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Official Implementation.

By Tao Hong et al., Department of Information and Computational Sciences, School of Mathematical Sciences and LMAM, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Code structure

  • Run script, implemented with different modes (train or test) and different datasets (STL10 or CALTECH256 or CIFAR10).

  • Main function of training.

  • Main function of fusion test.

  • Modified on the base of official Pytorch implementation and torchvision.datasets.ImageFolder. Add style transfer module into the data preprocess and enlarge the input path from single one to several (a list).

  • Some utilized class or function: class of StyleTransform, function for Mixup augmentation, display bar, etc.

  • models/: Models of various networks such as resnet, VGG. This project mainly adopts ResNet50. And there is a little difference between the ResNet50 for different datasets. STL10, CALTECH256, and CIFAR10 correspond to,, and respectively. ResNet50 for CALTECH256 is the same as ImageNet; ResNet50 for STL10 removes the MaxPool layer after conv1, changes the kernel_size of AvgPool layer before fc from 7 to 6; ResNet50 for CIFAR10 (refer to the Github implementation pytorch-cifar) removes the first MaxPool layer after conv1, changes the (kernel_size, stride, padding) of conv1 layer from (7, 2, 3) to (3, 1, 1), and changes the kernel_size of AvgPool layer before fc from 7 to 4. is written for Manifold Mixup augmentation

  • checkpoint/: Store checkpoints of trained models.

  • log/: Store logs of training and test. Subfolder style_test_info stores the information of different rounds during fusion test.

  • data/: Store datasets.

    • Calculate the mean and std of dataset.
    • Random choose in-data style images from the training dataset to save in the form of list (intra-class) or dict (inter-class).
    • STL10-data, CALTECH256, CIFAR10 represent different datasets. As for the training and test datasets, you can download from the cloud disk classification with password nGDZ, unzip them and save as train / test subfolder in the corresponding data path. CALTECH256 selects 60 images per class as training and remained images as test. CIFAR10 is downloaded from the official website and saved as images and its class_to_idx is not the same as torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10. The finds the 2-channel images of CALTECH256.
  • extension/: Some extended experiments.

    • Add some augmentation methods such as Mixup, Cutout, CutMix, and Manifold Mixup.
    • FGSM robustness experiment.
    • Test different test samples (original samples or style transferred samples) with different trained models (base trained or out-data style trained or in-data style trained).
    • Reduce the dimension of dataset with tSNE method and visualize its distribution.
  • AdaIN/: Style transfer module, refer to the Github implementation pytorch-AdaIN.

    • Interface of list mode of style transfer.
    • Interface of dict mode of style transfer.
    • models/: save trained models of AdaIN, you can download from the cloud disk AdaIN-models with password EpHy. Since the released pytorch version is 0.4.0 and our adopted version is 1.1.0, we resave the model from *.t7 to *.pth (from torch to pytorch).
    • Other files are the same as the original released version with part removed.

Start it


  • pytorch>=1.1.0
  • torchvison>=0.3.0
  • numpy, cv2, PIL, tqdm, etc.


Take the STL10 dataset as example, train the baseline model with 2 gpus (the GPU_DEVICE assigns the gpu id and the train_mode chooses the train mode as baseline or style_aug): choose train_mode as baseline in, then run:

bash train STL10

which will execute the order:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_DEVICE python -u --dataset STL10 \
    --train_data_path ./data/STL10-data/train --test_data_path ./data/STL10-data/test \
    --ckpt_name STL10_baseline.pth --lr 0.001 --milestones 80 120 --gamma 0.1 --max_epoch 150 \
    --train_batch 256 --test_batch 256 --optim Adam --multi_gpu --train_num_workers 4 \
    --tra_augment --no_style_aug 2>&1 |tee log/STL10_baseline_train.log

Train the in-data style-aug model of STL10: choose train_mode as style_aug in, then run:

bash train STL10

which will execute the order:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_DEVICE python -u --dataset STL10 \
    --train_data_path ./data/STL10-data/train --test_data_path ./data/STL10-data/test \
    --ckpt_name STL10_in_rand_list_per10_styleaug.pth --lr 0.001 --milestones 80 120 --gamma 0.1 --max_epoch 150 \
    --train_batch 256 --test_batch 256 --optim Adam --multi_gpu --train_num_workers 0 \
    --style_path ./data/STL10-data/stl_random_style_list_per10 --transfer_prob 0.3 --style_mode list \
    --tra_augment 2>&1 |tee log/STL10_in_rand_list_per10_train.log

The training of CALTECH256 and CIFAR10 is similar (so not demonstrated in detail), which is executed as:

bash train CALTECH256
bash train CIFAR10

Attention: Since there are two deep learning models in our proposed method, one for style transfer and one for classification, we need to take care of the correspondence between model, data and gpu id when adopting multi gpus. There is a parameter called num_workers in, which represents the process number when loading data. The default value 0 means only one main process and several processes like 4 may be faster. However, if it broadcasts bugs like CUDA Initialization Error etc., you can change the num_workers of trainloader from 4 to 0, then everything will go peacefully.


Still take the STL10 dataset as example, fusion test for 15 rounds with the trained in-data style-aug model, run:

bash test STL10

which will execute the order:

for ((i=1; i<=1; i++)); do
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_DEVICE python -u --base_test_path ./data/STL10-data/test \
    --include_base_test --style_test_mode list --style_path ./data/STL10-data/stl_random_style_list_per10 \
    --ckpt_name best_STL10_in_rand_list_per10_styleaug.pth --transform_round $i
     2>&1 |tee log/STL10_in_rand_list_per10_fusion_test.log
for ((i=2; i<=15; i++)); do
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$GPU_DEVICE python -u --base_test_path ./data/STL10-data/test \
    --include_base_test --style_test_mode list --style_path ./data/STL10-data/stl_random_style_list_per10 \
    --ckpt_name best_STL10_in_rand_list_per10_styleaug.pth --transform_round $i --load_style_test
    2>&1 |tee -a log/STL10_in_rand_list_per10_fusion_test.log


As for the extension/*.py, you can run them in the path of STDA-inf/, but remember to change the path sys.path.insert(1, [PATH]) in *.py to your own path. extension/ calls models/, which also needs to change the path. Global path is recommended (may avoid small bugs) though not superior in code portability.

If you have any question, please contact