only provides Python APIs for compiling/inferring deep learning models on x86_64 and amd64 platforms. nncase-v2
will no longer support compilation and inference for k210 and k510, use nncase-v1
instead if needed.
The nncase toolchain compiler section includes the nncase and KPU plugin wheel packages
nncase and KPU plugin wheel packages are released at nncase github release
nncase-v2 depends on dotnet-7.0.
User can use
to install nncase and KPU plugin wheel packages underlinux
platform directly, andapt
to installdotnet
under Ubuntu environment.pip install --upgrade pip pip install nncase pip install nncase-kpu # nncase-2.x need dotnet-7 sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-7.0
platform support nncase online installation, nncase-kpu need to manually download in nncase github release and install.
Users without an Ubuntu environment can use the nncase docker (Ubuntu 20.04 + Python 3.8 + dotnet-7.0).
$ cd /path/to/nncase_sdk
$ docker pull ghcr.io/kendryte/k230_sdk
$ docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/mnt -w /mnt ghcr.io/kendryte/k230_sdk /bin/bash -c "/bin/bash"
root@469e6a4a9e71:/mnt# python3
Python 3.8.10 (default, May 26 2023, 14:05:08)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import _nncase
>>> print(_nncase.__version__)
Model compilation, inference for k230 can be found in the Jupyter script User_guide, this script contains single and multiple input examples.
If you run the Jupyter script in Docker, you can refer to the command and then open it in your browser.
docker run -it --rm --privileged=true -p 8889:8889 --name Kendryte -v `pwd`:/mnt -w /mnt ghcr.io/kendryte/k230_sdk /bin/bash -c "/bin/bash
pip install jupyterlab
jupyter-lab --ip --allow-root
You need to modify the following to suit your needs before executing the script:
Information about
function.See CompileOptions for details of
.See PTQTensorOptions for details of
. -
In the
compile kmodel single input (multiple inputs)
to specify the model path and the file generation path during compilation.Modify the implementation of
, see comments for data format. -
In the
run kmodel(simulate)
section, modify the implementation ofinput_data
, see comments for data format.
At the end of inference, kmodel
, output result
and files during compilation are generated under the dump_path
Refer to K230_docs.
CompileOptions is used to configure the nncase compile options
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
target | string | Y | Specify the compile target, such as 'cpu', 'k230' |
dump_ir | bool | N | Specify whether dump IR, False by default. |
dump_asm | bool | N | Specify whether dump asm file, False by default. |
dump_dir | string | N | Specify dump directory |
input_file | string | N | Specify .onnx_data file path when the size of onnx model lager than 2GB. |
preprocess | bool | N | Specify whether to enable pre-processing, False by default. The following parameters will work when preprocess is True |
input_type | string | N | Specify the input data type when turning on preprocessing, defaults to float . When preprocess is True, it must be specified as "uint8" or "float32". |
input_shape | list[int] | N | Specify the shape of the input data when turning on preprocessing, [] by default. It must be specified When preprocess is True |
input_range | list[float] | N | Specify the range of floating-point numbers after inverse quantization of the input data when pre-processing is turned on, [] by default. |
input_layout | string | N | Specify the layout of the input data, "" by default. |
swapRB | bool | N | Specify whether swap the channel of "R,B", False by default. |
mean | list[float] | N | Normalize mean value for preprocess, [0, 0, 0] by default |
std | list[float] | N | Normalize std value for preprocess, [1, 1, 1] by default |
letterbox_value | float | N | Specify the pad value of letterbox during preprocess, 0 by default. |
output_layout | string | N | Specify the layout of the output data, "" by default. |
At present, there is no support for custom pre-processing order. You can choose the required pre-processing parameters to configure according to the following flow diagram.
