple Manipulators
  • Spatial Action Maps Augmented with Visit Frequency Maps for Exploration Tasks
  • Learning Symbolic Operators for Task and Motion Planning

Telerobotics and Teleoperation

  • Miniature Tangible Cube: Concept and Design of Target-Object-Oriented User Interface for Dual-Arm Telemanipulation
  • Cursor-Based Robot Tele-Manipulation through 2D-To-SE2 Interfaces
  • Mobile Teleoperation: Feasibility of Wireless Wearable Sensing of the Operator's Arm Motion
  • Drawing Elon Musk: A Robot Avatar for Remote Manipulation
  • Analysis of User Preferences for Robot Motions in Immersive Telepresence
  • A Reconfigurable Interface for Ergonomic and Dynamic Tele-Locomanipulation
  • Safety-Oriented Teleoperation Framework for Contact-Rich Tasks in Hazardous Workspaces
  • QoE-Driven Delay-Adaptive Control Scheme Switching for Time-Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation with Haptic Data Reduction
  • Passivity-Based Control for Haptic Teleoperation of a Legged Manipulator in Presence of Time-Delays
  • SnakeRaven: Teleoperation of a 3D Printed Snake-Like Manipulator Integrated to the RAVEN II Surgical Robot
  • Position Synchronization through the Energy-Reflection Based Time Domain Passivity Approach in Position-Position Architectures
  • Learning to Guide Human Attention on Mobile Telepresence Robots with 360 Vision
  • Learning to Arbitrate Human and Robot Control Using Disagreement between Sub-Policies
  • NimbRo Avatar: Interactive Immersive Telepresence with Force-Feedback Telemanipulation

Transfer Learning

  • Delay Aware Universal Notice Network : Real World Multi-Robot Transfer Learning
  • Domain Curiosity: Learning Efficient Data Collection Strategies for Domain Adaptation
  • Knowledge Transfer across Imaging Modalities Via Simultaneous Learning of Adaptive Autoencoders for High-Fidelity Mobile Robot Vision
  • Bayesian Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Policy Adaptation across Robotic Platforms
  • Shaping Progressive Net of Reinforcement Learning for Policy Transfer with Human Evaluative Feedback
  • A Conformal Mapping-Based Framework for Robot-To-Robot and Sim-To-Real Transfer Learning
  • On Explainability and Sensor-Adaptability of a Robot Tactile Texture Representation Using a Two-Stage Recurrent Networks

Underactuated & Redundant Robots

  • Streamlined Tuning Procedure for Stable PID Control of Flexible-Base Manipulators
  • RRT-Based Path Planning for Follow-The-Leader Motion of Hyper-Redundant Manipulators
  • Anisotropic Disturbance Rejection for Kinematically Redundant Systems with Applications on an UVMS
  • Tension Control Method Utilizing Antagonistic Tension to Enlarge the Workspace of Coupled Tendon-Driven Articulated Manipulator
  • Momentum Based Whole-Body Optimal Planning for a Single-Spherical-Wheeled Balancing Mobile Manipulator
  • Design Optimization of Musculoskeletal Humanoids with Maximization of Redundancy to Compensate for Muscle Rupture
  • Supervised Autonomy for Remote Teleoperation of Hybrid Wheel-Legged Mobile Manipulator Robots
  • Fuzzy PID Controller Based on Yaw Angle Prediction of a Spherical Robot

Vision-Based Navigation

  • Motion Field Consensus with Locality Preservation: A Geometric Confirmation Strategy for Loop Closure Detection
  • Re-Attention Is All You Need: Memory-Efficient Scene Text Detection Via Re-Attention on Uncertain Regions
  • Trajectory-Constrained Deep Latent Visual Attention for Improved Local Planning in Presence of Heterogeneous Terrain
  • Towards Generalization in Target-Driven Visual Navigation by Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (I)
  • Learning Navigation Skills for Legged Robots with Learned Robot Embeddings
  • NavTuner: Learning a Scene-Sensitive Family of Navigation Policies
  • Fast and Robust Bio-Inspired Teach and Repeat Navigation
  • POMP++: Pomcp-Based Active Visual Search in Unknown Indoor Environments
  • DT-Loc: Monocular Visual Localization on HD Vector Map Using Distance Transforms of 2D Semantic Detections
  • Probabilistic Visual Navigation with Bidirectional Image Prediction
  • FAITH: Fast Iterative Half-Plane Focus of Expansion Estimation Using Optic Flow
  • Mapless Humanoid Navigation Using Learned Latent Dynamics
  • Success Weighted by Completion Time: A Dynamics-Aware Evaluation Criteria for Embodied Navigation
  • A Bio-Inspired Multi-Sensor System for Robust Orientation and Position Estimation
  • Monocular Teach-And-Repeat Navigation Using a Deep Steering Network with Scale Estimation
  • Self-Supervised Scale Recovery for Monocular Depth and Egomotion Estimation
  • Assembly Action Understanding from Fine-Grained Hand Motions, a Multi-Camera and Deep Learning Approach
  • Robust and Long-Term Monocular Teach-And-Repeat Navigationusing a Single-Experience Map
  • Self Attention Guided Depth Completion Using RGB and SparseLiDAR Point Clouds
  • Laser-Based Side-By-Side Following for Human-Following Robots
  • Deep Leg Tracking by Detection and Gait Analysis in 2D Range Data for Intelligent Robotic Assistants

