- Search over 10,000 food items and get their recipes.
- Add, Delete and Update the ingredients to your shopping list.
- Mark your favorite recipes and access them anytime.
- Adjust the ingredients based on the servings.
- Modules in ES6, imports and exports,named and default
- The concept of application state, a simple way of implementing state
- Advanced DOM manipulation
- How to use ES6 template strings to render entire HTML components
- Rendering an AJAX loading spinner
- How to use .closest method for easier event handling
- How and why to use data-* attributes in HTML 5
- Pagination
- how to read data from the page URL
- how to respond to the haschange event
- how to add the same event listener to multiple events
- Using array methods like map,slice,findIndex and includes
- how and why to use eval()
- Implementing event delegation through '.matches'
- Creating unique IDs using an external package
- Difference between array.slice and array.splice
- use case for array.findIndex() and array.find()
- loacl Storage API