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Sulu news bundle

Minimum PHP Version Minimum Sulu Version GitHub release Quality Gate Status


A Sulu bundle to manage the news of your website.


  • Symfony >= 5.4
  • Composer


  • List view of News (smart content)
  • Without elasticsearch
  • Routing
  • Preview
  • SULU Media include
  • Content Blocks (Title,Editor,Image,Quote)
  • Activity Log
  • Trash
  • Automation
  • SEO


Install the bundle

Execute the following composer command to add the bundle to the dependencies of your project:

composer require pixelopen/sulu-newsbundle

Enable the bundle

Enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

return [
    /* ... */
    Pixel\NewsBundle\NewsBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Update schema

bin/console do:sch:up --force

Bundle Config

Define the Admin Api Route in routes_admin.yaml

  type: rest
  prefix: /admin/api
  resource: pixel_news.news_route_controller
  name_prefix: news.


Add/Edit a news

Go to the "News" section in the administration interface. Then, click on "Add". Fill the fields that are needed for your use.

Here is the list of the fields:

  • Title (mandatory)
  • URL (mandatory and filled automatically according to the title)
  • Published at (manually filled)
  • Cover
  • Category (mandatory)
  • Content

The "Content" field is a block content type. The different type of block come from the Sulu Block Bundle

Once you finished, click on "Save"

Your news is not visible on the website yet. In order to do that, click on "Publish?". It should be now visible for visitors.

To edit a news, simply click on the pencil at the left of the news you wish to edit.


As you may have seen in the previous section, a news needs a category. These categories need to be created in a very specific way:

  • You must create a root category which must have its key named "news"
  • Then, under this root category, you create all the news categories you need

Remove/Restore a gallery

There are two ways to remove a news:

  • Check every news you want to remove and then click on "Delete"
  • Go to the detail of a news (see the "Add/Edit a news" section) and click on "Delete".

In both cases, the news will be put in the trash.

To access the trash, go to the "Settings" and click on "Trash". To restore a news, click on the clock at the left. Confirm the restore. You will be redirected to the detail of the news you restored.

To remove permanently a news, check all the news you want to remove and click on "Delete".


This bundle comes with settings. There is only one setting, it's the configuration of a default image. To access the bundle settings, go to "Settings > News management".

Twig extension

There are several twig functions in order to help you use the news and settings on your website:

get_latest_news(limit, local): returns the latest news. It takes two parameters:

  • limit: represents the number of the latest news to display. If no limit is provided, the default value is 3
  • locale: the locale in which the news should be retrieved. If no local is provided, the default value is 'fr'

Example of use:

<div class="w-full flex flex-row gap-6 justify-between">
    {% set news = get_latest_news(4, app.request.locale) %}
    {% for new in news %}
        <div class="containerAvis bg-white rounded-xl p-6 w-1/4">
            <a href="{{ sulu_content_path(new.routePath) }}" class="no-underline">
                {% if is defined %}
                    {% set cover = sulu_resolve_media(, 'fr') %}
                    <img src="{{ cover.thumbnails["991x"] }}" alt="{{ new.title }}"
                         class="w-full h-40 object-cover object-center bg-black mt-0 mb-4">
                {% endif %}
                <h3 class="block text-center text-base font-bold">{{ new.title }}</h3>
                <p class="block text-center">{{ new.publishedAt|date("d/m/Y") }} {#- {{ new.category }} #}</p>
    {% endfor %}

get_latest_news_html(limit, locale): same as get_latest_news but it renders a view instead. It takes two parameters:

  • limit: represents the number of the latest news to display. If no limit is provided, the default value is 3
  • locale: the locale in which the news should be retrieved. If no local is provided, the default value is 'fr'

Example of use:

    {{ get_latest_news_html(4, app.request.locale) }}

news_settings(): returns the settings of the bundle. No parameters are required.

Example of use:

{% set newsSettings = news_settings() %}
{% if news.cover is not empty %}
    {% set cover = sulu_resolve_media(, 'en' %}
    <img src="{{ cover.thumbnails['991x'] }}" alt="{{ }}">
{% else %}
    {% set default = sulu_resolve_media(, 'en' %}
    <img src="{{ default.thumbnails['991x'] }}" alt="Default news image">
{% endif %} 


You can contribute to this bundle. The only thing you must do is respect the coding standard we implement. You can find them in the ecs.php file.