32bit Controller - Printrbot Simple Pro
Download the config file and follow the installation instructions. Requires a Raspberry Pi 3 and Octoprint Installation Guide Document
Klipper on G2 Github Issue for more information
The pound sign is used to comment out code Step distance is 1 divided by the microstepping value 1/80 equals 0.0125 80 steps per mm at 16x microstepping Max velocity is around 425 mm/s, however to achieve this speed the bearings must first be run at low speed to warm up. Calibration Calculator
Marlin 2.0 - Prints but some setpper driver timing issues still need to be resolved
ESP3D Gui for the Printrhub Display
Powershell Script for Uploading Gcode locally PrintrBotSelfHost
If you wish to remove or bypass the Printrhub
Power-Enable Pins