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Defining Structures

A noarr structure is an object that describes the mapping from indices to memory. Noarr provides simple building blocks that can be composed together to define custom structures.

The most trivial building block is Scalar. Scalar itself happens to be a noarr structure. Written as scalar<T>(), it does not need any indices, it only has one element (of type T), and its size is a compile-time constant (sizeof(T)).

Defining structures using composition

Most of the mentioned building blocks usually come in the form of proto-structures. An existing structure can be composed with a proto-structure to form another structure.

structure ^ proto-structure = structure

In the following example, we compose a scalar (a structure) with an array (a protostructure), to obtain a new structure.

auto channel = noarr::scalar<std::uint8_t>();
auto pixel = channel ^ noarr::array<'c', 3>();

The resulting structure is a one-dimensional array. Its only dimension is named 'c' (for "channel") and has length 3. Continuing the example above, we can compose the pixel structure again, with another proto-structure, to get yet another structure:

auto scanline = pixel ^ noarr::array<'x', 1920>();
auto image = scanline ^ noarr::array<'y', 1080>();

Now we have a three-dimensional structure. The dimension names are 'y', 'x' and 'c'. The definition of scanline could of course be omitted if we only want image. Note that ^ is left-associative in C++, so no parentheses are needed either.

auto image = pixel ^ noarr::array<'x', 1920>() ^ noarr::array<'y', 1080>();

In both definitions, the layout is similar to what one would expect in a raster format. For example, each pixel and each scanline is stored consecutively, while individual single-pixel columns or individual color components of the image are not.

Array is by far not the only built-in proto-structure. Not all proto-structures add indices (some even remove them) and not and not all proto-structures create a larger structure. See the overview of built-in structures and proto-structures.

Defining proto-structures using composition

Let's say we want to prepare the grid that can be used with several pixel formats. What kind of object should grid be? It is something that, given a structure (pixel), yields another structure (image). In this sense, it is very similar to array, except that it adds two dimensions instead of just one. And like array, grid will be a proto-structure.

It is possible to define custom proto-structures analogically to custom structures. Two existing proto-structures can be composed to form another proto-structure.

proto-structure ^ proto-structure = proto-structure

Our grid proto-structure can be defined as a composition of two array proto-structures:

auto grid = noarr::array<'x', 1920>() ^ noarr::array<'y', 1080>();

Now it can be used as any other proto-structure:

auto pixel = noarr::scalar<std::uint8_t>() ^ noarr::array<'c', 3>();
auto image = pixel ^ grid;

auto grayscale_pixel = noarr::scalar<std::uint8_t>();
auto grayscale_image = grayscale_pixel ^ grid;

auto transparent_pixel = noarr::scalar<std::uint8_t>() ^ noarr::array<'c', 4>();
auto transparent_image = transparent_pixel ^ grid;

auto hdr_pixel = noarr::scalar<float>() ^ noarr::array<'c', 3>();
auto hdr_image = hdr_pixel ^ grid;

Note that there is a slight difference in the definitions of image from the previous section and the new image:

// parentheses emphasize the implicit left-associativity
auto image = (pixel ^ noarr::array<'x', 1920>()) ^ noarr::array<'y', 1080>();

// parentheses inserted because of the separate definition of `grid`
auto image = pixel ^ (noarr::array<'x', 1920>() ^ noarr::array<'y', 1080>());

Although the parenthesization is different, the resulting structure will be exactly the same, including memory layout, order of dimensions, and even C++ type identity. This makes the ^ operator fully associative.

Defining structures manually

If a structure cannot be defined using composition, you can implement it as a C++ class. This is how most built-in noarr structures are implemented.

The file defining the structure must include at least <noarr/structures/base/structs_common.hpp> (also included by <noarr/structures.hpp>).

A structure class must have at least the following public members:

  • signature member type that
    • is a type alias to a valid signature
    • should describe the dimensions accepted in the s argument of the remaining members
  • size const-qualified member function template that
    • can be called as .size(s) where s is an instance of state
    • returns a std::size_t or a std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N>
    • should return the size of the structure in bytes
  • strict_offset_of const-qualified member function template that
    • can be called as .strict_offset_of<Sub>(s) where Sub is a structure type and s is an instance of state
    • returns a std::size_t or a std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N>
    • should return the offset of a sub-structure of type Sub
    • is recommended to call offset_of<Sub> on one of its sub-structures
  • length const-qualified member function template that
    • can be called as .length<QDim>(s) where QDim is a dimension name (char) and s is an instance of state
    • returns a std::size_t or a std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N>
    • should return the length in dimension QDim
  • strict_state_at const-qualified member function template that
    • can be called as .strict_state_at<Sub>(s) where Sub is a structure type and s is an instance of state
    • returns an instance of state
    • should return the result of state_at<Sub>(struct2, state2) call, where
      • struct2 is the same sub-structure that would be queried by strict_offset_of<Sub>(s)
      • state2 is the same argument that would be passed to that sub-structure by strict_offset_of<Sub>(s)

