diff --git a/.github/CHANGELOG.md b/.github/CHANGELOG.md
index 0eb8ba08d43..288955460f5 100644
--- a/.github/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/.github/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ random_mat2 = rng.standard_normal(3, requires_grad=False)
- >>> tape = tape.expand(depth=2)
+ >>> tape = tape.expand(depth=1)
>>> print(tape.draw(wire_order=Wires(all_wires)))
c0: ──────────────╭C──────────────────────╭C──────────┤
c1: ──────────────├C──────────────────────├C──────────┤
@@ -577,6 +577,19 @@ random_mat2 = rng.standard_normal(3, requires_grad=False)
Bug fixes
+* Fixes a bug with `qml.math.cast` where the `MottonenStatePreparation` operation expected
+ a float type instead of double.
+ [(#1400)](https://github.com/XanaduAI/pennylane/pull/1400)
+* Fixes a bug where a copy of `qml.ControlledQubitUnitary` was non-functional as it did not have all the necessary information.
+* Warns when adjoint or reversible differentiation specified or called on a device with finite shots.
+ [(#1406)](https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane/pull/1406)
+* Fixes the differentiability of the operations `IsingXX` and `IsingZZ` for Autograd, Jax and Tensorflow.
+ [(#1390)](https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane/pull/1390)
* Fixes a bug where multiple identical Hamiltonian terms will produce a
different result with ``optimize=True`` using ``ExpvalCost``.
@@ -586,7 +599,7 @@ random_mat2 = rng.standard_normal(3, requires_grad=False)
* Fixes floating point errors with `diff_method="finite-diff"` and `order=1` when parameters are `float32`.
+ [(#1381)](https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane/pull/1381)
* Fixes a bug where `qml.ctrl` would fail to transform gates that had no
control defined and no decomposition defined.
@@ -647,9 +660,10 @@ random_mat2 = rng.standard_normal(3, requires_grad=False)
This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):
Marius Aglitoiu, Vishnu Ajith, Thomas Bromley, Jack Ceroni, Alaric Cheng, Miruna Daian, Olivia Di Matteo,
Tanya Garg, Christian Gogolin, Diego Guala, Anthony Hayes, Ryan Hill, Josh Izaac, Pavan Jayasinha, Nathan Killoran,
-Christina Lee, Ryan Levy, Nahum Sá, Maria Schuld, Johannes Jakob Meyer, Brian Shi, Antal Száva, David Wierichs,
-Vincent Wong, Alberto Maldonado, Ashish Panigrahi.
+Christina Lee, Ryan Levy, Johannes Jakob Meyer, Romain Moyard, Nahum Sá, Maria Schuld, Brian Shi, Antal Száva,
+David Wierichs, Vincent Wong, Alberto Maldonado, Ashish Panigrahi.
# Release 0.15.1 (current release)
diff --git a/pennylane/__init__.py b/pennylane/__init__.py
index f7371f829f8..1524d56e6b7 100644
--- a/pennylane/__init__.py
+++ b/pennylane/__init__.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+ apply_controlled_Q,
from pennylane.utils import inv
from pennylane.vqe import ExpvalCost, Hamiltonian, VQECost
diff --git a/pennylane/_qubit_device.py b/pennylane/_qubit_device.py
index b75b83ac0b5..5300cd088e5 100644
--- a/pennylane/_qubit_device.py
+++ b/pennylane/_qubit_device.py
@@ -854,6 +854,13 @@ def adjoint_jacobian(self, tape, starting_state=None, use_device_state=False):
if not hasattr(m.obs, "base_name"):
m.obs.base_name = None # This is needed for when the observable is a tensor product
+ if self.shots is not None:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ " The derivative is always exact when using the adjoint differentiation method.",
+ UserWarning,
+ )
# Initialization of state
if starting_state is not None:
ket = self._reshape(starting_state, [2] * self.num_wires)
diff --git a/pennylane/circuit_graph.py b/pennylane/circuit_graph.py
index f57da751fd1..38679a3524c 100644
--- a/pennylane/circuit_graph.py
+++ b/pennylane/circuit_graph.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def _list_at_index_or_none(ls, idx):
return None
-def is_returned_observable(op):
+def _is_returned_observable(op):
"""Helper for the condition of having an observable or
measurement process in the return statement.
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ def greedy_layers(self, wire_order=None, show_all_wires=False):
observables[wire] = [None] * self.max_simultaneous_measurements
for op in self._grid[wire]:
- if is_returned_observable(op):
+ if _is_returned_observable(op):
obs_idx = mp_map[op]
observables[wire][obs_idx] = op
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/autograd_ops.py b/pennylane/devices/autograd_ops.py
index cc1a611e01e..ee4b1e0f82d 100644
--- a/pennylane/devices/autograd_ops.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/autograd_ops.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
II = np.eye(4, dtype=C_DTYPE)
ZZ = np.array(kron(Z, Z), dtype=C_DTYPE)
+XX = np.array(kron(X, X), dtype=C_DTYPE)
IX = np.array(kron(I, X), dtype=C_DTYPE)
IY = np.array(kron(I, Y), dtype=C_DTYPE)
@@ -182,6 +183,44 @@ def MultiRZ(theta, n):
return np.exp(-1j * theta / 2 * pauli_eigs(n))
+def IsingXX(phi):
+ r"""Ising XX coupling gate
+ .. math:: XX(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix}
+ \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) \\
+ 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 \\
+ 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 \\
+ -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & \cos(\phi / 2)
+ \end{bmatrix}.
+ Args:
+ phi (float): rotation angle :math:`\phi`
+ Returns:
+ array[complex]: unitary 4x4 rotation matrix
+ """
+ return np.cos(phi / 2) * II - 1j * np.sin(phi / 2) * XX
+def IsingZZ(phi):
+ r"""Ising ZZ coupling gate
+ .. math:: ZZ(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix}
+ e^{-i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+ 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 \\
+ 0 & 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 \\
+ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{-i \phi / 2}
+ \end{bmatrix}.
