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'From VisualWorks¨, 9.2 of 7. Januar 2022 on 21. Juni 2022 at 08:39:44'!"This file contains the transformed source for Pharo 6.1 of: Package [Values Testing](,chaider)Created by Bundle {Smalltalk Transform Project}(,chaider)Rules from Package [Pharo Fileout PDFtalk](,chaider)"!"Definitions"!Object subclass: #AboutValuesTesting instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' package: 'Values-Testing'!AboutValuesTesting comment:'Values are simple immutable literal objects.Tests for Values.Includes conformance tests for all leaf classes of Value.'!TestCase subclass: #ValueTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' package: 'Values-Testing'!Value subclass: #Testvalue instanceVariableNames: 'constant optional array dictionary' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' package: 'Values-Testing'!Testvalue comment:'Testvalue is a resource class for testing values'!TestCase subclass: #ColorValueTest instanceVariableNames: 'black white' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' package: 'Values-Testing'!TestCase subclass: #ValuePrinterTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' package: 'Values-Testing'!ValuePrinterTest comment:'Tests for the source strings of Values'!TestCase subclass: #ValuemapTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' package: 'Values-Testing'!ValuemapTest comment:'Tests for the behavior of OrderedDictionary as Dictionary and as Value'!"Methods"!!AboutValuesTesting class methodsFor: 'properties' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!creationRules ^'Package [Pharo Fileout PDFtalk](,chaider)'!creationTime ^'21.06.2022 08:39:44'!creator ^'Bundle {Smalltalk Transform Project}(,chaider)'!developmentPrerequisites ^#(#(#any 'SUnitToo' ''))!prerequisiteDescriptions ^#(#(#name 'SUnitToo' #componentType #package))!prerequisiteParcels ^#(#('SUnitToo' ''))!source ^'Package [Values Testing](,chaider)'!sourceSmalltalk ^'VisualWorks¨, 9.2 of 7. Januar 2022'!sourceStore ^'psql_public_cst_2007'!sourceTime ^'21.06.2022 04:25:37'!targetSmalltalk ^'Pharo 6.1'! !!ValueTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!testIsEmpty self assert: Value new isEmpty; deny: Value new notEmpty!testIsEqualValue self assert: (1 isEqualValue: 1); assert: (1 isEqualValue: 1.0); assert: (ColorValue red isEqualValue: (ColorValue fromBytesRed: 255 green: 0 blue: 0)); assert: ((Dictionary with: #a -> $a with: #b -> $b) isEqualValue: (Dictionary with: #b -> $b with: #a -> $a)); deny: ((Valuemap with: #a -> $a with: #b -> $b) isEqualValue: (Valuemap with: #b -> $b with: #a -> $a))! !!Testvalue methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!array "<Array>" ^array ifNil: [#()]!constant "<Symbol>" ^constant!dictionary "<Dictionary>" ^dictionary ifNil: [Dictionary new beImmutable]!optional "<Symbol>" ^optional ifNil: [#none]! !!Testvalue methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: arrayArray dictionary: dictionaryDictionary constant := constantSymbol. (optionalSymbol notNil and: [ self optional ~= optionalSymbol]) ifTrue: [ optional := optionalSymbol]. (arrayArray notNil and: [ arrayArray notEmpty]) ifTrue: [ array := (Array withAll: arrayArray) beImmutable]. (dictionaryDictionary notNil and: [ dictionaryDictionary notEmpty]) ifTrue: [ dictionary := (Valuemap withAll: dictionaryDictionary) beImmutable]. self beImmutable! !!Testvalue methodsFor: 'marshaling' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!passInstVars "for OpenTalk StSt" ^#(#default #default #default #value)! !!Testvalue methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!printvalueWith: printer | args | args := OrderedCollection new. args add: (printer constant: 'constant' value: self constant). args add: (printer optional: 'optional' value: optional). args add: (printer array: 'array' value: self array). args add: (printer dictionary: 'dictionary' value: self dictionary). ^printer printvalue: self arguments: args! !!Testvalue class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!constant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: arrayArray dictionary: dictionaryDictionary | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: arrayArray dictionary: dictionaryDictionary. ^inst! !!Testvalue class methodsFor: 'instance creation optional' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!constant: constantSymbol | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: nil array: nil dictionary: nil. ^inst!constant: constantSymbol array: arrayArray | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: nil array: arrayArray dictionary: nil. ^inst!constant: constantSymbol array: arrayArray dictionary: dictionaryDictionary | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: nil array: arrayArray dictionary: dictionaryDictionary. ^inst!constant: constantSymbol dictionary: dictionaryDictionary | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: nil array: nil dictionary: dictionaryDictionary. ^inst!constant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: nil dictionary: nil. ^inst!constant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: