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Ajitesh Panda edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 8 revisions

FastAPI Backend


The Backend API is designed and developed for the purpose of uploading new user-jounals and returning list of user journal for a perticular email and unique url

The database is designed such that for every uniqe email, we will have a 36 character long unique url. For sharing their journals and for knowing about their previous emotions a doctor or therapist can use this url.

Follow the instructions given here for running the backend locally


Endpoint Method Description
/api/add_node POST This endpoint will take input as email, journal text and the time at which the user added the journal and create a new row in the databse
api/get_node/{email} GET For an email this endpoint will return the list of jorunals from the database
api/get_note_from_url/{url} GET For a given url this endpoint will return the list of journals of a perticular user to which this url belongs to
Deployed Version

View the Deployed version here