graph TD;
NewInput("NewInput\n(shape = input_shape\ndtype = input_type)") -->a(input_layout != ' ')-.Y.->Transpose1["transpose"] -.->b("SwapRB == True")-.Y.->SwapRB["SwapRB"]-.->c("input_type != float32")-.Y.->Dequantize["Dequantize"]-.->d("input_HW != model_HW")-.Y.->LetterBox["LetterBox"] -.->e("std not empty\nmean not empty")-.Y.->Normalization["Normalization"]-.->OldInput-->Model_body-->OldOutput-->f("output_layout != ' '")-.Y.->Transpose2["Transpose"]-.-> NewOutput;
a--N-->b--N-->c--N-->d--N-->e--N-->OldInput; f--N-->NewOutput;
subgraph origin_model
OldInput; Model_body ; OldOutput;
Parameter explanations:
is the range of input data after be dequantized to "float32" wheninput_type
is "uint8".a. When input type is "uint8",range is "[0,255]",
is "[0,255]", the Dequantize_op only convert the type of input data to "float32".mean
are still specificed according to data with range "[0,255]".b. When input type is "uint8",range is "[0,255]",
is [0,1],the input data will be dequantized to "float32" with range "[0,1]",mean
need to specify according to data with range "[0,1]".graph TD; NewInput_uint8("NewInput_uint8 \n[input_type:uint8]") --input_range:0,255 -->dequantize_0["Dequantize"]--float range:0,255--> OldInput_float32 NewInput_uint81("NewInput_uint8 \n[input_type:uint8]") --input_range:0,1 -->dequantize_1["Dequantize"]--float range:0,1--> OldInput_float32
is the shape of input data,input_layout
is the layout of input data,Both strings ("NHWC"
) and indexes are now supported asinput_layout
, and non-4D data handling is supported.When
is configured in the form of a string, it indicates the layout of the input data; wheninput_layout
is configured in the form of an index, it indicates that the input data will be transposed in accordance with the currently configuredinput_layout
is theperm
parameter ofTranspose
graph TD;
subgraph B
NewInput1("NewInput: 1,4,10") --"input_layout:"0,2,1""-->Transpose2("Transpose perm: 0,2,1") --> OldInput2("OldInput: 1,10,4");
subgraph A
NewInput --"input_layout:"NHWC""--> Transpose0("Transpose: NHWC2NCHW") --> OldInput;
NewInput("NewInput: 1,224,224,3 (NHWC)") --"input_layout:"0,3,1,2""--> Transpose1("Transpose perm: 0,3,1,2") --> OldInput("OldInput: 1,3,224,224 (NCHW)");
`output_layout` is similar to `input_layout`
graph TD;
subgraph B
OldOutput1("OldOutput: 1,10,4,5,2") --"output_layout: "0,2,3,1,4""--> Transpose5("Transpose perm: 0,2,3,1,4") --> NewOutput1("NewOutput: 1,4,5,10,2");
subgraph A
OldOutput --"output_layout: "NHWC""--> Transpose3("Transpose: NCHW2NHWC") --> NewOutput("NewOutput\nNHWC");
OldOutput("OldOutput: (NCHW)") --"output_layout: "0,2,3,1""--> Transpose4("Transpose perm: 0,2,3,1") --> NewOutput("NewOutput\nNHWC");
Refer toDynamic shape args description
compile_options = nncase.CompileOptions()
compile_options.target = "cpu" #"k230"
compile_options.dump_ir = True # if False, will not dump the compile-time result.
compile_options.dump_asm = True
compile_options.dump_dir = "dump_path"
compile_options.input_file = ""
# preprocess args
compile_options.preprocess = False
if compile_options.preprocess:
compile_options.input_type = "uint8" # "uint8" "float32"
compile_options.input_shape = [1,224,320,3]
compile_options.input_range = [0,1]
compile_options.input_layout = "NHWC" # "NHWC"
compile_options.swapRB = False
compile_options.mean = [0,0,0]
compile_options.std = [1,1,1]
compile_options.letterbox_value = 0
compile_options.output_layout = "NHWC" # "NHWC"
The details of all attributes are following.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
output_arrays | string | N | output array name |
# import_options
import_options = nncase.ImportOptions()
import_options.output_arrays = 'output' # Your output node name
PTQTensorOptions is used to configure PTQ options. The details of all attributes are following.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
calibrate_method | string | N | Specify calibrate method, 'NoClip' by default. 'Kld' is optional. Must be configured when use quantification. |
samples_count | int | N | The number of calibration data sets. Must be configured when use quantification. |
finetune_weights_method | string | N | Finetune weights method,'NoFineTuneWeights' by default. 'UseSquant' is optional. |
quant_type | string | N | Type of data quantification,'uint8' by default. 'int8','int16' are optional. |
w_quant_type | string | N | Type of weights quantification,'uint8' by default. 'int8','int16' are optional. |
dump_quant_error | bool | N | Specify whether dump quantification error, False by default. The parameters following worked when dump_ir=True . |
dump_quant_error_symmetric_for_signed | bool | N | Specify whether dump quantification error by symmetric for signed number,True by default. |
quant_scheme | string | N | specify the path of quantification scheme file,"" by default. |
quant_scheme_strict_mode | bool | N | Specify whether strictly follow quant_scheme for quantification, False by default. |
export_quant_scheme | bool | N | Specify whether export quantification scheme, False by default. |
export_weight_range_by_channel | bool | N | Specify whether export weights range by channel, False by default. |