arrayArray | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: arrayArray dictionary: nil. ^inst!constant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol dictionary: dictionaryDictionary | inst | inst := self new. inst initializeConstant: constantSymbol optional: optionalSymbol array: nil dictionary: dictionaryDictionary. ^inst! !!Testvalue class methodsFor: 'specification' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!localSpecification <constant: #constant class: #Symbol> <optional: #optional class: #Symbol default: '#none'> <sequence: #array> <map: #dictionary>! !!Testvalue class methodsFor: 'test instances' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!example ^Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x 'name') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> 'string')! !!ColorValueTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!setUp super setUp. white := ColorValue white. black := ColorValue black! !!ColorValueTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!testAccessing self assert: ColorValue yellow yellow equals: 1.0; assert: ColorValue cyan cyan equals: 1.0; assert: ColorValue magenta magenta equals: 1.0!testConversionToByteArray self assert: black asByteArray equals: #[0 0 0]; assert: white asByteArray equals: #[255 255 255]!testConversionToColorValue self assert: black asColorValue == black; assert: white asColorValue == white!testConversionToColorValueFromColor self assert: black asColorValue equals: (ColorValue red: 0 green: 0 blue: 0); assert: white asColorValue equals: (ColorValue red: 1 green: 1 blue: 1)!testConversionToGrayValue self assert: black asGrayValue equals: 0.0; assert: white asGrayValue equals: 1.0!testNamedColors self assert: ColorValue namedValueNames size equals: 8; assert: Object namedValueNames size equals: 0!testNamesByValues self assert: ColorValue namesByValues size equals: 8. self assert: ColorValue namesByValues values asArray equals: ColorValue namedValueNames!testRGBIndex self assert: black rgbIndex equals: 0; assert: white rgbIndex equals: 2r111111111111111111111111!testBridgedNamedColors self assert: ColorValue black class equals: ColorValue. ColorValue namedValueNames do: [:selector | self assert: (ColorValue perform: selector) equals: (Color perform: selector) asColorValue]! !!ValuePrinterTest methodsFor: 'Testing' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!testArray self assert: Array new asSource = '#()'. self assert: #(1 2 3 4) asSource = '#(1 2 3 4)'. self assert: #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) asSource = '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)'. self assert: (Array with: 1 with: 2 with: 3 with: 4) asSource = '#(1 2 3 4)'. self assert: (Array with: 1 with: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007) with: ColorValue red) asSource = '(Array with: 1 with: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007) with: ColorValue red)'. self assert: (#(1 2 3 4) , (Array with: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007))) asSource = '((OrderedCollection new: 5) add: 1; add: 2; add: 3; add: 4; add: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007); yourself)'. self assert: (Array with: Testvalue example with: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007) with: ColorValue red) asSource = '(Array with: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name'') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> ''string'')) with: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007) with: ColorValue red)'.!testArraySource self assert: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x 'name') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> 'string')) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name'') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> ''string''))'.!testBoolean self assert: true asSource = 'true'. self assert: false asSource = 'false'.!testColorValue self assert: ColorValue new isEmpty. self assert: ColorValue red asSource = 'ColorValue red'. self assert: (ColorValue fromBytesRed: 255 green: 0 blue: 0) asSource = 'ColorValue red'. self assert: (ColorValue fromBytesRed: 255 green: 0 blue: 10) asSource = '(ColorValue fromBytesRed: 255 green: 0 blue: 10)'!testDate self assert: (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007) asSource = '(Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007)'!testDictionary | dict | self assert: Valuemap new asSource = 'Valuemap new'. dict := Valuemap with: 1 -> 75 with: #b -> $x. self assert: dict asSource = '(Valuemap with: 1 -> 75 with: #b -> $x)'!testDictionarySource self assert: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x 'name') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> 'string')) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name'') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> ''string''))'. self assert: (Testvalue constant: #Haider) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #Haider)'!testDictionaryWithValues | dict | dict := Valuemap with: 1 -> Testvalue example with: Testvalue example -> $x. self assert: dict