+ Args:
+ phi (float): rotation angle :math:`\phi`
+ Returns:
+ array[complex]: unitary 4x4 rotation matrix
+ """
+ e_m = np.exp(-1j * phi / 2)
+ e = np.exp(1j * phi / 2)
+ return np.array([[e_m, 0, 0, 0], [0, e, 0, 0], [0, 0, e, 0], [0, 0, 0, e_m]])
def SingleExcitation(phi):
r"""Single excitation rotation.
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_autograd.py b/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_autograd.py
index 8571b863467..d06d383f4b7 100644
--- a/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_autograd.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_autograd.py
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ class DefaultQubitAutograd(DefaultQubit):
"CRZ": autograd_ops.CRZ,
"CRot": autograd_ops.CRot,
"MultiRZ": autograd_ops.MultiRZ,
+ "IsingXX": autograd_ops.IsingXX,
+ "IsingZZ": autograd_ops.IsingZZ,
"SingleExcitation": autograd_ops.SingleExcitation,
"SingleExcitationPlus": autograd_ops.SingleExcitationPlus,
"SingleExcitationMinus": autograd_ops.SingleExcitationMinus,
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_jax.py b/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_jax.py
index 3d99a19280b..67913669af7 100644
--- a/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_jax.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_jax.py
@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ def circuit():
"CRZ": jax_ops.CRZ,
"CRot": jax_ops.CRot,
"MultiRZ": jax_ops.MultiRZ,
+ "IsingXX": jax_ops.IsingXX,
+ "IsingZZ": jax_ops.IsingZZ,
"SingleExcitation": jax_ops.SingleExcitation,
"SingleExcitationPlus": jax_ops.SingleExcitationPlus,
"SingleExcitationMinus": jax_ops.SingleExcitationMinus,
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_tf.py b/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_tf.py
index b60281d7f5f..df0dba8dd08 100644
--- a/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_tf.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/default_qubit_tf.py
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ class DefaultQubitTF(DefaultQubit):
"CRY": tf_ops.CRY,
"CRZ": tf_ops.CRZ,
"CRot": tf_ops.CRot,
+ "IsingXX": tf_ops.IsingXX,
+ "IsingZZ": tf_ops.IsingZZ,
"SingleExcitation": tf_ops.SingleExcitation,
"SingleExcitationPlus": tf_ops.SingleExcitationPlus,
"SingleExcitationMinus": tf_ops.SingleExcitationMinus,
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/jax_ops.py b/pennylane/devices/jax_ops.py
index dae1c675b01..9d9555ae719 100644
--- a/pennylane/devices/jax_ops.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/jax_ops.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
II = jnp.eye(4, dtype=C_DTYPE)
ZZ = jnp.array(jnp.kron(Z, Z), dtype=C_DTYPE)
+XX = jnp.array(jnp.kron(X, X), dtype=C_DTYPE)
IX = jnp.array(jnp.kron(I, X), dtype=C_DTYPE)
IY = jnp.array(jnp.kron(I, Y), dtype=C_DTYPE)
@@ -182,6 +183,44 @@ def MultiRZ(theta, n):
return jnp.exp(-1j * theta / 2 * pauli_eigs(n))
+def IsingXX(phi):
+ r"""Ising XX coupling gate.
+ .. math:: XX(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix}
+ \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) \\
+ 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 \\
+ 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 \\
+ -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & \cos(\phi / 2)
+ \end{bmatrix}.
+ Args:
+ phi (float): rotation angle :math:`\phi`
+ Returns:
+ array[complex]: unitary 4x4 rotation matrix
+ """
+ return jnp.cos(phi / 2) * II - 1j * jnp.sin(phi / 2) * XX
+def IsingZZ(phi):
+ r"""Ising ZZ coupling gate
+ .. math:: ZZ(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix}
+ e^{-i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+ 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 \\
+ 0 & 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 \\
+ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{-i \phi / 2}
+ \end{bmatrix}.
+ Args:
+ phi (float): rotation angle :math:`\phi`
+ Returns:
+ array[complex]: unitary 4x4 rotation matrix
+ """
+ e_m = jnp.exp(-1j * phi / 2)
+ e = jnp.exp(1j * phi / 2)
+ return jnp.array([[e_m, 0, 0, 0], [0, e, 0, 0], [0, 0, e, 0], [0, 0, 0, e_m]])
def SingleExcitation(phi):
r"""Single excitation rotation.
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/tests/test_measurements.py b/pennylane/devices/tests/test_measurements.py
index b72813d08b0..fe91ae7439a 100755
--- a/pennylane/devices/tests/test_measurements.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/tests/test_measurements.py
@@ -816,8 +816,8 @@ def test_projector(self, device, tol, skip_if):
skip_if(dev, {"supports_tensor_observables": False})
- theta = 0.432
- phi = 0.123
+ theta = 1.432
+ phi = 1.123
varphi = -0.543
diff --git a/pennylane/devices/tf_ops.py b/pennylane/devices/tf_ops.py
index ff3c8a700e5..febaa6c8d7c 100644
--- a/pennylane/devices/tf_ops.py
+++ b/pennylane/devices/tf_ops.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
II = tf.eye(4, dtype=C_DTYPE)
ZZ = tf.constant(kron(Z, Z), dtype=C_DTYPE)
+XX = tf.constant(kron(X, X), dtype=C_DTYPE)
IX = tf.constant(kron(I, X), dtype=C_DTYPE)
IY = tf.constant(kron(I, Y), dtype=C_DTYPE)
@@ -193,6 +194,46 @@ def CRot(a, b, c):
return tf.linalg.diag(CRZ(c)) @ (CRY(b) @ tf.linalg.diag(CRZ(a)))
+def IsingXX(phi):
+ r"""Ising XX coupling gate
+ .. math:: XX(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix}
+ \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) \\
+ 0 & \cos(\phi / 2) & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 \\
+ 0 & -i \sin(\phi / 2) & \cos(\phi / 2) & 0 \\
+ -i \sin(\phi / 2) & 0 & 0 & \cos(\phi / 2)
+ \end{bmatrix}.