All the member functions should fail to compile (either by static_assert or substitution failure) when:

  • passed an invalid or incomplete state or state referring to nonexistent dimensions
  • queried for a nonexistent sub-structure Sub or dimension QDim (or a sub-structure that just cannot be reached with the current state s)
  • any additional documented requirements are not met

In the members strict_offset_of and strict_state_at, the word "strict" refers to the fact that the Sub template argument is expected to be strictly a substructure, i.e. never the structure itself. Note that these two members should not be called directly, but only via noarr::offset_of and noarr::state_at respectively, which take care of the non-strict case.

If mangling support is desired, the structure must additionally:

  • be an instance of some template T
  • inherit from an instance of noarr::strict_contain
  • not define any data members
  • define the following public members:
    • static constexpr char name[] that
      • either is the qualified identifier of the template T (including the leading ::)
      • or (if T is declared in namespace noarr) is an unqualified identifier
    • params member type that
      • is a type alias to the noarr::struct_params instance with the following arguments (corresponding to the actual arguments of the current T instance):
        • structure arguments are described using noarr::structure_param
        • other type arguments are described using noarr::type_param
        • dimension name arguments are described using noarr::dim_param
        • non-type arguments are described using noarr::value_param
    • all constructors inherited from the base class

Using strict_contain is recommended anyway, to avoid having the compiler inserting non-empty unused space in place of empty fields (which is otherwise required by C++).

Example manual structure definition

You can start with the following template template. It is a structure with one direct sub-structure T, one additional dimension Dim, and two examples of plain template parameters U and V.

// namespace foo:

template<char Dim, class T, class U, std::size_t V>
struct bar_t : public noarr::strict_contain<T, U> {
	// inherit constructors
	using noarr::strict_contain<T, U>::strict_contain;

	static constexpr char name[] = "::foo::bar_t";
	using params = noarr::struct_params<

	using signature = ...;

	constexpr T sub_structure() const noexcept {
		// sub-structure is stored in an inherited field, retrieve it from there
		return noarr::strict_contain<T, U>::template get<0>();

	constexpr U get_u() const noexcept {
		// the U value stored in an inherited field, retrieve it from there
		return noarr::strict_contain<T, U>::template get<1>();

	constexpr auto sub_state(noarr::IsState auto state) const noexcept {
		return ...;

	constexpr auto size(noarr::IsState auto state) const noexcept {
		auto sub_size = sub_structure().size(sub_state(state));
		return ...; // could return sub_size if it is the same

	template<class Sub>
	constexpr auto strict_offset_of(noarr::IsState auto state) const noexcept {
		auto sub_offset = noarr::offset_of<Sub>(sub_structure(), sub_state(state));
		return ...; // could return sub_offset if it is the same

	template<char QDim>
	constexpr auto length(noarr::IsState auto state) const noexcept {
		if constexpr(QDim == Dim) {
			// here we return our own length
			return ...;
		} else {
			// caller asked somebody else, forward to sub-structure
			return sub_structure().template length<QDim>(sub_state(state));

	template<class Sub>
	constexpr auto strict_state_at(noarr::IsState auto state) const noexcept {
		return noarr::state_at<Sub>(sub_structure(), sub_state(state));

Defining proto-structures manually

Proto-structures usually do not implement any functionality directly. Instead, they often only work as factories for template structures. When defining a proto-structure manually, you will probably want to define a structure type for it as well.

A proto-structure must have at least the following two members:

  • static constexpr bool proto_preserves_layout data member
    • evaluates to true iff the structure it provides uses exactly the same layout as the original (i.e. it delegates calls to strict_offset_of and size, only updating state, but returning the same value)
  • instantiate_and_construct const-qualified member function template that
    • can be called as .instantiate_and_construct(Struct), where Struct is a structure
    • returns a structure that contains Struct as a sub-structure (not necessarily a direct one)

Example manual proto-structure definition

For example, a proto-structure for the bar_t structure shown above could look like this:

// namespace foo

template<char Dim, class U, std::size_t V> // we need to already know all the template arguments except for the one sub-structure argument
struct bar {
	// we also need to know the values of the fields, again except for the sub-structure
	U u;

	static constexpr bool proto_preserves_layout = true or false;

	template<class Struct>
	constexpr auto instantiate_and_construct(Struct s) const noexcept {
		return bar_t<Dim, Struct, U, V>(s, u);