To ensure congruency across GitHub, we enforce using our standard labels across all of our repositories. These labels are generic and can be used for all repositories, public and private.
If an individual repository needs custom labels, we approve on a case-by-case basis.
When adding new repositories to GitHub, you can easily remove the standard labels and add our default. We have a simple shell script that only requires a GitHub Access Token to use. Please reference the script for usage instructions.
- Needs: Tests
- Needs: Follow Up
- Needs: Revision
Please see our Code Review guidelines for a deeper understanding of Status labels.
- Status: In Review
- Status: Reviewed
- Status: Revised
- Status: Review Complete
- Status: Ready To Ship
- Status: Blocked
- Type: Design
- Type: Technical Debt
- Type: Feature
- Type: Bug
- Dependency: Parent
- Dependency: Child
Repository Specific
- Dependency: Gems
- Dependency: Packages
- Type: Database