+ Args:
+ phi (float): rotation angle :math:`\phi`
+ Returns:
+ tf.Tensor[complex]: unitary 4x4 rotation matrix
+ """
+ phi = tf.cast(phi, dtype=C_DTYPE)
+ return tf.cos(phi / 2) * II - 1j * tf.sin(phi / 2) * XX
+def IsingZZ(phi):
+ r"""Ising ZZ coupling gate
+ .. math:: ZZ(\phi) = \begin{bmatrix}
+ e^{-i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
+ 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 & 0 \\
+ 0 & 0 & e^{i \phi / 2} & 0 \\
+ 0 & 0 & 0 & e^{-i \phi / 2}
+ \end{bmatrix}.
+ Args:
+ phi (float): rotation :math:`\phi`
+ Returns:
+ tf.Tensor[complex]: unitary 4x4 rotation matrix
+ """
+ phi = tf.cast(phi, dtype=C_DTYPE)
+ e_m = tf.exp(-1j * phi / 2)
+ e = tf.exp(1j * phi / 2)
+ return tf.convert_to_tensor([[e_m, 0, 0, 0], [0, e, 0, 0], [0, 0, e, 0], [0, 0, 0, e_m]])
def SingleExcitation(phi):
r"""Single excitation rotation.
diff --git a/pennylane/fourier/coefficients.py b/pennylane/fourier/coefficients.py
index a3f3eb78334..2e71c0db16c 100644
--- a/pennylane/fourier/coefficients.py
+++ b/pennylane/fourier/coefficients.py
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ def coefficients(f, n_inputs, degree, lowpass_filter=False, filter_threshold=Non
def circuit(weights, inpt):
qml.RX(inpt[0], wires='a')
- qml.Rot(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, wires='a')
+ qml.Rot(*weights[0], wires='a')
qml.RY(inpt[1], wires='a')
- qml.Rot(-4.1, 3.2, 1.3, wires='a')
+ qml.Rot(*weights[1], wires='a')
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires='a'))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def circuit(weights, inpt):
>>> from functools import partial
- >>> weights = np.array([0.5, 0.2])
+ >>> weights = np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [-4.1, 3.2, 1.3]])
>>> partial_circuit = partial(circuit, weights)
Now we must specify the number of inputs, and the maximum desired
diff --git a/pennylane/kernels/postprocessing.py b/pennylane/kernels/postprocessing.py
index 70b5aec01a0..c3c3a3d714d 100644
--- a/pennylane/kernels/postprocessing.py
+++ b/pennylane/kernels/postprocessing.py
@@ -267,27 +267,48 @@ def mitigate_depolarizing_noise(K, num_wires, method, use_entries=None):
For an example usage of ``mitigate_depolarizing_noise`` please refer to the
- `PennyLane demo on the kernel module `_ or `the postprocessing demo for arXiv:2105.02276 `_.
+ `PennyLane demo on the kernel module `_ or `the postprocessing demo for arXiv:2105.02276 `_.
dim = 2 ** num_wires
if method == "single":
if use_entries is None:
use_entries = (0,)
+ if K[use_entries[0], use_entries[0]] <= (1 / dim):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The single noise mitigation method cannot be applied "
+ "as the single diagonal element specified is too small."
+ )
diagonal_element = K[use_entries[0], use_entries[0]]
noise_rate = (1 - diagonal_element) * dim / (dim - 1)
mitigated_matrix = (K - noise_rate / dim) / (1 - noise_rate)
elif method == "average":
if use_entries is None:
diagonal_elements = np.diag(K)
diagonal_elements = np.diag(K)[np.array(use_entries)]
+ if np.mean(diagonal_elements) <= 1 / dim:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The average noise mitigation method cannot be applied "
+ "as the average of the used diagonal terms is too small."
+ )
noise_rates = (1 - diagonal_elements) * dim / (dim - 1)
mean_noise_rate = np.mean(noise_rates)
mitigated_matrix = (K - mean_noise_rate / dim) / (1 - mean_noise_rate)
elif method == "split_channel":
+ if np.any(np.diag(K) <= 1 / dim):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The split channel noise mitigation method cannot be applied "
+ "to the input matrix as its diagonal terms are too small."
+ )
eff_noise_rates = np.clip((1 - np.diag(K)) * dim / (dim - 1), 0.0, 1.0)
noise_rates = 1 - np.sqrt(1 - eff_noise_rates)
inverse_noise = (
@@ -295,6 +316,12 @@ def mitigate_depolarizing_noise(K, num_wires, method, use_entries=None):
+ noise_rates.reshape((1, len(K)))
+ noise_rates.reshape((len(K), 1))
mitigated_matrix = (K - inverse_noise / dim) / (1 - inverse_noise)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Incorrect noise depolarization mitigation method specified. "
+ "Accepted strategies are: 'single', 'average' and 'split_channel'."
+ )
return mitigated_matrix
diff --git a/pennylane/math/multi_dispatch.py b/pennylane/math/multi_dispatch.py
index 783a7e45acf..3193c7b49a1 100644
--- a/pennylane/math/multi_dispatch.py
+++ b/pennylane/math/multi_dispatch.py
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ def diag(values, k=0):
>>> x = [1., 2., tf.Variable(3.)]
- >>> diag(x)
+ >>> qml.math.diag(x)
>>> y = tf.Variable([0.65, 0.2, 0.1])
- >>> diag(y, k=-1)
+ >>> qml.math.diag(y, k=-1)
>> x = torch.tensor([1, 2])
>>> y = torch.tensor([3., 4.])
- >>> cast(x, y)
+ >>> cast_like(x, y)
tensor([1., 2.])
dtype = ar.to_numpy(tensor2).dtype.type
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def convert_like(tensor1, tensor2):
>>> x = np.array([1, 2])
>>> y = tf.Variable([3, 4])
- >>> cast(x, y)
+ >>> convert_like(x, y)
return np.asarray(tensor1, like=get_interface(tensor2))
@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ def requires_grad(tensor):
For example, Torch tensors and PennyLane tensors track trainability
as a property of the tensor itself. TensorFlow, on the other hand,
only tracks trainability if being watched by a gradient tape.
