- When to select appropriate use of the Set and Map data structures
- How to use the Set and Map classes in ES6 JavaScript
- The Map data structure (implemented under the hood by a HashTable) allows O(1) insertion of a key-value pair, O(1) deletion of a k-v pair, and O(1) lookup of a value for a key (wow!). However, the k-v pairs are unordered, so we sacrifice the ability to track exactly where in the Map a k-v pair is located.
- The Set data structure (also usually implemented under the hood by a HashTable) holds a collection of elements like an array, but with some important differences:
- Sets never contain duplicate elements
- The elements are unordered, so we can't depend on knowing where in the set an element is located like in an index-based array
- For sacrificing element order in a Set, we get not only O(1) insertion and removal like with a HashMap, but also O(1) search to see if an element is present, vs O(n) search for an element in an unsorted array
- For mock data, we are referencing the franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion, where certain humans can synchronize with particular biomechanical mecha robots (Eva Units) in order to pilot them
- We have a collection of synchronization test results, each one containing the sucessful ability for particular human pilots to synchronize with a biomechanical Eva Unit at the time of the test
- Each sync test is respresnted as a map of of key-vlaue pairs with a pilot key to an Eva Unit value
- We want to take in an array of those tests, and respresent that data by a Map of pilots to a Set of all the Eva units they are compatible of synchronizing with (we don't want duplicate Eva unit values for a given pilot, or care about the order of their compatible Evas).
Map(2) { 'Rei' => 'Eva-00', 'Shinji' => 'Eva-01' },
Map(2) { 'Shinji' => 'Eva-01', 'Asuka' => 'Eva-02' },
Map(3) { 'Shinji' => 'Eva-00', 'Rei' => 'Eva-01', 'Asuka' => 'Eva-02' }
Should return a Map with a key for every pilot:
Map(3) {
'Rei' => Set(2) { 'Eva-00', 'Eva-01' },
'Shinji' => Set(2) { 'Eva-01', 'Eva-00' },
'Asuka' => Set(1) { 'Eva-02' }
- It should be able to run in O(n) time, where n = total number of k-v pairs in all the input maps, and O(n) space
- We want to take the exact same input, but return a map this time as a Map of Eva units to a Set of all the pilots that can synchronize with that Eva. Just Like before, we can use a Set because we don't want duplicate pilots or care about their order.
Map(2) { 'Rei' => 'Eva-00', 'Shinji' => 'Eva-01' },
Map(2) { 'Shinji' => 'Eva-01', 'Asuka' => 'Eva-02' },
Map(3) { 'Shinji' => 'Eva-00', 'Rei' => 'Eva-01', 'Asuka' => 'Eva-02' }
Should return a map with a key for every Eva Unit:
Map(3) {
'Eva-00' => Set(2) { 'Rei', 'Shinji' },
'Eva-01' => Set(2) { 'Shinji', 'Rei' },
'Eva-02' => Set(1) { 'Asuka' }
- It should also run in O(n) time, where n = total number of k-v pairs in all the input maps, and O(n) space