Detailed information about quantitative profiles can be found at Mix Quant
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
calib_data | byte[] | Y | The data for calibrating. |
# If model has multiple inputs, calib_data format is "[[x1, x2,...], [y1, y2,...], ...]"
# e.g. Model has three inputs (x, y, z), the calib_data is '[[x1, x2, x3],[y1, y2, y3],[z1, z2, z3]]'
calib_data = [[np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32), np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32)]]
# ptq_options
ptq_options = nncase.PTQTensorOptions()
ptq_options.samples_count = len(calib_data[0])
Compiler is used to compile models.
compiler = nncase.Compiler(compile_options)
Import tflite model.
import_tflite(model_content, import_options)
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
model_content | byte[] | Y | The content of model. |
import_options | ImportOptions | Y | Import options |
model_content = read_model_file(model)
compiler.import_tflite(model_content, import_options)
Import onnx model.
import_onnx(model_content, import_options)
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
model_content | byte[] | Y | The content of model. |
import_options | ImportOptions | Y | Import options |
model_content = read_model_file(model)
compiler.import_onnx(model_content, import_options)
Enable PTQ.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
ptq_options | PTQTensorOptions | Y | PTQ options. |
Compile model.
Generate byte code for model.
kmodel = compiler.gencode_tobytes()
with open(os.path.join(infer_dir, 'test.kmodel'), 'wb') as f:
Nncase provides inference APIs to inference kmodel. You can make use of it to check the result with runtime for deep learning frameworks.
MemoryRange is used to describe the range to memory.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
location | int | N | Specify the location of memory. 0 means input, 1 means output, 2 means rdata, 3 means data, 4 means shared_data. |
dtype | python data type | N | data type |
start | int | N | The start of memory |
size | int | N | The size of memory |
mr = nncase.MemoryRange()
RuntimeTensor is used to describe the runtime tensor. The details of all attributes are following.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
dtype | int | N | The data type of tensor |
shape | list | N | The shape of tensor |
Construct RuntimeTensor from numpy.ndarray
from_numpy(py::array arr)
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
arr | numpy.ndarray | Y | numpy.ndarray |
tensor = nncase.RuntimeTensor.from_numpy(self.inputs[i]['data'])
Copy RuntimeTensor
copy_to(RuntimeTensor to)
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
to | RuntimeTensor | Y | RuntimeTensor |
Convert RuntimeTensor to numpy.ndarray.
arr = sim.get_output_tensor(i).to_numpy()
Simulator is used to inference kmodel on PC. The details of all attributes are following.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
inputs_size | int | N | The number of inputs. |
outputs_size | int | N | The number of outputs. |
sim = nncase.Simulator()
Load kmodel.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
model_content | byte[] | Y | kmodel byte stream |
Get description for input.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
index | int | Y | The index for input. |
input_desc_0 = sim.get_input_desc(0)
Get description for output.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
index | int | Y | The index for output. |
output_desc_0 = sim.get_output_desc(0)
Get the input runtime tensor with specified index.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
index | int | Y | The index for input tensor. |
input_tensor_0 = sim.get_input_tensor(0)
Set the input runtime tensor with specified index.
set_input_tensor(index, tensor)
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
index | int | Y | The index for input tensor. |
tensor | RuntimeTensor | Y | RuntimeTensor |
sim.set_input_tensor(0, nncase.RuntimeTensor.from_numpy(self.inputs[0]['data']))
Get the output runtime tensor with specified index.
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
index | int | Y | The index for output tensor. |
output_arr_0 = sim.get_output_tensor(0).to_numpy()
Set the RuntimeTensor with specified index.
set_output_tensor(index, tensor)
Attribute | Data Type | Required | Description |
index | int | Y | The index for output tensor. |
tensor | RuntimeTensor | Y | RuntimeTensor |
sim.set_output_tensor(0, tensor)
Run kmodel for inferencing.