diff --git a/pennylane/operation.py b/pennylane/operation.py
index 1142c28cbdb..fea8a597ee4 100644
--- a/pennylane/operation.py
+++ b/pennylane/operation.py
@@ -256,11 +256,9 @@ def __copy__(self):
cls = self.__class__
copied_op = cls.__new__(cls)
copied_op.data = self.data.copy()
- copied_op._wires = self.wires
- copied_op._name = self._name
- if hasattr(self, "_inverse"):
- copied_op._inverse = self._inverse
+ for attr, value in vars(self).items():
+ if attr != "data":
+ setattr(copied_op, attr, value)
return copied_op
diff --git a/pennylane/ops/qubit.py b/pennylane/ops/qubit.py
index 97fd3ce7581..de82446bd06 100644
--- a/pennylane/ops/qubit.py
+++ b/pennylane/ops/qubit.py
@@ -1797,6 +1797,7 @@ class IsingXX(Operation):
num_wires = 2
par_domain = "R"
grad_method = "A"
+ generator = [np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]), -1 / 2]
def _matrix(cls, *params):
@@ -1848,6 +1849,7 @@ class IsingZZ(Operation):
num_wires = 2
par_domain = "R"
grad_method = "A"
+ generator = [np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]), -1 / 2]
def decomposition(phi, wires):
diff --git a/pennylane/qaoa/cycle.py b/pennylane/qaoa/cycle.py
index 67cd6832706..9ea355bec50 100644
--- a/pennylane/qaoa/cycle.py
+++ b/pennylane/qaoa/cycle.py
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ def _inner_out_flow_constraint_hamiltonian(graph: nx.DiGraph, node) -> Hamiltoni
d_{i}^{out}(d_{i}^{out} - 2)\mathbb{I}
- 2(d_{i}^{out}-1)\sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij} +
- ( \sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij}) )^{2}
+ ( \sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij} )^{2}
graph (nx.DiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges
diff --git a/pennylane/qnode.py b/pennylane/qnode.py
index d0e9a0d7ecc..3381eaea837 100644
--- a/pennylane/qnode.py
+++ b/pennylane/qnode.py
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ def get_best_method(device, interface):
This method attempts to determine support for differentiation
methods using the following order:
- * ``"backprop"``
* ``"device"``
+ * ``"backprop"``
* ``"parameter-shift"``
* ``"finite-diff"``
@@ -386,6 +386,13 @@ def _validate_reversible_method(device, interface):
f"The {device.short_name} device does not support reversible differentiation."
+ if device.shots is not None:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ " Reversible differentiation always calculated exactly.",
+ UserWarning,
+ )
return ReversibleTape, interface, device, {"method": "analytic"}
@@ -419,6 +426,13 @@ def _validate_adjoint_method(device, interface):
f"The {device.short_name} device does not support adjoint differentiation."
+ if device.shots is not None:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ " Adjoint differentiation always calculated exactly.",
+ UserWarning,
+ )
jac_options = {"method": "device", "jacobian_method": "adjoint_jacobian"}
# reuse the forward pass
# torch and tensorflow can cache the state
diff --git a/pennylane/tape/reversible.py b/pennylane/tape/reversible.py
index 4396baacc24..d181f752575 100644
--- a/pennylane/tape/reversible.py
+++ b/pennylane/tape/reversible.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
import copy
from functools import reduce
from string import ascii_letters as ABC
+import warnings
import numpy as np
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ class ReversibleTape(JacobianTape):
.. note::
- The reversible analytic differentation method has the following restrictions:
+ The reversible analytic differentiation method has the following restrictions:
* As it requires knowledge of the statevector, only statevector simulator devices can be used.
@@ -246,6 +247,13 @@ def jacobian(self, device, params=None, **options):
# before each Jacobian call, so that the statevector is calculated only once.
self._final_state = None
+ if device.shots is not None:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ " Reversible differentiation always calculated exactly.",
+ UserWarning,
+ )
return super().jacobian(device, params, **options)
def analytic_pd(self, idx, params, **options):
diff --git a/pennylane/templates/state_preparations/mottonen.py b/pennylane/templates/state_preparations/mottonen.py
index 860eeb80f50..fe3ca856a52 100644
--- a/pennylane/templates/state_preparations/mottonen.py
+++ b/pennylane/templates/state_preparations/mottonen.py
@@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ def _get_alpha_y(a, n, k):
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
division = numerator / denominator
+ # Cast the numerator and denominator to ensure compatibility with interfaces
+ division = qml.math.cast(division, np.float64)
+ denominator = qml.math.cast(denominator, np.float64)
division = qml.math.where(denominator != 0.0, division, 0.0)
return 2 * qml.math.arcsin(qml.math.sqrt(division))
diff --git a/pennylane/transforms/__init__.py b/pennylane/transforms/__init__.py
index 688893390b8..0460240dd09 100644
--- a/pennylane/transforms/__init__.py
+++ b/pennylane/transforms/__init__.py
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+ ~apply_controlled_Q
Transforms that act on tapes
@@ -84,4 +85,4 @@
from .metric_tensor import metric_tensor, metric_tensor_tape
from .specs import specs
from .qfunc_transforms import make_tape, single_tape_transform, qfunc_transform
-from .qmc import quantum_monte_carlo
+from .qmc import apply_controlled_Q, quantum_monte_carlo
diff --git a/tests/collections/conftest.py b/tests/collections/conftest.py
index cb5142d475d..d8f5a3a370e 100644
--- a/tests/collections/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/collections/conftest.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def qnodes(interface, tf_support, torch_support, jax_support):
pytest.skip("Skipped, no tf support")
if interface == "jax" and not jax_support:
- pytest.skip("Skipped, no tf support")
+ pytest.skip("Skipped, no jax support")
dev1 = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
dev2 = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
diff --git a/tests/kernels/test_kernels.py b/tests/kernels/test_kernels.py
index 57ed308f62e..7724d83f29e 100644
--- a/tests/kernels/test_kernels.py
+++ b/tests/kernels/test_kernels.py
@@ -494,3 +494,91 @@ def test_mitigate_depolarizing_noise_split_channel(self, input, expected_output)
noise rates per datapoint."""
output = kern.mitigate_depolarizing_noise(input, self.num_wires, "split_channel")
assert np.allclose(output, expected_output)
+class TestErrorForNonRealistic:
+ """Tests that the noise mitigation techniques raise an error whenever the
+ used quantities are too small."""
+ def test_mitigate_depolarizing_noise_wrong_method(self, recwarn):
+ """Test that an error is raised when specifying an incorrect method."""
