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Poil edited this page Dec 4, 2013 · 6 revisions


Aggregation plugin is a cool feature that come with Collectd 5.2.

Exemple of a collectd configuration :

LoadPlugin aggregation
<Plugin "aggregation">
   Plugin "cpu"
   Type "cpu"

   GroupBy "Host"
   GroupBy "TypeInstance"

   CalculateNum false
   CalculateSum true
   CalculateAverage true
   CalculateMinimum false
   CalculateMaximum false
   CalculateStddev false

   Plugin "df"
   Type "df_complex"

   GroupBy "Host"
   GroupBy "TypeInstance"

   CalculateNum false
   CalculateSum true
   CalculateAverage true
   CalculateMinimum false
   CalculateMaximum false
   CalculateStddev false


Now we have some rrds :


Configure CGraphz

If you only use an "all match regex" (see Admin/Filters) you don't need to do something.

In other way, you need to add some filters to group your aggregation PluginCategory with his matching Plugin; The best way to do this (I think) is :

  1. Create a new filter
  • Naming (Description) it Plugin_aggr, exemple cpu_aggr
  • Plugin : aggregation
  • PluginInstance : Plugin.*, exemple cpu.*
  • Type : like your plugin, generally \w+
  • TypeInstance : like your plugin, generally .*
  • Displayed order it at the same level as your plugin : default value for cpu is 3
  1. Go to permissions/groups
  • Add this filter to all group you want

And voilà !

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