Visual Learning

  • ADD: A Fine-Grained Dynamic Inference Architecture for Semantic Image Segmentation
  • COINet: Adaptive Segmentation with Co-Interactive Network for Autonomous Driving
  • Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation Via Cascaded Relation and Recurrent Reconstruction Networks
  • Scanline Resolution-Invariant Depth Completion Using a Single Image and Sparse LiDAR Point Cloud
  • Unknown Object Segmentation from Stereo Images
  • Object Learning for 6D Pose Estimation and Grasping from RGB-D Videos of In-Hand Manipulation
  • Online Monitoring of Object Detection Performance During Deployment
  • OPEn: An Open-Ended Physics Environment for Learning without a Task
  • Fast and Unsupervised 3D-CNN Based Non-Local Feature Learning for Direct Volume Rendering of 3D Medical Images
  • Self-Supervised Optical Flow with Spiking Neural Networks and Event Based Cameras
  • DA4Event: Towards Bridging the Sim-To-Real Gap for Event Cameras Using Domain Adaptation
  • Accurate Grid Keypoint Learning for Efficient Video Prediction
  • Improving Monocular Depth Estimation by Semantic Pre-Training
  • 3D Segmentation Learning from Sparse Annotations and Hierarchical Descriptors
  • TemporalFusion: Temporal Motion Reasoning with Multi-Frame Fusion for 6D Object Pose Estimation

Visual Servoing

  • Mind Control of a Service Robot with Visual Servoing
  • Sampling-Based MPC for Constrained Vision Based Control
  • A Real-Time State Dependent Region Estimator for Autonomous Endoscope Navigation (I)
  • Image-Based Visual Servoing of Rotorcrafts to Planar Visual Targets of Arbitrary Orientation
  • Robot-Assisted Breast Ultrasound Scanning Using Geometrical Analysis of the Seroma and Image Segmentation
  • Multi-Scale Laplacian-Based FMM for Shape Control
  • RTVS: A Lightweight Differentiable MPC Framework for Real-Time Visual Servoing

Visual Tracking

  • Joint Multi-Object Detection and Tracking with Camera-LiDAR Fusion for Autonomous Driving
  • Powerline Tracking with Event Cameras
  • Improvement of Optical Flow Estimation by Using the Hampel Filter for Low-End Embedded Systems
  • Real-Time Outdoor Illumination Estimation for Camera Tracking in Indoor Environments
  • CRACT: Cascaded Regression-Align-Classification for Robust Tracking
  • Dynamic Event Camera Calibration
  • PointSiamRCNN: Target-Aware Voxel-Based Siamese Tracker for Point Clouds
  • Improving Object Permanence Using Agent Actions and Reasoning
  • Multi-Variable State Prediction: HMM Based Approach for Real-Time Trajectory Prediction
  • Towards Robust Human Trajectory Prediction in Raw Videos
  • BundleTrack: 6D Pose Tracking for Novel Objects without Instance or Category-Level 3D Models
  • Model-Free Vehicle Tracking and State Estimation in Point Cloud Sequences
  • Score Refinement for Confidence-Based 3D Multi-Object Tracking
  • A High-Accuracy Fiducial Marker with Parallel Lenticular Angle Gauges

Visual-Inertial SLAM

  • Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Robots with Limited Computational Resources
  • Feature-Aided Bundle Adjustment Learning Framework for Self-Supervised Monocular Visual Odometry
  • Accurate Visual-Inertial SLAM by Feature Re-Identification
  • PLF-VINS: Real-Time Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM with Point-Line Fusion and Parallel-Line Fusion
  • Sampson Distance: A New Approach to Improving Visual-Inertial Odometry's Accuracy
  • A Comparison of Modern General-Purpose Visual SLAM Approaches
  • RP-VIO: Robust Plane-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry for Dynamic Environments
  • A Visual Inertial Odometry Framework for 3D Points, Lines and Planes

Wearable Robotics

  • Wearable Tactile Sensor Suit for Natural Body Dynamics Extraction: Case Study on Posture Prediction Based on Physical Reservoir Computing
  • Method for the Determination of Relative Joint Axes for Wearable Inertial Sensor Applications
  • Evaluation of Lumbar Burdens for Endoskeleton-Type Assist Suit Based on Musculoskeletal Model and Its Improvement of the Utility
  • Exo-Muscle: A Semi-Rigid Assistive Device for the Knee
  • Estimating the Center of Mass of Human-Exoskeleton Systems with Physically Coupled Serial Chain
  • A Soft Assistive Device for Elbow Effort-Compensation
  • Gaussian Process Regression for COP Trajectory Estimation in Healthy and Pathological Gait Using Instrumented Insoles
  • Learning Fingertip Force to Grasp Deformable Objects for Soft Wearable Robotic Glove with TSM

Wheeled Robots

  • Development of an Agile Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with Gravity Compensated Wheel-Leg Mechanisms for Human Environment
  • Continuous Robust Trajectory Tracking Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Considering Lateral and Longitudinal Kinematics and Dynamics Via Recursive Backstepping
  • Sub-Optimal and Robust Path Tracking: A Geometric Approach
  • Whole-Body MPC and Online Gait Sequence Generation for Wheeled-Legged Robots
  • Design and Analysis of a Bi-Directional Transformable Wheel Robot Trimode
  • Environmentally Adaptive Control Including Variance Minimization Using Stochastic Predictive Network with Parametric Bias: Application to Mobile Robots
  • Traversability-Based Trajectory Planning with Quasi-Dynamic Vehicle Model in Loose Soil