Releases: QROkes/webinoly
Releases · QROkes/webinoly
Webinoly v1.8.2
Some minor fixes and improvements.
- [Improvement] Now add-to-wildcard, tools-site and default-site ask for data if not entered.
- [Improvement] Now we ask if you want to install a package (if not installed) instead of just displaying an error.
- [Improvement] Unattended sites creation now exits instead of asking for data.
- [Improvement] New internal functions and code refactored.
- [Improvement] Delete-All sites now ask before proceed.
- [Improvement] Better exit codes in case of an error.
- [Improvement] Removed support for legacy stats API.
- [Fixed] Orphan files are now removed after purge-server-all.
- [Fixed] Source folder failing after reinstalling.
Webinoly v1.8.1
Some minor fixes and improvements.
- [Improvement] A lot of code refactored and improved.
- [Improvement] Nginx reloading is better handled, just when needed.
- [Improvement] Now we don't remove any packages after uninstall App.
- [Improvement] Better exit codes.
- [Improvement] Better stats for API.
- [Improvement] Verify process improved.
- [Improvement] System sites now can not be removed.
- [Improvement] New message for people creating sites with WWW subdomain.
- [Fixed] Log Error-Only not working because Nginx was not restarted.
- [Fixed] Error in some (rare) cases when creating a site an MySQL not installed.
Webinoly v1.8.0
A lot awesome new features:
- [New] SMTP support with Postfix.
- [New] Support for custom (bring your own) SSL certs.
- [New] Command to add a single site to an existing wildcard SSL cert.
- [New] Command to renew and force-renewal SSL certs.
- [New] Command to change MySQL root/admin password.
- [New] Site List now have a RAW option to remove format and filter site list, now we include sites that are disabled.
- [New] List option for httpauth-whitelist and blockip, also support RAW.
- [New] RAW support for dbpass and httpauth user list.
- [New] Support for revoke option in SSL commands.
- [Improvement] PHP 5.6 and 7.0 support deprecated.
- [Improvement] Internal-API extended to all commands.
- [Improvement] Site delete and delete-all now have support to revoke SSL certs.
- [Improvement] Now ssl=off works even if site not exist, when an orphan-cert is found.
- [Improvement] Verify command now include orphan ssl certs detection.
- [Improvement] MySQL auto-generated password changed from 8 to 16 chars.
- [Improvement] When create a WP site in unattended mode now have support for auto-generate a random password.
- [Improvement] Delete-all sites option now have support to keep-db or to introduce an external-db password/user in command line to skip questions (unattended).
- [Improvement] By default now WP create site without asking for data.
- [Fixed] Verify command give error for Tools-Port when PHP is not installed.
- [Fixed] Verify command give error when default-site is set to blackhole or default.
- [Fixed] Info command showing wrong RAM and Swap.
Webinoly v1.7.4
Some fixes and improvements.
- [Improvement] PHP stack installation now check and only accept valid parameters.
- [Improvement] Now we check for valid IP in blockip and whitelist commands to prevent Nginx errors.
- [Improvement] Now we check if IP already exists in blockip and whitelist commands to prevent duplicate values.
- [Improvement] Verify command now check for default/tools site and latest versions of the main packages.
- [Improvement] Timezone DB for external-sources data is now using the official PHP database.
- [Fixed] WordPress creation site failing with ask-for-data option.
- [Fixed] Error when trying to reassign a deleted default-site.
- [Fixed] Conflict with force-redirect and default site.
- [Fixed] Ignore-SSL command not working.
Webinoly v1.7.3
A lot of minor improvements.
- [Improvement] A lot of minor code improvements and fixes to prevent errors and improve the user experience.
- [Improvement] External lists updated.
- [Fixed] Check connection when proxy site is created failing with default data.
- [Fixed] Some stats not working as expected.
- [Fixed] Error after uninstall.
Webinoly v1.7.2
Massive code refactoring.
- [Improved] PHP V7.3 is now default.
- [Improved] A lot code refactored and improved.
- [Improved] Internal stats improved and API now install latest in case of custom version not found.
- [Improved] Now we prevent compulsive re-installation, check version before re-install.
- [Improved] Ensure most commands have a correct exit code.
- [Improved] Server-Update command removed.
- [Fixed] MariaDB warning when about i336 not supported during update process.
- [Fixed] Only-Error Log not allowed for Tools-Port and Default Nginx sites.
- [Fixed] HttpAuth not working in some cases in wp-admin folder after re-enable.
- [Fixed] WP and DB creation not working with external providers like AWS RDS.
- [Fixed] SSL root and root-path option not working with the old syntax.
Webinoly v1.7.1
Some minor fixes and improvements.
- [Fixed] Error 404 in some cases when WP cache disabled.
- [Fixed] SWAP not working after reboot in some specific cloud providers.
- [Fixed] Redis not starting after reboot in some specific cloud providers.
- [Fixed] Default-site command failing in some cases where default nginx conf file was removed.
- [Fixed] SSL command not working with old syntax and root-path.
- [Improvement] Now we use our own API for better stats.
Webinoly v1.7.0
New features and improvements.
- [New] Nginx default site option.
- [New] Whitelist IP for Http Authentication.
- [New] Now we can assign an specific existing site/domain (SSL supported) to access tools like phpMyAdmin.
- [New] Support for new dynamic variables, log-tail and php memory limit.
- [Improvement] Update command now check for new version available.
- [Improvement] Option to purge MariaDB and keep databases after reinstall.
- [Improvement] If log only-error global is enabled, will be enabled per-site too when create a new site.
- [Improvement] Now we can set some values before building the stack, wp-admin httpauth, yoast-sitemap support, fastcgi values and only-error log.
- [Improvement] Now we use our standard syntax for wp-admin, ssl, cache and login-www-data.
- [Improvement] PHP, Nginx and Ubuntu configuration improved.
- [Improvement] phpMyAdmin security improved.
- [Improvement] MariaDB upgraded to v10.3.
Webinoly v1.6.2
Improvements and fixes.
- [Improvement] Now we check for sudo/root privileges before installation.
- [Improvement] Sites list now includes parked and reverse-proxy sites.
- [Improvement] Messages and colors improved.
- [Improvement] Domain name check improved.
- [Fixed] Case insensitive arguments removed feature. Issues with timezone, httpauth and config-cache.
- [Fixed] Sites delete-all infinite-loop when DB password was wrong for localhost.
Webinoly v1.6.1
Improvements and fixes:
- [Improvement] PHP v7.3 Support.
- [Improvement] Verify command now check for services running, DB Connection and Nginx conf.
- [Improvement] Arguments in Webinoly commands are now case insensitive.
- [Improvement] SSL now display a message when cert is already found and won't be created.
- [Improvement] Webinoly version command should not show empty values.
- [Improvement] Server-Update command now check if source file exist to prevent an error.
- [Improvement] Delete All sites command now check if mysql is installed before delete a DB to prevent an error.
- [Improvement] List sites now remove tools-port and default sites for better visualization.
- [Improvement] Wget better handling timeouts.
- [Fixed] Packages deprecated in Ubuntu Bionic.
- [Fixed] Error in some cases where arguments were inverted and argument values not read in site command.
- [Fixed] Clear Cache (Opcode) not working when tools-port different from 22222 is used.
- [Fixed] Clear Cache command not working when redis or memcached are not found.
- [Fixed] Purge Server All command not removing Lets Encrypt cronjobs.
- [Fixed] Site command showing empty values in some error messages.
- [Fixed] Wrong owner/permission in WP cache plugins.
- [Fixed] Parked sites adding wrong custom-nginx file path.