asSource = '(Valuemap with: 1 -> (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name'') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> ''string'')) with: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name'') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> ''string'')) -> $x)'!testDuration self assert: 5 minutes asSource = '(Duration nanoseconds: 300000000000)'!testLiteralArrays self assert: #(1 2 10 20 100) asSource = '#(1 2 10 20 100)'!testLongDictionary | dict | dict := Valuemap new. dict at: 1 put: 75. dict at: #b put: $x. dict at: 42 put: 'Hello'. dict at: 'abc' put: 32. dict at: 2 put: #(#String). dict at: true put: #hi. self assert: dict asSource = '((Valuemap new: 6) add: 1 -> 75; add: #b -> $x; add: 42 -> ''Hello''; add: ''abc'' -> 32; add: 2 -> #(#String); add: true -> #hi; yourself)'!testNumbers self assert: 42 asSource = '42'. self assert: 429999999939333 asSource = '429999999939333'. self assert: 2.5 asSource = '2.5'. "only VW, not Gemstone self assert: 2.5e7 asSource = '2.5e7'. self assert: 2.5e-7 asSource = '2.5e-7'. self assert: 2.5d137 asSource = '2.5d137'. self assert: 2.5d-137 asSource = '2.5d-137'. self assert: 25s7 asSource = '25.0000000s'. self assert: (2 / 5) asSource = '(2 / 5)'. "!testOptionalConstantSource self assert: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x 'name') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> 'string')) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name'') dictionary: (Valuemap with: 1 -> #symbol with: #key -> ''string''))'. self assert: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x 'name')) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol array: #(1 #a $x ''name''))'. self assert: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol optional: #optionalSymbol)'. self assert: (Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol) asSource = '(Testvalue constant: #constantSymbol)'!testPoint self assert: (1 @ 2) asSource = '1 @ 2'. self assert: (1 @ (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007)) asSource = '1 @ (Date d: 7 m: 7 y: 2007)'!testTime self assert: (Time h: 7 m: 27 s: 13) asSource = '(Time h: 7 m: 27 s: 13)'. self assert: (Time h: 7 m: 27 s: 0) asSource = '(Time h: 7 m: 27)'. self assert: (Time h: 7 m: 27) asSource = '(Time h: 7 m: 27)'. self assert: (Time h: 7 m: 0 s: 0) asSource = '(Time h: 7)'. self assert: (Time h: 7 m: 0) asSource = '(Time h: 7)'. self assert: (Time h: 7) asSource = '(Time h: 7)'. self assert: (Time h: 0) asSource = 'Time zero'. self assert: Time zero asSource = 'Time zero'!testTimestamp self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 27 s: 13) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 27 s: 13)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 27 s: 0) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 27)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 27) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 27)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 0 s: 0) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7 m: 0) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 7)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007 h: 0) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007)'. self assert: (Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007) asSource = '(Timestamp d: 15 m: 7 y: 2007)'! !!ValuemapTest methodsFor: 'Testing' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!testAdding | od od1 | od := Valuemap new. self assert: od isEmpty. od add: #foo -> 'bar'. self assert: od size = 1. self assert: (od atIndex: 1) = (#foo -> 'bar'). self assert: (od at: #foo) = 'bar'. od at: #baz put: 'xxx'. self assert: od size = 2. self assert: (od atIndex: 2) = (#baz -> 'xxx'). self assert: (od at: #baz) = 'xxx'. od1 := Valuemap new. od1 add: #foo -> 'baz'. od1 at: #baz put: 'yyy'. od addAll: od1. self assert: od size = 2. self assert: (od at: #foo) = 'baz'. self assert: (od at: #baz) = 'yyy'.!testAddingWithGrowth "add iteratively elements, so that the dictionary must grow" | letters od od1 | letters := #(#a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j #k #l #m #n #o #p #q #r #s #t #u #v #w #x #y #z). od := Valuemap new. self shouldnt: [letters do: [:symbol | od add: symbol -> symbol asString]] raise: Error. self assert: od keys asArray = #(#a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j #k #l #m #n #o #p #q #r #s #t #u #v #w #x #y #z). od1 := Valuemap new. self shouldnt: [letters do: [:symbol | od1 at: symbol put: symbol asString]] raise: Error. self assert: od1 keys asArray = #(#a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j #k #l #m #n #o #p #q #r #s #t #u #v #w #x #y #z).!testComparing self assert: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar') = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar'). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar') == (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar'). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar') = (Dictionary with: #foo -> 'bar'). self deny: (Dictionary with: #foo -> 'bar') = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar'). self assert: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123) = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123) = (Valuemap with: $a -> 123 with: #foo -> 'bar' ). