A collection of rust microservices + gRPC + graphql leveraging dgraph database
To build the project/workspace, run the following from the root
# builds all members of the workspace
$ cargo build
# build a specific workspace member (e.g. jupiter service)
cargo run -p jupiter
Then start the service with the following
$ docker compose build
$ docker compose up
# tear down
$ docker compose down
Test the grpc server using evans
$ evans --proto path/to/proto/file.proto
| ____|
| |__ __ __ __ _ _ __ ___
| __| \ \ / / / _. | | '_ \ / __|
| |____ \ V / | (_| | | | | | \__ \
|______| \_/ \__,_| |_| |_| |___/
more expressive universal gRPC client
Call the ping service using evans.
ping.PingService@> call Ping
"data": {
"name": "dgraph",
"version": "v21.03.2"
"id": "someid",
"msg": "pong",
"ts": {
"created": "2021-10-08T16:36:57.256842Z",
"updated": "2021-10-08T16:36:57.256842Z"
"version": "0.1.0"
- add telemetry / tracing
- add docker files
- build protos at microservice; decentralize proto build