Note that version 0.3 will be the last release that supports Python 2.
- Fixed error in style sheet.
- New legend in 2D image inspector
- Extensive database of color maps and color map picker (CmLib).
- Directories are listed in alphabetical order.
- Image inspector: cross hair and axis ticks are displayed in the middle of the pixels.
- Image inspector: added 'auto down-sample' config option (on by default). This improves performance for large images and reduces aliasing.
- Added rectangle zoom mode in 1D line plot and 2D image plot inspectors (issue #8)
- Zooming can be also done by dragging while holding the right mouse button (issue #8)
- If possible, only informative dimensions (i.e. length > 1) are selected in the collector combo boxes. (issue #9)
- Sliders next to the spinboxes in the collector panel
- Fix: slices are updated in plot title when spinbox values change.
- Fix: when table headers autosize was enabled, restarting argos could be slow for large tables.
- Users can add/remove/configure plugins via the GUI.
- Grouped the Details dock widgets together with repo viewer as they always apply to the selected item.
- Properties tab shows chunking information for HDF5 and NetCDF data.
- Updated style and layout.
- Added --qt-style and --qss command line options. Using Qt Fusion style as default.
- Displays informative message in case the plot remains empty.
- Accepts unix-like patterns on the Windows command line. E.g. 'argos *.h5' opens all files with the h5 extension.
- Persistent settings are stored in json file instead of QSettings.
- Added -c command line option for specifying the general configuration file. Settings profiles are thus obsolete and have been removed.
- Added --log-config command line option for specifying the logging configuration file.
- Collapsing an item in the data tree closes the underlying file or resources.
- Open Exdir files read-only
- Exdir file format plugin. (Thanks to Lui Habl).
- Fix: in PyQt 5.7 the slot decorator wouldn't connect anymore if the class didn't derive from QObject.
- First usable release.
- First release on PyPI.