This is the backend application which runs IOweYou website and provides an API for the Android app. You can find its source code here.
Set up a web server with PHP and MySQL
Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
Create a MySQL database using 'utf8mb4_bin'.
Create config.local.neon in the app/config folder with the following contents:
driver: mysqli
database: yourdbname
username: root
password: root
appId: "your_app_id"
appSecret: "your_secret"
permissions: [public_profile, email, user_friends]
graphVersion: v2.8
- Run migrations.
php www/index.php migrations:reset
- Make sure that log and temp are writable.
chmod -R 777 temp; chmod -R 777 log;
- At this point, you should be able to open the web page at
The API address is http://localhost/ioweyou-api/www/api/
. See apiary.apib for possible requests.
You can get the Facebook Access Token and ID at Facebook Graph API Explorer. Click get token and check "user_friends" and "email".
- Nette framework + Tracy and Latte
- Nextras ORM
- Nextras Migrations
- Nextras Dbal
- Kdyby Facebook
- Kdyby Console
- Kdyby Translation
- Bootstrap Framework
- JQuery
- JQuery - AniView