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👓 daily_study_log

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날짜 내용
2024/07/10 가상돔과 리액트 파이버
Cannot find module './mybutton.module.scss' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307) 해결
2024/07/11 Cannot find module './mybutton.module.scss' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307) 해결
디자인 시스템 101 : 디자인 시스템이란?
2024/07/12 react-infinite-scroll과 useInfiniteQuery로 무한 스크롤 구현하기
2024/07/13 리액트 렌더링은 어떻게 일어나는가?
2024/07/14 👩🏻‍🔧 Parsing error: ESLint was configured to run on <tsconfigRootDir>/xxx using parserOptions.project: /yyy/tsconfig.lint.json However, that TSConfig does not include this file
2024/07/15 [spotify-api] VINYLIFY : 스포티파이 api활용한 검색 + 재생 프로젝트(n+1) vercel 배포 vite.config.ts 적용 안되는 문제 + vite배포시 404 문제
2024/07/16 ReferenceError: __dirname is not defined in ES module scope
[turborepo 설정] storybook Chromatic CLI 으로 배포하는 법
2024/07/17 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Intro
Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Array
2024/07/18 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Lists
2024/07/19 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : stack
[🪲debug]react-hydration-error: Hydration failed because the server rendered didn't match the client
2024/07/20 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Queues
2024/07/21 sass 주석 달기
Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Linked Lists
2024/07/22 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Dictionary
2024/07/23 [🪲 debug ]Warning: React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined.
Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Hashing
2024/07/24 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Sets
다크 모드 구현 (feat. 유저/os 제어권 넘기기)
2024/07/25 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees
2024/07/26 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Graphs and Graph Algorithms
2024/07/27 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Sorting Algorithms (basic)
2024/07/28 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Sorting Algorithms(advanced)
2024/07/29 Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Searching Algorithms
2024/07/30 CI/CD : github action no triggered when pushing to branch
Data Structures & Algorithms with Javascript : Advanced Algorithms
2024/07/31 [🪲 debug][jest + rtl + monorepo + next + ts]SyntaxError : Unexpected token '<' (ft. "jsx": "react-jsx")
2024/08/01 토스ㅣSLASH 23 - 누구나 쓸 수 있는 접근성 높은 토스 만들기
2024/08/02 [🪲 debug][Jest + RTL (next/link)] TypeError: Cannot read properites of null (reading 'useContext') ft. jest.mock
2024/08/05 ⚛️ 리액트 패턴 : Compound Components
2024/08/06 ⚛️ 리액트 패턴 : Compound Components
2024/08/07 [💻 컴퓨터 용어 ] "Opinionated"란?
2024/08/08 eslint + prettier + commitlint 설정 (+husky)
2024/08/09 react-router 설정
2024/08/10 tanstack query 설정
2024/08/11 Nextjs Image : The request resource XX has type "image/svg+xml" but dangerouslyAllowSVG is disabled
2024/08/15 Sentry 설정
2024/08/16 토스ㅣ Transpiler, "사용"말고 "활용"하기, (ft. 이벤트 위임)
⚛️ 리액트 : Synthetic Event (v.17 비포&애프터)