A typical setting is as follows:
################################################################################ # CREST Forcing Control File # Version = 3.0 ############################################################################### # forcing options ############################################################################### forceImport = No TAIRType = MEAN #MINMAX MinTRain = 0 MaxTSnow = 0 HumidityType = RH #SH WindType = UV #Total ref_Height = 10 #(m) wind speed reference height FileDateFormat = yyyymmdd # this is a daily file forcPathLoc = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/Temp/Temp_forcing/" Interpolation = 2 #1=NearestNeighbour, 2=BilinearInterpolation ############################################################################### ## total precipitation (mm/timeMark) ############################################################################### PrecFormat = .tif PrecDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS PrecDateConv = End PrecDateInterval= ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 PrecPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" PrecBand = 11 Prec_LT = 1 #kg/m^2/s=mm/hour. Prec_ULim = 1e5 # physical upper limit Prec_LLim = 0 # physical lower lmit PrecPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/prec/prec." ############################################################################### ## shortwave radiation (W/m^2) ############################################################################### SWFormat = .tif SWDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS SWDateConv = End SWDateInterval = ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 SWPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" SWBand = 12 SW_LT = 1 SW_ULim = 1e10 # physical upper limit SW_LLim = 0 # physical lower limit SWPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/SW/sw." ############################################################################### ## longwave radiation (W/m^2) ############################################################################### LWFormat = .tif LWDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS LWDateConv = End LWDateInterval = ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 LWPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" LWBand = 13 LW_LT = 1 LW_ULim = 1e10 # physical upper limit LW_LLim = 0 # physical lower limit LWPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/LW/lw." ############################################################################### ## Air Temperature (C) ############################################################################### TAIRFormat = .tif TAIRDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS TAIRDateConv = End TAIRDateInterval= ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 TAIRPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" TAIRBand = 15 TAIR_LT = 1 TAIR_ULim = 100 # physical upper limit TAIR_LLim = -273.15 # physical lower limit TAIRPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/TAIR/TAIR." ############################################################################### ## Humidity SH(kg/kg), RH(%) ############################################################################### HUFormat = .tif HUDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS HUDateConv = End HUDateInterval = ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 HUPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" HUBand = 14 HU_LT = 1 HU_ULim = 1 # physical upper limit HU_LLim = 0 # physical lower limit HUPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/HU/HU." ############################################################################### ## Pressure (Pa) ############################################################################### PRESFormat = .tif PRESDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS PRESDateConv = End PRESDateInterval= ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 PRESPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" PRESBand = 7 PRES_LT = 1 PRES_ULim = 2e6 # physical upper limit PRES_LLim = 0 # physical lower lmit PRESPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/PRES/PRES." ############################################################################### ## Wind (m/s) ############################################################################### WIND_UFormat = .tif WIND_UDateFormat= ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS WIND_UDateConv = End WIND_UDateInterval= ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 WIND_UPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" WIND_UBand = 1 WIND_U_LT = 1 WIND_U_ULim = 200 # physical upper limit WIND_U_LLim = -200 # physical lower limit WIND_UPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/Wind_U/wind_u." ############################################################################### WIND_VFormat = .tif WIND_VDateFormat= ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS WIND_VDateConv = End WIND_VDateInterval= ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 WIND_VPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" WIND_VBand = 2 WIND_V_LT = 1 WIND_V_ULim = 200 # physical upper limit WIND_V_LLim = -200 # physical lower limit WIND_VPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/Wind_V/wind_v." ############################################################################### LAIFormat = .tif LAIDateFormat = ERA5_yyyy-mm-dd_HHMMSS LAIDateConv = End LAIDateInterval = ERA5_0000-00-00_010000 LAIPathExt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/ERA5_forcing/" LAIBand = 16 LAI_LT = 1 LAI_ULim = 20 # physical upper limit LAI_LLim = 0 # physical lower limit LAIPathInt = "/g/model/hydro/demo/CREST/demo_project/forcing/LAI/lai."
- *DateConv
Date convention, specify the time range representation for each forcing variable. In the case of ERA5, it should be End.
- *DateFormat
Format of the main string body of the specify forcing file, should correspond to the DateInterval.
- *DateInterval
The instance of one time step correspond to DateFormat, also should consist with timestep setting in the .project file.
- *Format
Ext of the input forcing file. Use the final Ext if multiple '.' contains in the file name.
- *PathExt
Path to the specify forcing variable files, including any prefix strings before the patter of LAIDateInterval.
- *Band
Band number of the anticipated forcing variable, from the file.
- *_LT
Multiplier, use when unit adjustment is needed.
- *_ULim, *LLim
Upper limit and lower limit of the vairable values, in case of outlier.
- *PathInt
Path and prefix strings to store the imported forcing variable, default format is .mat.