An implementation of FFMPEG written in ES6.
First step is to download the FFMPEG binary:
The binary should be tight to the system path.
For windows:
- Create a system variable called FFMPEG_HOME that points to the FFMPEG folder.
- go to the "Environment Variables" section and add to system variable called path:
Now the FFMPEG-ES6 module should execute it's tasks.
To get started with:
import FFMPEG from "ffmpeg-es6";
var verbose = false;
const inputFile = "path/to/file";
const outputFile = "path/to/file";
// requires an input file to be passed has also an optional second argument to specify is execution should be verbose.
const ffmpeg = new FFMPEG(inputFile,verbose);
// returns extracted video metadata an is by nature asynchronious.
// change the file you're working with.
// add custom commands for ffmpeg to (aditionally) execute.
// default commands with predefined formats are set.
ffmpeg.addCommand("-ab", "64k");
// clears the whole ffmpeg commands cache that's executed on save.
// adds a format yourself can define to ffmpeg-es6 module.
"-c:a": "aac",
"-ac": "2",
"-ab": "256k",
"-ar": "48000",
"-c:v": "libx264",
"-x264opts": `"keyint=24:min-keyint=24:no-scenecut"`,
"-b:v": "1500k",
"-maxrate": "1500k",
"-bufsize": "1000k",
"-vf": `"scale=-1:720"`,
// FFMPEG.format is a frozen object that includes predefined command sets that produce a specific video format.
// ffmpeg.selectFormat adds all necessary commands to ffmpeg command cache in order to execute the production for the specified video format.
// Only one format can be specified, otherwise command cache commands will get overwritten with newly choosen format properties.
// in this case although there are previously selected formats, at save, format "360p" will be returned.
// is used to save the requested video format to and output file and is async.
// returns FFMPEG binary pipe stdout or stderr statement.;
Hope you'll enjoy using this ffmpeg implementation written in JavaScript ES6 as myself did.