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match="Incorrect noise depolarization mitigation method specified"
+ ):
+ qml.kernels.mitigate_depolarizing_noise(np.array([0]), 4, method="some_dummy_strat")
+ def test_mitigate_depolarizing_noise_average_method_error(self, recwarn):
+ """Test that an error is raised when using the average method for the
+ mitigation of depolarizing noise with a matrix that has too small diagonal
+ entries."""
+ num_wires = 6
+ wires = range(num_wires)
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=num_wires)
+ @qml.qnode(dev)
+ def kernel_circuit(x1, x2):
+ qml.templates.AngleEmbedding(x1, wires=wires)
+ qml.adjoint(qml.templates.AngleEmbedding)(x2, wires=wires)
+ return qml.probs(wires)
+ kernel = lambda x1, x2: kernel_circuit(x1, x2)[0]
+ # "Training feature vectors"
+ X_train = qml.numpy.tensor(
+ [[0.73096199, 0.19012506, 0.57223395], [0.78126872, 0.53535039, 0.31160784]],
+ requires_grad=True,
+ )
+ # Create symmetric square kernel matrix (for training)
+ K = qml.kernels.square_kernel_matrix(X_train, kernel)
+ # Add some (symmetric) Gaussian noise to the kernel matrix.
+ N = qml.numpy.tensor(
+ [[-2.33010045, -2.22195441], [-0.40680862, 0.21785961]], requires_grad=True
+ )
+ K += (N + N.T) / 2
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match="The average noise mitigation method cannot be applied"
+ ):
+ qml.kernels.mitigate_depolarizing_noise(K, num_wires, method="average")
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "msg, method", [("single", "single"), ("split channel", "split_channel")]
+ )
+ def test_mitigate_depolarizing_noise_error(self, msg, method):
+ """Test that an error is raised for the mitigation of depolarizing
+ noise with a matrix that has too small specified entries for the
+ single and the split channel strategies."""
+ num_wires = 6
+ wires = range(num_wires)
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=num_wires)
+ @qml.qnode(dev)
+ def kernel_circuit(x1, x2):
+ qml.templates.AngleEmbedding(x1, wires=wires)
+ qml.adjoint(qml.templates.AngleEmbedding)(x2, wires=wires)
+ return qml.probs(wires)
+ kernel = lambda x1, x2: kernel_circuit(x1, x2)[0]
+ # "Training feature vectors"
+ X_train = qml.numpy.tensor(
+ [[0.39375865, 0.50895605, 0.30720779], [0.34389837, 0.7043728, 0.40067889]],
+ requires_grad=True,
+ )
+ # Create symmetric square kernel matrix (for training)
+ K = qml.kernels.square_kernel_matrix(X_train, kernel)
+ # Add some (symmetric) Gaussian noise to the kernel matrix.
+ N = qml.numpy.tensor(
+ [[-1.15035284, 0.36726945], [0.26436627, -0.59287149]], requires_grad=True
+ )
+ K += (N + N.T) / 2
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError, match=f"The {msg} noise mitigation method cannot be applied"
+ ):
+ qml.kernels.mitigate_depolarizing_noise(K, num_wires, method=method)
diff --git a/tests/ops/test_qubit_ops.py b/tests/ops/test_qubit_ops.py
index ed4ca06b0fc..e6b7a5a80e0 100644
--- a/tests/ops/test_qubit_ops.py
+++ b/tests/ops/test_qubit_ops.py
@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@
import re
import pytest
import functools
+import copy
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot
from scipy.stats import unitary_group
from scipy.linalg import expm
+from pennylane import numpy as npp
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.wires import Wires
@@ -406,10 +408,78 @@ def circuit(basis_state):
(qml.Toffoli, Toffoli),
+ qml.RX(0.123, wires=0),
+ qml.RY(1.434, wires=0),
+ qml.RZ(2.774, wires=0),
+ qml.S(wires=0),
+ qml.SX(wires=0),
+ qml.T(wires=0),
+ qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.CZ(wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.CY(wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.SWAP(wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.ISWAP(wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.CSWAP(wires=[0, 1, 2]),
+ qml.PauliRot(0.123, "Y", wires=0),
+ qml.IsingXX(0.123, wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.IsingZZ(0.123, wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.Rot(0.123, 0.456, 0.789, wires=0),
+ qml.Toffoli(wires=[0, 1, 2]),
+ qml.PhaseShift(2.133, wires=0),
+ qml.ControlledPhaseShift(1.777, wires=[0, 2]),
+ qml.CPhase(1.777, wires=[0, 2]),
+ qml.MultiRZ(0.112, wires=[1, 2, 3]),
+ qml.CRX(0.836, wires=[2, 3]),
+ qml.CRY(0.721, wires=[2, 3]),
+ qml.CRZ(0.554, wires=[2, 3]),
+ qml.U1(0.123, wires=0),
+ qml.U2(3.556, 2.134, wires=0),
+ qml.U3(2.009, 1.894, 0.7789, wires=0),
+ qml.Hadamard(wires=0),
+ qml.PauliX(wires=0),
+ qml.PauliZ(wires=0),
+ qml.PauliY(wires=0),
+ qml.CRot(0.123, 0.456, 0.789, wires=[0, 1]),
+ qml.QubitUnitary(np.eye(2) * 1j, wires=0),
+ qml.DiagonalQubitUnitary(np.array([1.0, 1.0j]), wires=1),
+ qml.ControlledQubitUnitary(np.eye(2) * 1j, wires=[0], control_wires=[2]),
+ qml.MultiControlledX(control_wires=[0, 1], wires=2, control_values="01"),
+ qml.SingleExcitation(0.123, wires=[0, 3]),
+ qml.SingleExcitationPlus(0.123, wires=[0, 3]),
+ qml.SingleExcitationMinus(0.123, wires=[0, 3]),
+ qml.DoubleExcitation(0.123, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
+ qml.DoubleExcitationPlus(0.123, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
