I don't know
v. attribute
adj. attributable
n. Something that is thought to belong to a person or thing; a quality by which something is identified
syn. characteristic
I don't know
adv. brashly
n. brashness
adj. confident or aggressive; lacking regard for consequences
syn. reckless
I don't know
n. clarification
v. to make more easily understood; to make clear
syn. explain
I don't know
n. concealment
v. to prevent from being seen or discovered
syn. hide
I don't know
adj. confirmed
n. confirmation
v. to make certain; give support
syn. prove
I don't know
adv. conveniently
n. convenience
adj. easy to reach; near; suitable to one’s needs
syn. practical
I don't know
n. core
adj. the central or most important part
syn. chief
I don't know
v. critique
n. critic
adv. critically
adj. very serious or unsafe; finding fault
syn. dangerous
I don't know
n. a difference between things that should be similar or equal
syn. inconsistency
I don't know
adj. distorted
n. distortion
v. to change from the original shape or condition, usually in an unnatural way
syn. deform
I don't know
adv. diversely
n. diversity
v. diversify
adj. various; distinct from others
syn. different
I don't know
adv. to happen at some time in the future, usually gradually
syn. finally
I don't know
adv. prosperously
v. prosper
n. prosperity
adj. successful, wealthy
syn. thriving
I don't know
adj. purposeful
adv. done for a special reason
n. purpose
syn. deliberately
I don't know
adv. revealingly
adj. revealing
n. revelation
v. to uncover; to expose
syn. disclose
I don't know
adj. scarce
n. scarcity
adv. almost not
syn. hardly
I don't know
adj. theoretical
n. theory
v. theorize
adv. according to a reasoned, but not proven, point of view
syn. hypothetically