- Companies We Keep by John Abrams about his experience handing his building company over to worker control
- Reinventing Organisations by Frederic Laloux documenting the new wave of horizontal organisations
- Starting a Coop, One Step at a Time, by Huia Coop
Loomio is part of the Enspiral network. Check out the Enspiral handbook for more open source organisational goodness.
Other handbooks:
- Thoughtbot Playbook
- Valve Company Handbook
- Gitlab Company Handbook
- Crisp DNA
- Enspiral Labs Handbook
- Co-operative Assistance Network Policy Framework
- First, Fire All The Managers - HBR article by Gary Hamel about Morning Star Company
- A Democracy of Groups - Beth Novak
- Emergent Democracy - Joi Ito
If you have resources you'd like to add to this list, please email rich@loomio.org or @richdecibels on Twitter. Or make a pull request on Github.