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153 lines (97 loc) · 4.96 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (97 loc) · 4.96 KB

Project presentation

This python Flask application allows you to import raw data files into a procedure with mapping source file columns to istSOS values.

1. Upload a data file:


2. Map columns:


3. Email import report:

After uploading data into istSOS database, an email will be sent with import report, including eventual errors and data quality values.

About data import

Float conversion

The float representation change between countries:
In UK '123,6' means 1236.0 whereas in France its float representation is 123.6.
The application takes the current server locale to determine how to cast string to float.
You can override this behaviour with the parameter LOCALE.

Null and Nan values

If the values of an observed properties is missing, you must fill it with the "Nan" values.
An empty value "NULL", or any other values not convertible to float will cause an error for all the corresponding eventimes.

Data quality

The data quality is calculated during the data importat folowing this steps :

  • check if a quality constraint exist at observed propery or at procedure level
    • If no quality constraint: set DEFAULT_QI and stop
    • Else
      • check the observed property constraint :
        • if the value match the constraint: set VALID_PROPERTY_QI
        • if not : set INVALID_QI
      • check the procedure (or station) constraint
        • if the value match the constraint: set VALID_STATION_QI
        • if not : set INVALID_QI

The qualities values are configurable is the config file and the default values are :



Download source code

  • With git:

    git clone
  • Or with wget:

    mv istSOS-import-main istSOS-import

Install system requirements:

apt install python3-pip redis libpq-dev

Create a python virtualenv and install dependencies

cd istSOS-import
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Configuration file

Copy and edit the configuration file

cp config.toml.example config.toml
nano config.toml

Install database

Do not do this command if you already have an istSOS-import instance for another service

cd src/istsosimport
flask db upgrade
# add uuid extension
sudo -n -u postgres -s psql -d <DB_NAME> -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";'

The database is install with a 'admin' user which has 'ADMIN' role. If you accidentaly delete this user


IstSOS-import authentication is based on You can create user in database or connect to an external authentication service.

Production deployment

Create a systemd service for the Flask application
sudo cp istsosimport.service /etc/systemd/system
# Replace <APP_DIRECTORY> by the directory where the app is located (/opt/istsos-import for example) and $USER by your current linux user
sudo mkdir /var/log/istsosimport
sudo chown $USER: /var/log/istsosimport/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable istsosimport
sudo systemctl start istsosimport
Create a systemd service for the Celery worker
sudo cp istsosimport-worker.service /etc/systemd/system
# Replace <BASE_DIR> by the directory where the app is located (/opt/istsos-import for example) and $USER by your current linux user
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable istsosimport-worker
sudo systemctl start istsosimport-worker
Make an Apache configuration
sudo cp istsosimport.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2ensite istsosimport.conf
sudo systemctl reload apache2

Run in dev

In order to send mail, Flask has to know the "SERVER_NAME". In dev we use IP but we don't have a domain. Add these line in your /etc/hosts: istsosimport.local

In config.toml, set the URL_APPLICATION like this: URL_APPLICATION = "http://istsosimport.local:<PORT>/" where the port is the port on which Flask runs.

Run Flask app and Celery app in two separate terminals:

flask run
celery -A istsosimport.celery_app worker -l INFO

The application is available at http://istsosimport.local:<PORT>.


The main configuration file is config.toml. By default it contains only mandatory parameters.
Advanced parameters variable can be found in the config.toml.example file.
At any change in the configuration file, run this commands:

sudo systemctl reload istsosimport.service