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Running PharmCAT

Ryan Whaley edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 28 revisions

This will run the entire PharmCAT tool.


You will need Java 1.8. This was developed and run on the official Oracle JDK.

You can either build a fresh copy of the Jar file yourself or download a pre-compiled Jar file from our releases page.

Building (optional)

You will need to have Gradle installed to compile PharmCAT.

Checkout the repo and from the base repo directory run:

> ./gradlew shadowJar

This will build a "fat" jar with bundled dependencies in build/libs. You can use this jar file in the following section.

For more information on building PharmCAT, check Building PharmCAT.


From the command line:

> java -jar <path_to_jar_file> -vcf <sample_file> -o <output_dir>


  • -jar <path_to_jar_file> = required, the compiled PharmCAT Jar file
  • -vcf <sample_file> = required, sample VCF file (:warning: Please read VCF requirements)
  • -o <output_dir> = required, diretory path to write result files to
  • -f <output_name> = optional, a base filename to use for output files (e.g. <output_name>.html)
  • -a <outside_call_file> = optional, gene call TSV file from the an outside tool (like Astrolabe)
  • -k = optional, keep the interim output files from the NamedAlleleMatcher
  • -j = optional, flag to write reporter JSON data (will be <output_name>.report.json)
  • -pj = optional, flag to write phenotyper JSON data (will be <output_name>.phenotyper.json)

Custom Data

PharmCAT includes the raw data it relies on. However, you can change this by using the following arguments:

  • -na <definitions_dir> = optional, a directory containing allele definitions to use instead of the default packaged allele definitions

The latest version of the dosing guideline annotations can be downloaded from PharmGKB.

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