create React App
configured Tailwind css
routing of app
login form
sign up form
form validation
use ref hook
firebase setup
create sign up user.
implemented sign in user api
created redux store with userslice
implemented sign out
update profile username and user logo
bug fix: sign up user display name and profile picture update
bug fix: if the user is not logged in redirecct /browse to login page and vice verssa
unsubcribe to the onAuthStateChanged callback function
add hardcoded value to the constants file
registered tmdb api & create an app & get acess token
get data from the tmdb now playing movies list api
custom hook for now playing movies
create movieslice
update store with movies data
planning for maincontainer & secondary container
fetch data for trailer video
update store with trailer video
embeded the youtube video anf make it autoplay and mute
tailwind css to make the trailer video look good