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Feature Requests

The purpose of this document is to provide an alternate to GitHub issues for tracking feature requests. This eliminates noise when viewing issues. Items ending up on this page are not guaranteed to make it into the SDK. Items on this page are not sorted by priority.


Please feel free to submit feature requests and add comments or suggestions on existing feature requests. If you are interested in contributing code, please open a dialog with us first. Ideally we can avoid wasted dev cycles by discussing alternatives up front.

We can be found in our Gitter channel and on the AWS Forum for Ruby.



Add Support for CLI Profile Environment Variable

While the SDKs generally use AWS_PROFILE as the environment variable source of the shared config/credentials profile, the CLI promotes the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE environment variable. Request is to also support that as a secondary source.

See related GitHub issue #1452.

Add Region Detection from EC2 Metadata

We use instance metadata for credentials, feature request is to also use it for region resolution.

See related GitHub issue #1455.

AssumeRole Integration with SharedConfig

Support AssumeRole Integration with SharedConfig.

See related GitHub issue #1504.

Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials allows for MFA support, but does not pull non-token values from SharedConfig in this case. Could be implemented as a new method.

See related GitHub issue #1480.

Add Proxy Option to Instance Profile Credentials

The SDK ignores environment proxies by default for security reasons. Add the ability to configure a proxy or to enable the default proxy from the constructor.

See related GitHub issue #956.

Support Raw credential objects from AWS API responses in config

See related GitHub issue #1009.

Resource Model, Waiters and Paginators

Document resource model outdate issue

  1. :destination_cidr_block is not longer an identifier for Route resource

See related Github issue #1630

Add Interface to Create Custom Waiters

For cases where a particular waiter doesn't exist, this request would provide an interface with which someone could define a waiter in code, rather than having to alter the SDK source JSON files.

See related GitHub issue #1047.

Add NatGateways to the Aws::EC2::Vpc Resource Object

See related GitHub issue #1323.

Add continue_update_rollback to the CloudFormation Stack Resource Object

See related GitHub issue #1550.

Add Use of list_objects_v2 to the S3 Resource Object

See related GitHub issue #1335.

Add Waiters for Aws::ElasticBeanstalk

See related GitHub issue #1259.

Add Waiters for Aws::SSM

See related GitHub issue #1185.

Enhance Aws::AutoScaling::Resource to Surface Tag Values in Collection

Not all Auto Scaling tag resources surface the value, should be doable with existing client calls within the resource.

See related GitHub issue #1145.

Add Pagination Support for Amazon CloudSearch Domain Client

The current spec for pagination is not able to support the response structure of the Aws::CloudSearchDomain::Client#search API, for example. The feature request is to either add a custom CloudSearch Domain pagination plugin, or to enhance pagination in general to support this type of response.

See related GitHub issue #984.

Add Support for Copying Object Versions to Aws::S3::Resource

You can copy Amazon S3 object versions to a new Amazon S3 object using the Aws::S3::Client#copy_from operation. However, there isn't currently a way to do this in the resource interface. This is a feature request to add that support to the Aws::S3::Resource interface.

See related GitHub issue #969.

Add message_group_id to SQS Message Resource Object Definition

See related GitHub issue #1385.

AWS Service

S3 Presign

Cache-Friendly Presigned URLs

Add functionality to the presigner to improve the experience of generating cache friendly presigned URLs. For example:

req = s3.presigned_request(:get_object, bucket:'...', key: '...')
req.uri #=> "https://..."
req.headers #=> { ... } authorization in here

See related GitHub issue #1152.

Add Option to Create Unsigned Requests

Add support to make unsigned calls using the SDK. Can be useful for cases such as anonymously downlading S3 objects that have a public-read ACL.

See related GitHub issue #1149.

Add Header Whitelist for Request Signing

There are many headers that we blacklist from adding to the signed request. For example, the blacklist includes some headers that can be legally modified in transit, increasing the risk of signature errors despite a properly constructed request.

This feature request is to allow users to manually whitelist a header to be signed. In essence, that user would be certifying "I know that this header will not be modified in transit or be otherwise changed, so sign it."

See related GitHub issue #1051.

Add Injectable Timestamp to Presigner

Since the signing logic uses now for the signing time, the Aws::S3::Presigner class will always generate unique URLs, though use cases can exist for wanting consistency across generated URLs. The ask would be to add support for an injectable timestamp into signing via the presigner.

See related GitHub issue #1013.

Consider expose interface from aws-sigv4 gem with :time option.

See related Github issue #1598.

Add accelerate endpoint support to presigned POST requests

The presigned POST utility does not support pre-signing Amazon S3 acclerated bucket endpoints. Explore adding an explicit configuration option to enable this, or determine this by looking at the client configuration.

Add ability to pre-sign a request

To work around limitations of S3 bucket policies, it is necessary to send certain headers as headers and to not hoist them to querystring of a request URI. This would be useful functionality in general.

