mvn clean install
Example: java -cp target/VoipStream-1.0.jar VoipStream.VoipStream Configurations/seqs_default.json
Execute the VoipStream benchmark using a json configuration file "seqs_default.json" providing the parallelism degree of each operator and other configuration options. The generation rate option states how many tuples are generated by each Source's replica per second (0 means that the Sources work at full speed). The sampling option states the frequency at which the Sink's replicas must save statistics about received results.
To avoid Java 9 "An illegal reflective access operation has occurred" warning do the following: export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED'
Run the following command: java -cp target/VoipStream-1.0.jar VoipStream.DatasetGenerator 1000000 10000000 > ../../Datasets/VS/voip_stream.txt