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OpenSSH utility scripts to fix file permissions

Yanbing edited this page Jun 3, 2017 · 20 revisions

Powershell utility scripts are included starting release v0.0.15.0 to automatically fix the permissions on various keys and configuration files for host and user. Secure protection of various files explains why secure enforcement is needed.


It checks and fixes the below permissions on default host files:

  • user's authorized_keys located at $env:systemdrive\Users\...\.ssh\authorized_keys
  • host keys generated by ssh-keygen.exe -A in the same folder of the script
  • sshd_config in the same folder of the script
# script prompt to confirm you want to update each permission if Quiet is not specified


It checks and fixes the below file permissions on user's default files:

  • user's ssh_config located at ~\.ssh\config
  • user's keys located at ~\.ssh\id_rsa, ~\.ssh\
  • user's keys located at ~\.ssh\id_dsa, ~\.ssh\
# -Quiet suppresses prompting to confirm you want to update each permission
.\FixUserFilePermissions.ps1 -Quiet 

OpenSSHUtils.psm1 module

It checks and fixes permissions on customer specified files.

  • Function Fix-HostSSHDConfigPermissions fixes permission on sshd_config file specified by user
  • Function Fix-HostKeyPermissions fixes permission for host keys specified by user; Note that to keep the host private keys secure, it is recommended to register them with ssh-agent following steps in link, but this function suggests to grant 'NT Service\sshd' Read permission to the host keys. Choose no if they are registered already.
  • Function Fix-UserKeyPermissions fixes the permissions on user's key files specified by user
  • Function Fix-AuthorizedKeyPermissions fixes permissions on the authorized_keys file specified by user
  • Function Fix-UserSSHConfigPermissions fixes permissions on user's ssh config specified by user
Import-Module .\OpenSSHUtils.psm1 -Force
# prompt to confirm you want to confirm you want to update each permission on the file
Fix-HostSSHDConfigPermissions c:\test\sshd_config
# -Quiet suppresses prompting to confirm you want to update each permission on the file
Fix-AuthorizedKeyPermissions -FilePath C:\Users\sshtest_ssouser\.ssh\authorized_keys -Quiet
Fix-HostKeyPermissions -FilePath c:\test\sshtest_hostkey_ecdsa -Quiet
Fix-HostUserPermissions -FilePath c:\test\sshtest_userssokey_ed25519 -Quiet
Fix-UserSSHConfigPermissions -FilePath '~\.ssh\config' -Quiet
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