See related GitHub issue #874.

Port over the ability for extra headers in PresignPost

Port over the feature we have in v1.

See related GitHub issue #1399.

S3 Multipart

Enhance Multipart Downloader Performance

Make Multipart Downloader faster, reduce IO usage and make IO usage configurable etc.

See related GitHub issue #1552.

Add ability to download to an IO object, provide helper to resume download

Provide better streaming download options, imstead of having parts in /tmp directory, make leave it at the specifc directory and leave options for not clean up.

See related GitHub issue #1535.

Allow for in-memroy multipart upload

Currently, Client#put_object doesn't seem to upload an object with multipart, and Object#upload_file does multipart uploading, but it requires the file to be on disk.

See related GitHub issue #1580

API Helper

Add a Way to Extract Queue Name from Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

Currently available from context, but could some easier way to get this be added when exception functionality is enhanced?

See related GitHub issue #1352.

Add StringIO Support for Aws::S3::Object#upload_file

See related GitHub issue #1351.

Add JSON Serialization Helper (Related to SNS Client API)

See related GitHub issue #1299.

Handle S3 #exists? Edge Cases

See related GitHub issue #1267.

Progress callbacks for Amazon S3 Object uploads

To enable users to track file upload process, it would be helpful to support a progress callback for Aws::S3::Object#upload_file.

See related GitHub issue #648.

Aws::MachineLearning Booleans

The #predict operation of Aws::MachineLearning::Client accepts a map of string-to-strings. When a user wishes to provide a boolean value, the API expects the boolean to be "1" or "0". It would be helpful if a plugin were added that converted the boolean values of the record map from true and false to their expected string formats.

See related GitHub issue #878.

Aws::Route53 #list_resource_record_sets domain name octal

If domain name value contains asterisks, the #list_resource_record_sets operation of Aws::Route53::Client returns octal in domain name, which is different from public documentation. SDK could have an optional flag utility for converting this for user.

See related Github issue #1468.

Add a helper for parsing DynamoDB stream events

See related GitHub issue #1212.

Enhance documentation for Dynamodb :simple_attributes at shared examples

See related Github issue #1501.

Add SDK Performance Metrics in Amazon CloudWatch

Similar to the AWS SDK for Java's feature.

This would create a plugin that takes metrics about API call performance and possibly other SDK performance metrics, and would enable automatic uploads to Amazon CloudWatch.

Retry Behavior

Add Randomness to Retry Backoff

Currently, the default retry algorithm uses exactly the same backoff time for every execution. Adding some randomness to this would be accepted as a PR.

See related GitHub issue #1336.

Retry S3 Transfers on BadDigest Error

See related GitHub issue #1264.

Configurable Default Retry Limit for Instance Profile Credentials

The default credential provider chain will check for credentials from the EC2 instance metadata service once before giving up. This is intentional to prevent development environments from hanging for an extended period of time when not running on Amazon EC2.

Defaulting to no retries is problematic for code running on Amazon EC2, especially in a situation where the code is executing early in the boot process and the credentials are not immediately available. This forces developers to create a custom Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials object to configure retires, complicating configuration for development environments.

Adding a retry limit for instance profile credentials might be a possible solution.

See related GitHub issue #717.

Util and Others

Lazy Building of Resource Objects from Raw Responses

There are performance/memory questions around some very large responses (such as an unfiltered request to Aws::EC2::Client#DescribeImages API), especially when they are turned into even larger resource objects in memory. One feature request is to cut down on this memory usage, perhaps by lazily building resource objects, if possible. This feature request has an investigation component.

See related GitHub issue #1379.

Provide an Interface to Interact With Shared Configuration Values

The SDK uses the Shared Credential and Configuration files at various points within the default credential provider chain, and other places. However, there is not currently a way to interact with these raw configuration values. This request is to expose these values in a consistent and usable way.

See related GitHub issue #1256.

Expose Raw Exception Response Bodies

The SDK uses first the exception response __type field, then the ErrorCode field, to determine the exception's code. However, the related issue shows at least one case where the ErrorCode field would be the more descriptive error. We cannot change the exception classing behavior now, but exposing the raw exception response fields could improve the exception handling experience.

See related GitHub issue #1189.

See related GitHub issue #1376.

Customize Request HTTP Verbs

Some services accept multiple HTTP verbs, potentially with differing behavior. This feature request would be to investigate how multiple HTTP verbs could be supported.

See related GitHub issue #1181.

Programmable Stubs

Provide an easy way to create stubbed clients that have programmable behavior.

See related GitHub issue #1120.

Accept AWS CLI Output for Stubbed Responses

There are some format differences between the input/output shapes of the AWS CLI and the AWS SDK for Ruby. Supporting a transformation between these two formats could be useful if using actual AWS CLI output as stubbed output for Ruby tests.

See related GitHub issue #970.