+ qml.DoubleExcitationMinus(0.123, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
+ qml.QubitSum(wires=[0, 1, 2]),
class TestOperations:
"""Tests for the operations"""
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("op_cls, mat", NON_PARAMETRIZED_OPERATIONS)
+ def test_nonparametrized_op_copy(self, op_cls, mat, tol):
+ """Tests that copied nonparametrized ops function as expected"""
+ op = op_cls(wires=range(op_cls.num_wires))
+ copied_op = copy.copy(op)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(op.matrix, copied_op.matrix, atol=tol)
+ op._inverse = True
+ copied_op2 = copy.copy(op)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(op.matrix, copied_op2.matrix, atol=tol)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", PARAMETRIZED_OPERATIONS)
+ def test_parametrized_op_copy(self, op, tol):
+ """Tests that copied parametrized ops function as expected"""
+ copied_op = copy.copy(op)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(op.matrix, copied_op.matrix, atol=tol)
+ op.inv()
+ copied_op2 = copy.copy(op)
+ np.testing.assert_allclose(op.matrix, copied_op2.matrix, atol=tol)
+ op.inv()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ops, mat", NON_PARAMETRIZED_OPERATIONS)
def test_matrices(self, ops, mat, tol):
"""Test matrices of non-parametrized operations are correct"""
@@ -417,54 +487,7 @@ def test_matrices(self, ops, mat, tol):
res = op.matrix
assert np.allclose(res, mat, atol=tol, rtol=0)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "op",
- [
- qml.RX(0.123, wires=0),
- qml.RY(1.434, wires=0),
- qml.RZ(2.774, wires=0),
- qml.S(wires=0),
- qml.SX(wires=0),
- qml.T(wires=0),
- qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.CZ(wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.CY(wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.SWAP(wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.ISWAP(wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.CSWAP(wires=[0, 1, 2]),
- qml.PauliRot(0.123, "Y", wires=0),
- qml.IsingXX(0.123, wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.IsingZZ(0.123, wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.Rot(0.123, 0.456, 0.789, wires=0),
- qml.Toffoli(wires=[0, 1, 2]),
- qml.PhaseShift(2.133, wires=0),
- qml.ControlledPhaseShift(1.777, wires=[0, 2]),
- qml.CPhase(1.777, wires=[0, 2]),
- qml.MultiRZ(0.112, wires=[1, 2, 3]),
- qml.CRX(0.836, wires=[2, 3]),
- qml.CRY(0.721, wires=[2, 3]),
- qml.CRZ(0.554, wires=[2, 3]),
- qml.U1(0.123, wires=0),
- qml.U2(3.556, 2.134, wires=0),
- qml.U3(2.009, 1.894, 0.7789, wires=0),
- qml.Hadamard(wires=0),
- qml.PauliX(wires=0),
- qml.PauliZ(wires=0),
- qml.PauliY(wires=0),
- qml.CRot(0.123, 0.456, 0.789, wires=[0, 1]),
- qml.QubitUnitary(np.eye(2) * 1j, wires=0),
- qml.DiagonalQubitUnitary(np.array([1.0, 1.0j]), wires=1),
- qml.ControlledQubitUnitary(np.eye(2) * 1j, wires=[0], control_wires=[2]),
- qml.MultiControlledX(control_wires=[0, 1], wires=2, control_values="01"),
- qml.SingleExcitation(0.123, wires=[0, 3]),
- qml.SingleExcitationPlus(0.123, wires=[0, 3]),
- qml.SingleExcitationMinus(0.123, wires=[0, 3]),
- qml.DoubleExcitation(0.123, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
- qml.DoubleExcitationPlus(0.123, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
- qml.DoubleExcitationMinus(0.123, wires=[0, 1, 2, 3]),
- qml.QubitSum(wires=[0, 1, 2]),
- ],
- )
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", PARAMETRIZED_OPERATIONS)
def test_adjoint_unitaries(self, op, tol):
op_d = op.adjoint()
res1 = np.dot(op.matrix, op_d.matrix)
@@ -777,6 +800,241 @@ def test_isingxx_decomposition(self, tol):
assert np.allclose(decomposed_matrix, op.matrix, atol=tol, rtol=0)
+ device_methods = [
+ ["default.qubit", "finite-diff"],
+ ["default.qubit", "parameter-shift"],
+ ["default.qubit", "backprop"],
+ ["default.qubit", "adjoint"],
+ ]
+ phis = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
+ configuration = []
+ for phi in phis:
+ for device, method in device_methods:
+ configuration.append([device, method, phi])
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("dev_name,diff_method,phi", configuration)
+ def test_isingxx_autograd_grad(self, tol, dev_name, diff_method, phi):
+ """Test the gradient for the gate IsingXX."""
+ dev = qml.device(dev_name, wires=2)
+ psi_0 = 0.1
+ psi_1 = 0.2
+ psi_2 = 0.3
+ psi_3 = 0.4
+ init_state = npp.array([psi_0, psi_1, psi_2, psi_3], requires_grad=False)
+ norm = np.linalg.norm(init_state)
+ init_state /= norm
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method=diff_method, interface="autograd")
+ def circuit(phi):
+ qml.QubitStateVector(init_state, wires=[0, 1])
+ qml.IsingXX(phi, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ phi = npp.array(0.1, requires_grad=True)
+ expected = (
+ 0.5
+ * (1 / norm ** 2)
+ * (
+ -np.sin(phi) * (psi_0 ** 2 + psi_1 ** 2 - psi_2 ** 2 - psi_3 ** 2)
+ + 2
+ * np.sin(phi / 2)
+ * np.cos(phi / 2)
+ * (-(psi_0 ** 2) - psi_1 ** 2 + psi_2 ** 2 + psi_3 ** 2)
+ )
+ )
+ res = qml.grad(circuit)(phi)
+ assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("dev_name,diff_method,phi", configuration)
+ def test_isingzz_autograd_grad(self, tol, dev_name, diff_method, phi):
+ """Test the gradient for the gate IsingZZ."""
