I don't know
adv. ambiguously
n. ambiguity
adj. of unclear meaning; something that can be understood in more than one way
syn. vague
I don't know
adv. arbitrarily
n. arbitrariness
adj. an action or decision made with little thought, order, or reason
syn. haphazard
I don't know
adv. assertively
n. assertion
adj. assertive
v. to express or defend oneself strongly; to state positively
syn. declare
I don't know
v. astound
adv. astoundingly
adj. very surprising
syn. astonishing
I don't know
adj. very intelligent, smart, clever
n. astuteness
syn. perceptive
I don't know
n. concurrence
v. to have the same opinion or draw the same conclusion
syn. agree
I don't know
adj. deceptive
v. deceive
n. deception
adv. making something appear true or good when it is false or bad
syn. misleadingly
I don't know
n. designator
v. to specify, name, or select to do a task; to indicate
syn. assign
I don't know
n. determination
v. determine
adj. strong in one’s opinion, firm in conviction, to find out
syn. resolute
I don't know
n. elicitation
v. to get the facts or draw out the truth
syn. extract
I don't know
n. embodiment
v. to be a good example of a concept or idea
syn. exemplify
I don't know
n. instigator
adj. instigative
adv. instigatively
v. to cause a conflict or argument
syn. initiate
I don't know
adv. mundanely
n. mundanity
adj. common or routine
syn. ordinary
I don't know
n. petition
v. to make a request
syn. appeal
I don't know
n. relinquishment
v. to give up control
syn. abdicate
I don't know
adv. resiliently
n. resilience
adj. strong enough to recover from difficulty or disease
syn. tenacious
I don't know
adv. temptingly
n. temptation
adj. tempting
v. to make it attractive to do something, usually something not good
syn. entice