- Fix compile error (add -libm to compile command)
- First release
- Updated alt record - added a new id section
- id1 for tnode
- id2 for same tnode, different occurrence
- used in regexps with a multiple/variable length group with alternation like (a|b){2}
- altlist - a list of alternation records
- grouplist - a list of group records
- grouprecord - a record to remember features about a group
- re_perm - A list of charsets. When a single character from each of the charsets is selected, a single word of the regular expression grammar is created.
- vlrlist - a list of vlrs
- alt - a record to keep track of alternation nodes
- vlr - a record to keep track of alternations and variable length nodes
- parse_regex - functions for parsing a regex into a tnode tree
- char_set - character set
- debug - debugging print functions
- build_structs - read the element tree, and build permutation structures for each possible arrangement of the varying length quantifiers
- data
- main
- tnode - node of tree representing parsed regular expression
- program_args
- memory - safe functions for memory usage
- silist - simple list structure for integers