+ dev = qml.device(dev_name, wires=2)
+ psi_0 = 0.1
+ psi_1 = 0.2
+ psi_2 = 0.3
+ psi_3 = 0.4
+ init_state = npp.array([psi_0, psi_1, psi_2, psi_3], requires_grad=False)
+ norm = np.linalg.norm(init_state)
+ init_state /= norm
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method=diff_method, interface="autograd")
+ def circuit(phi):
+ qml.QubitStateVector(init_state, wires=[0, 1])
+ qml.IsingZZ(phi, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliX(0))
+ phi = npp.array(0.1, requires_grad=True)
+ expected = (1 / norm ** 2) * (-2 * (psi_0 * psi_2 + psi_1 * psi_3) * np.sin(phi))
+ res = qml.grad(circuit)(phi)
+ assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("dev_name,diff_method,phi", configuration)
+ def test_isingxx_jax_grad(self, tol, dev_name, diff_method, phi):
+ """Test the gradient for the gate IsingXX."""
+ if diff_method in {"finite-diff"}:
+ pytest.skip("Test does not support finite-diff")
+ if diff_method in {"parameter-shift"}:
+ pytest.skip("Test does not support parameter-shift")
+ jax = pytest.importorskip("jax")
+ jnp = pytest.importorskip("jax.numpy")
+ dev = qml.device(dev_name, wires=2)
+ psi_0 = 0.1
+ psi_1 = 0.2
+ psi_2 = 0.3
+ psi_3 = 0.4
+ init_state = jnp.array([psi_0, psi_1, psi_2, psi_3])
+ norm = jnp.linalg.norm(init_state)
+ init_state = init_state / norm
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method=diff_method, interface="jax")
+ def circuit(phi):
+ qml.QubitStateVector(init_state, wires=[0, 1])
+ qml.IsingXX(phi, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ phi = jnp.array(0.1)
+ expected = (
+ 0.5
+ * (1 / norm ** 2)
+ * (
+ -np.sin(phi) * (psi_0 ** 2 + psi_1 ** 2 - psi_2 ** 2 - psi_3 ** 2)
+ + 2
+ * np.sin(phi / 2)
+ * np.cos(phi / 2)
+ * (-(psi_0 ** 2) - psi_1 ** 2 + psi_2 ** 2 + psi_3 ** 2)
+ )
+ )
+ res = jax.grad(circuit, argnums=0)(phi)
+ assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("dev_name,diff_method,phi", configuration)
+ def test_isingzz_jax_grad(self, tol, dev_name, diff_method, phi):
+ """Test the gradient for the gate IsingZZ."""
+ if diff_method in {"finite-diff"}:
+ pytest.skip("Test does not support finite-diff")
+ if diff_method in {"parameter-shift"}:
+ pytest.skip("Test does not support parameter-shift")
+ jax = pytest.importorskip("jax")
+ jnp = pytest.importorskip("jax.numpy")
+ dev = qml.device(dev_name, wires=2)
+ psi_0 = 0.1
+ psi_1 = 0.2
+ psi_2 = 0.3
+ psi_3 = 0.4
+ init_state = jnp.array([psi_0, psi_1, psi_2, psi_3])
+ norm = jnp.linalg.norm(init_state)
+ init_state = init_state / norm
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method=diff_method, interface="jax")
+ def circuit(phi):
+ qml.QubitStateVector(init_state, wires=[0, 1])
+ qml.IsingZZ(phi, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliX(0))
+ phi = jnp.array(0.1)
+ expected = (1 / norm ** 2) * (-2 * (psi_0 * psi_2 + psi_1 * psi_3) * np.sin(phi))
+ res = jax.grad(circuit, argnums=0)(phi)
+ assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("dev_name,diff_method,phi", configuration)
+ def test_isingxx_tf_grad(self, tol, dev_name, diff_method, phi):
+ """Test the gradient for the gate IsingXX."""
+ tf = pytest.importorskip("tensorflow", minversion="2.1")
+ dev = qml.device(dev_name, wires=2)
+ psi_0 = tf.Variable(0.1, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ psi_1 = tf.Variable(0.2, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ psi_2 = tf.Variable(0.3, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ psi_3 = tf.Variable(0.4, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ init_state = tf.Variable([psi_0, psi_1, psi_2, psi_3], dtype=tf.complex128)
+ norm = tf.norm(init_state)
+ init_state = init_state / norm
+ @qml.qnode(dev, interface="tf", diff_method=diff_method)
+ def circuit(phi):
+ qml.QubitStateVector(init_state, wires=[0, 1])
+ qml.IsingXX(phi, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ phi = tf.Variable(0.1, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ expected = (
+ 0.5
+ * (1 / norm ** 2)
+ * (
+ -tf.sin(phi) * (psi_0 ** 2 + psi_1 ** 2 - psi_2 ** 2 - psi_3 ** 2)
+ + 2
+ * tf.sin(phi / 2)
+ * tf.cos(phi / 2)
+ * (-(psi_0 ** 2) - psi_1 ** 2 + psi_2 ** 2 + psi_3 ** 2)
+ )
+ )
+ with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
+ result = circuit(phi)
+ res = tape.gradient(result, phi)
+ assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("dev_name,diff_method,phi", configuration)
+ def test_isingzz_tf_grad(self, tol, dev_name, diff_method, phi):
+ """Test the gradient for the gate IsingZZ."""
