Bump vite from 4.3.8 to 4.3.9 in /frontend
Bump vite from 4.3.8 to 4.3.9 in /frontend
switched to fontawesome completely and added index pages
switched to fontawesome completely and added index pages
splitted options, fixed network bug and fixed secure cookies
splitted options, fixed network bug and fixed secure cookies
updated layout and added settings page
updated layout and added settings page
fixed single class missing which created tons of problems ...
fixed single class missing which created tons of problems ...
working single bypass run and recomile option
working single bypass run and recomile option
updated small stager bugs and started with bypasses
updated small stager bugs and started with bypasses
working stager crud and updated listener edit
working stager crud and updated listener edit
added more actions to the action browser
added more actions to the action browser
device management page (not finished)
device management page (not finished)
working listener edit and user render
working listener edit and user render
lot of stuff added and reordered
lot of stuff added and reordered
working mainframe and half finished dashboard
working mainframe and half finished dashboard