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123) = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 123 with: $a -> 'bar' ). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123) = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 1234). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123) = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bars' with: $a -> 123). self deny: (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123) = (Valuemap with: #foo -> 'bar' with: $a -> 123 with: '' -> 0).!testDescribeAndReadBackNew | inst | inst := Valuemap new. self assert: inst asDescription = (Object compiler evaluate: inst asSource) asDescription!testEnumeration | od keys | od := Valuemap new. od add: #foo -> 'bar'. od at: #baz put: 'xxx'. od associationsDo: [:assoc | self assert: (assoc isKindOf: Association). self assert: assoc key isSymbol. self assert: assoc value isString]. self assert: od keys asArray = #(#foo #baz). self assert: od values asArray = #('bar' 'xxx'). keys := OrderedCollection new. od keysDo: [:k | keys add: k]. self assert: keys asArray = #(#foo #baz).!testExampleSource self assert: Valuemap example asSource = '((Valuemap new: 17) add: #title -> ''Valuemap class example with examples of all basic values''; add: #boolean -> true; add: #character -> $A; add: #symbol -> #mySymbol; add: #string -> ''with umlauts and euro: §Û''; add: #schlssel -> nil; add: #integer -> 42; add: #number -> 3.14; add: #date -> (Date d: 27 m: 3 y: 2022); add: #time -> (Time h: 12 m: 18); add: #timestamp -> (Timestamp d: 27 m: 3 y: 2022 h: 12 m: 18); add: #duration -> (Duration nanoseconds: 300000000000); add: #color -> (ColorValue fromBytesRed: 127 green: 0 blue: 0); add: #knownColor -> ColorValue red; add: #array -> #(#one ''two'' 3); add: #bytearray -> #[1 2 3]; add: #valuemap -> (Valuemap with: #test -> true with: #two -> 2 with: #none -> nil); yourself)'!testIndexedAccess | od | od := Valuemap new. od add: #foo -> 'bar'. self assert: od size = 1. self assert: (od atIndex: 1) = (#foo -> 'bar'). self should: [od atIndex: 0] raise: SubscriptOutOfBounds. self should: [od atIndex: 2] raise: SubscriptOutOfBounds. self should: [od atIndex: #key] raise: Error. self should: [od atIndex: '1'] raise: Error.!testIndexOf | od | od := Valuemap new. self assert: od isEmpty. self assert: (od indexOf: #foo) isZero. od add: #foo -> 'bar'. self assert: od size = 1. self assert: (od indexOf: #foo) = 1. self assert: (od indexOf: #baz) isZero. od at: #baz put: 'xxx'. self assert: od size = 2. self assert: (od indexOf: #baz) = 2.!testKeyedAccess | od | od := Valuemap new. od add: #foo -> 'bar'. od at: #baz put: 'xxx'. self assert: od size = 2. self assert: (od at: #foo) = 'bar'. self assert: (od at: #baz) = 'xxx'. self should: [od at: #bar] raise: KeyNotFound. self assert: (od at: #bar ifAbsent: [nil]) isNil.!testReadBackAllTestInstances (Valuemap class organization listAtCategoryNamed: (Valuemap class whichCategoryIncludesSelector: #example)) do: [:sel | | inst readInst | inst := Valuemap perform: sel. self shouldnt: [readInst := Object compiler evaluate: inst asSource] raise: Error. self assert: inst asSource = readInst asSource]!testRemoving | od | od := Valuemap new. self assert: od isEmpty. self should: [od removeKey: #foo] raise: KeyNotFound. self shouldnt: [od removeKey: #foo ifAbsent: nil] raise: KeyNotFound. self assert: (od removeKey: #foo ifAbsent: nil) isNil. od add: #foo -> 'bar'. self assert: od size = 1. self assert: od keys asArray = #(#foo). self assert: (od removeKey: #foo) = 'bar'. self assert: od size = 0. self assert: od keys asArray = #(). od add: #foo -> 'bar'. od at: #baz put: 'xxx'. self assert: od size = 2. self assert: od keys asArray = #(#foo #baz). self should: [od removeKey: #zzz] raise: KeyNotFound. self shouldnt: [od removeKey: #zzz ifAbsent: nil] raise: KeyNotFound. self assert: od size = 2. self assert: od keys asArray = #(#foo #baz). self assert: (od removeKey: #foo) = 'bar'. self assert: od size = 1. self assert: od keys asArray = #(#baz)! !!Valuemap class methodsFor: '*Values-Testing-test instances' stamp: 'chaider 21/6/22 04:25'!example "self example" | map | map := Valuemap new. map at: #title put: self class name , ' example with examples of all basic values'. map at: #boolean put: true. map at: #character put: $A. map at: #symbol put: #mySymbol. map at: #string put: 'with umlauts and euro: §Û'. map at: #schlssel put: nil. map at: #integer put: 42. map at: #number put: 3.14. map at: #date put: (Date d: 27 m: 3 y: 2022). map at: #time put: (Time h: 12 m: 18). map at: #timestamp put: (Timestamp d: 27 m: 3 y: 2022 h: 12 m: 18). map at: #duration put: 5 minutes. map at: #color put: (ColorValue fromBytesRed: 127 green: 0 blue: 0). map at: #knownColor put: ColorValue red. map at: #array put: #(#one 'two' 3). map at: #bytearray put: #[1 2 3]. map at: #valuemap put: (Valuemap with: #test -> true with: #two -> 2 with: #none -> nil). ^map! !"Initializations"!