+ tf = pytest.importorskip("tensorflow", minversion="2.1")
+ dev = qml.device(dev_name, wires=2)
+ psi_0 = tf.Variable(0.1, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ psi_1 = tf.Variable(0.2, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ psi_2 = tf.Variable(0.3, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ psi_3 = tf.Variable(0.4, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ init_state = tf.Variable([psi_0, psi_1, psi_2, psi_3], dtype=tf.complex128)
+ norm = tf.norm(init_state)
+ init_state = init_state / norm
+ @qml.qnode(dev, interface="tf", diff_method=diff_method)
+ def circuit(phi):
+ qml.QubitStateVector(init_state, wires=[0, 1])
+ qml.IsingZZ(phi, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliX(0))
+ phi = tf.Variable(0.1, dtype=tf.complex128)
+ expected = (1 / norm ** 2) * (-2 * (psi_0 * psi_2 + psi_1 * psi_3) * np.sin(phi))
+ with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
+ result = circuit(phi)
+ res = tape.gradient(result, phi)
+ assert np.allclose(res, expected, atol=tol, rtol=0)
def test_isingzz_decomposition(self, tol):
"""Tests that the decomposition of the IsingZZ gate is correct"""
param = 0.1234
diff --git a/tests/tape/test_qnode.py b/tests/tape/test_qnode.py
index d0d10b7e5a8..4504236dff8 100644
--- a/tests/tape/test_qnode.py
+++ b/tests/tape/test_qnode.py
@@ -261,6 +261,60 @@ def test_validate_adjoint_invalid_device(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The default.gaussian device does not"):
QNode._validate_adjoint_method(dev, "tf")
+ def test_validate_adjoint_finite_shots(self):
+ """Test that a UserWarning is raised when device has finite shots"""
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning, match="Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ ):
+ QNode._validate_adjoint_method(dev, "autograd")
+ def test_adjoint_finite_shots(self):
+ """Tests that UserWarning is raised with the adjoint differentiation method
+ on QNode construction when the device has finite shots
+ """
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning, match="Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ ):
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
+ def circ():
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ def test_validate_reversible_finite_shots(self):
+ """Test that a UserWarning is raised when validating the reversible differentiation method
+ and using a device that has finite shots
+ """
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning,
+ match="Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots.",
+ ):
+ QNode._validate_reversible_method(dev, "autograd")
+ def test_reversible_finite_shots(self):
+ """Tests that UserWarning is raised with the reversible differentiation method
+ on QNode construction when the device has finite shots
+ """
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning,
+ match="Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots.",
+ ):
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="reversible")
+ def circ():
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
def test_qnode_print(self):
"""Test that printing a QNode object yields the right information."""
dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1)
diff --git a/tests/tape/test_reversible.py b/tests/tape/test_reversible.py
index a83633a7a3a..d391a7f68d0 100644
--- a/tests/tape/test_reversible.py
+++ b/tests/tape/test_reversible.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-"""Unit tests for the qubit parameter-shift QubitParamShiftTape"""
+"""Unit tests for the ReversibleTape"""
import pytest
from pennylane import numpy as np
@@ -160,6 +160,21 @@ def test_phaseshift_exception(self):
class TestGradients:
"""Jacobian integration tests for qubit expectations."""
+ def test_finite_shots_warning(self):
+ """Test that a warning is raised when calling the jacobian with a device with finite shots"""
+ with ReversibleTape() as tape:
+ qml.RX(0.1, wires=0)
+ qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning,
+ match="Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots.",
+ ):
+ tape.jacobian(dev)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("theta", np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 7))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("G", [qml.RX, qml.RY, qml.RZ])
def test_pauli_rotation_gradient(self, G, theta, tol):
@@ -369,6 +384,27 @@ def test_gradient_gate_with_multiple_parameters(self, tol):
class TestQNodeIntegration:
"""Test QNode integration with the reversible method"""
+ def test_finite_shots_warning(self):
+ """Test that a warning is raised when calling the jacobian with a device with finite shots"""
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning,
+ match="Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots.",
+ ):
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="reversible")
+ def circ(x):
+ qml.RX(x, wires=0)
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning,
+ match="Requested reversible differentiation to be computed with finite shots.",
+ ):
+ qml.grad(circ)(0.1)
def test_qnode(self, mocker, tol):
"""Test that specifying diff_method allows the reversible
method to be selected"""
diff --git a/tests/templates/test_state_preparations/test_mottonen_state_prep.py b/tests/templates/test_state_preparations/test_mottonen_state_prep.py
index 44de7c4df8e..9958585e24c 100644
--- a/tests/templates/test_state_preparations/test_mottonen_state_prep.py
+++ b/tests/templates/test_state_preparations/test_mottonen_state_prep.py
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import numpy as pnp
+torch = pytest.importorskip("torch", minversion="1.3")
from pennylane.templates.state_preparations.mottonen import gray_code, _get_alpha_y
@@ -342,3 +344,31 @@ def circuit(state_vector):
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+class TestCasting:
+ """Test that the Mottonen state preparation ensures the compatibility with
+ interfaces by using casting'"""
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "inputs, expected",
+ [
+ (
+ torch.tensor([0.0, 0.7, 0.7, 0.0], requires_grad=True),
+ [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0],
+ ),
+ (torch.tensor([0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1], requires_grad=True), [0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_scalar_torch(self, inputs, expected):
+ """Test that MottonenStatePreparation can be correctly used with the Torch interface."""
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
+ @qml.qnode(dev, interface="torch")
+ def circuit(inputs):
+ qml.templates.MottonenStatePreparation(inputs, wires=[0, 1])
+ return qml.probs(wires=[0, 1])
+ inputs = inputs / torch.linalg.norm(inputs)
+ res = circuit(inputs)
+ assert np.allclose(res.detach().numpy(), expected, atol=1e-6, rtol=0)
diff --git a/tests/test_qubit_device_adjoint_jacobian.py b/tests/test_qubit_device_adjoint_jacobian.py
index b421090067d..910886a4dd9 100644
--- a/tests/test_qubit_device_adjoint_jacobian.py
+++ b/tests/test_qubit_device_adjoint_jacobian.py
@@ -39,6 +39,19 @@ def test_not_expval(self, dev):
with pytest.raises(qml.QuantumFunctionError, match="Adjoint differentiation method does"):
+ def test_finite_shots_warns(self):
+ """Tests warning raised when finite shots specified"""
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with qml.tape.JacobianTape() as tape:
+ qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning, match="Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ ):
+ dev.adjoint_jacobian(tape)
def test_unsupported_op(self, dev):
"""Test if a QuantumFunctionError is raised for an unsupported operation, i.e.,
multi-parameter operations that are not qml.Rot"""
@@ -239,6 +252,25 @@ class TestAdjointJacobianQNode:
def dev(self):
return qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
+ def test_finite_shots_warning(self):
+ """Tests that a warning is raised when computing the adjoint diff on a device with finite shots"""
+ dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1, shots=1)
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning, match="Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ ):
+ @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
+ def circ(x):
+ qml.RX(x, wires=0)
+ return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
+ with pytest.warns(
+ UserWarning, match="Requested adjoint differentiation to be computed with finite shots."
+ ):
+ qml.grad(circ)(0.1)
def test_qnode(self, mocker, tol, dev):
"""Test that specifying diff_method allows the adjoint method to be selected"""
args = np.array([0.54, 0.1, 0.5], requires_grad=True)